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ECETI News 85: Reviving a Fractured World - A Cosmic Message for Earth's Leaders
Written by James Gilliland

Resurrecting A Broken Civilization, A Message From Beyond the Veils.
A must read for all in positions of leadership. Red pill
All right I am sure I will get into deeper shit than I am already in for this show but here goes.
In deep meditation I was communicating with Ascended Masters and the Beautiful Many servants of the Absolute. God/Creator/Great Spirit, it goes by many names in many cultures. This communication includes many Spiritually and Technologically Advanced civilizations. Before I continue, I want to tell you a little about myself; my least favorite topic and offer this in humility only for understanding of where I am coming from. At the age of 5, I was dying of bronchial pneumonia. A beautiful woman appeared to me several times and brought me back from death's door. I found out later it was Mother Mary who, by the way, is not Catholic. She is a Universal Being here for all children. Masters, Saints and Sages are not owned by religions, churches, or cultures. Was Jesus catholic? Was Buddha a Buddhist? No, religions came later the Masters practiced and taught Universal Law. All the masters are unified, here for everyone working arm in arm in the heavens, What some call the 5th, 6th, 7th all the way up to the 13th dimension. That was as far as I could go. It is probably infinite. I had another NDE, near death experience at the age of 25 where I was caught by 27 ft tall sneaker waves in the ocean. It was a drowning where I went through the tunnel to the golden white light known as the plane of bliss. After recovering I studied for over 48 years with Elders of all nations, various methods of prayer and meditation, process-oriented therapies, transcended all cultural and religious boundaries communicating directly with the absolute and the beautiful many that are in service to the Creator within all Creation. We live in a unified field of consciousness and energy, a vibrational continuum limited only by our perceptions of self. If you believe you are a body and a personality that is all you have access to. In truth you are a multidimensional being in more expanded states of awareness all the way back to the source.
With these communications with higher realms came solutions to the pain, suffering and ills of humanity. I am very grounded as well realizing Humanity and the Earth need grounded solutions.
First and foremost, we need to implement Universal Law. Toss out all previous laws that conflict with Universal Law. It is through complicated laws, rules and regulations the corrupt and evil thrive, stay hidden, and prosper at the expense of Humanity and the Earth.
Universal Law is, Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All. Yoshua Bin Joseph, known as Jesus, said, “On these two laws, lie all the laws and the prophets. Love God with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself. The solutions have always been simple. In the Cherokee tradition it is said, “If it isn’t good for everyone it isn’t good.”
Applying Universal law individually and collectively will solve all the ills of our present civilization. Going against Universal Law has created all the wars, plagues, poverty, gross uneven dispersal of wealth etc. We live in an abundant Universe, nature provides in abundance, there are natural laws like action/reaction what some call Karma that keep things in check, a little slower than I would like yet it seems patience is an attribute of the heavenly realms. Those who act against Universal Law will see the reaction to their actions accelerated and amplified in the days to come. Everything will be revealed. The pain, suffering and loss bestowed on others will come back to the bestower. We are living through the last Waltz of the Tyrants. Because the tyrants and enslavers with their manufactured lack have gone against Universal Law and their gain was ill-gotten they will lose everything. They are not frequency specific to Humanity and the Earth’s ascension process which is well underway. We are moving through a highly energized place in space, the Sun is reacting to this with solar flares and CMEs, coronal mass ejections like never before. The Earth is buzzing, humming, lighting up, the Schumann Resonance is off the scale so is Aurora Borealis. There are also other incoming energies orchestrated by the source itself. With the light comes consciousness, all of this is the result of incoming higher consciousness moving down through the vibrational continuum.
Higher civilizations operating under Universal Law are also part of this process, they are adding their consciousness and energy to the collective consciousness of Earth, exponentially appearing in your heavens. These are not to be confused with Satanic/Luciferian, demonic, degenerate ETs referred to as the Orion Alliance mainly composed of negative reptilians and greys. They and their human puppets are being removed. The return of these advanced off-worlders is also not to be confused with drones, false images, blue beam holograms and other misuses of technology released on the ignorant masses.
Paradise, Lahaina, LA Fires, other disasters, hurricane enhancement and steering, creating massive floods, high winds including devastating fires are the result of an abuse of power and misuse of technology by the fallen elite and dark forces. It is part of their population reduction programs clearing the way for smart cities for the enslaved worker bees with total control of every aspect of their lives.
There are questions that need answers. Why did the first three fires all start at once? Why are trees untouched next to entire housing tracks burnt to the ground? Defying all physics, why were cars and metal melted, no brush or forest fire can reach the temperatures necessary for this to happen? Why are the blue cars, blue objects spared like the houses with blue roofs, blue cars, blue water containers and umbrellas in Lahaina? How did bridges melt with surrounding trees and bushes untouched, guard rails melted with the wood intact. This is the byproduct of microwaves, DEWs, directed energy weapons. Why was the water cut off, a reoccurring event during these fires? Why did Gavin Newsome cut 101 million dollars to the forest department for fire abatement? Where did the multibillion dollar bond money go? It passed in 2014 to build new reservoirs, reservoirs never built. Why was the Palisades reservoir empty due to a repair that took forever to fix, put on the back burner. Why is California not allowing fully loaded water fire trucks from Arizona and Oregon in, because of emission standards? Why is the mainstream media ignoring all of this? Is this total and complete incompetence or by design? What will it take for humanity to wake up and acknowledge the obvious? How bad does it have to get?
The reason we have so much inhumanity is because of non-human interference for over 450,000 years in recorded history with the fallen Anunnaki and other negative influences seen and unseen. They are the overlords of the Illuminati, the global elite which engage in rituals and sacrifices beyond the average person’s ability to comprehend. The second major event historically set into motion by these dark forces was the fall of Atlantis. Atlantis and Lemuria or MU were Pleiadian colonies, one of which became infiltrated by dark forces. Atlantis used its technology against the Lemurians and other civilizations operating under Universal Law. They melted down their cities using beam weapons. The green glass underneath the Gobi desert is a byproduct of this event. Is this all sounding familiar? We are repeating that cycle using technology for war, dominion over others, spying, taking away basic freedoms rather than the betterment of Humanity and the Earth. The draconian law we have been under is a direct result of this, it is the antithesis of Universal Law. This is coming to a close, the traumatic birth of a whole new world is what we are now experiencing. There is God/Creator/Great Spirit, the Ascended Masters, the higher councils, Pleiadian, Orion Council of Light, Syrian, and the Andromedan Council the highest. The Andromedans are 8 to 10 feet tall, have magnetized light bodies, they live in a holographic light universe. They are mythologically known as Archangels. This is what is behind the ascension process and return to Universal Law. An unstoppable force.
They are appearing in your skies and to those who have pure intent, a loving heart and open mind, those who have risen in frequency necessary for contact with higher frequency beings are being contacted. Some knowingly, some not knowing where the higher consciousness and energy is coming from. Many try to package it within their religious beliefs. The lack of morality and integrity explains why Ufology, a controlled narrative riddled with planned opposition, has failed for over 80+ years to bring understanding concerning UFOs. Who are they, why are they here, what are their technological advancements. Are some of them our ancient ancestors, how can other spiritually and technologically advanced civilizations help humanity? None of these questions have been answered. They changed UFOs to UAPs to be unburdened from what has been. Censorship by any means necessary including deadly force on witnesses, experiencers, and contactees needs to be addressed. What also needs to be addressed is previous agreements and contracts with lessor evolved beings trading technology for experimentation on humanity which went awry. All of this explains why most of your leadership have failed to have contact and bring reunification with the Greater Family of Man. Advanced beings that have transcended war, disease, poverty, with fuelless energy, anti/counter gravity, med beds, technologies that would look like magic to the uninformed. Contact with these beings would mean an end to the controllers, enslavers, manufactured lack, an end to tyranny in general. It would definitely end the war and disease profiteers. This is why contact has been delayed. For now. Real disclosure will come from the skies and it is happening now.
We are now choosing our fate. Are we going to align with Universal Law, end war, disease, poverty, the manufactured lack, end the perpetuated fear and division. Are we going to take the upward spiral in evolution, live a spiritual life in harmony with each other and nature? Are we going to take the downward spiral, go down with the beast, those that are self-serving that operate against universal Law. The latter is an unsustainable path ending in total social, economic and environmental collapse. The increase of war, disease, artificial plagues, famine, poverty, will be the inevitable end of this civilization if not checked? That choice is up to us individually and collectively. It comes down to two things, Love and lack of love, service to others or self-service, the separation and divisions of religions, cultures, genders or cooperation and Unity.
Are we allowing morally and integrity bankrupt leadership to rule us with their weaponized agencies or are we going to find the courage to rise up and stand in our own divinity. Are we going to give our power away to those who do not deserve it or are we going to support those that are empowering us, freeing us individually and collectively. These are the challenges facing this civilization.
We have to transcend all religious and cultural boundaries, choose Universal Law, God/Creator/Great Spirits Law. Forgive, heal and release the past. There is one source, the well spring of all life from which all life sprang forth. There is a unified field in which we all reside; the advanced races are just utilizing more of the field. In this we are family. It is time to act as such.
We need to live according to Universal Law as examples, hold our leadership accountable to Universal Law, locally and globally. Be of service to humanity and the Earth, practice kindness. Know where your guiding thoughts are coming from. Some thoughts are not your own, there are unseen negative influences, self-mastery demands we learn how to recognize, shield and heal these influences. We are constantly bombarded with social engineering, other harmful manipulating frequencies, only in Nature can you be in your own energies. It is Time to wake up, rise up, and make Earth Great Again. It is a global event.
Now for a more earthy approach with physical solutions I have a few suggestions which I hope are already in motion. Number one restores the Republic and constitutional law. The Constitution was inspired by the heavens, it aligns with Universal Law. It was designed to free freedom loving people from tyranny. Create a task force to eliminate all trespasses on Constitutional Law down to the local level. Give this task force the authority to hold personally responsible all officials for abuses of power and trespasses against Constitutional Law. Release all parties of victimless crimes, the January 6th political prisoners, replace them with those that unjustly incarcerated them, lied and deceived the public. This includes those that participated in the Jan 6 event masquerading as Trump supporters, FBI, Antifa and any other government assets all the way to the top. Karmically, they conspired to take away your freedom and incarcerated the innocent, turnabout is fair play. Release all other victims of the weaponized agencies with restitution.
Do a major investigation into all assassination attempts on Trump, who were the assassins in communication with, who was funding them, who either failed or purposely allowed them to come so close.
Do a major investigation into the Paradise, Lahaina, LA fires. Was weather warfare, dew weapons, arson involved? There were 20 people caught and arrested in LA for starting them. Some have already been released. Investigate why the insurance companies cancelled policies months some days before the fire. Look for the common denominators and unnatural events. Spontaneous fires starting all at the same time as shown on satellite videos with some starting inside of track homes, probably do too smart meters as established in the Paradise fires needs to be addressed.
Mel Gibson just released a statement spilling the beans on these fires and other disasters including the endless wars as a plan being carried out by the global elite’s agenda 21, now agenda 30, you will own nothing and be happy program. Now a lot of people own nothing and are very unhappy. Many have still not connected the dots making cognitive dissonance epidemic. The only happy ones are those set to make billions on the smart cities after the land is cleared. Always follow the money, who is profiting. It’s called disaster capitalism. Melted metal defying science, guided hurricanes, artificially generated high winds raising the destruction factor exponentially, the flooding, all this needs to be investigated. Weather warfare, directed energy weapons, paid arsonists, in many cases can be the only cause of such unnatural events.
Investigate any previous diabolical plans, preexisting models for smart cities, politicians involved, show the motives for creating the disasters. Why were millions of dollars taken away from forestry services for fire abatement? Where did the 101 billion dollar bond money go from 2014 to build new reservoirs? Where did the high speed rail money go, the fires miraculously cleared a path for it just like in Australia. Where did it all the money go and why was nothing built? Do a major investigation into chemtrails, the fog, aka geo engineering. Why are heavy metals, graphene, chemicals, biologicals, nano tech, found in the geoengineering aka chemtrails and fog? Who is funding it, who is carrying it out and what are the effects on the people. Do we even have an Airforce or is run by some other nefarious organization. Maybe Peter Hegseth can answer that question much to the chagrin of the TDS democrats, holier than thou virtue signaling with their billion dollar legal fund to take care of any sexual improprieties. All Peter would have to do is pull out the list for conformation.
If America is ever going to regain its freedom we will have to abolish the Federal Reserve and the IRS, the biggest terrorist and enslavers on the planet. They have been weaponized against churches, conservatives, anyone that questions or challenges the last administration. That explains all the harassment we have been getting. We have been censored, demonetized, social media accounts taken down, lost bank accounts, threats to numerous to mention at the behest of our government. They are UN. IMF assets, collectors, the brute squad for the globalists, the international bankers increasing the debt beyond any ability to repay creating an unbearable burden on the American people by design. Slavery 3.0. Let me repeat that, neither the Federal Reserve nor the IRS are Federal, they are international bankers and their collection apparatus. They are based in Puerto Rico and another Island, not even in the US. They just lost in the Supreme Court concerning their authority and legitimacy in several cases. The most recent will soon be unsealed which will bring an end to this nightmare. If anyone has that case number I would love to get it. Seems the information on the case was scrubbed off the air by YouTube and FaceBook.
As a minister very aligned with Mary and the divine feminine, I take exception to the 300,000 missing kids, child drug and sex trafficking causing the deaths of millions of innocent people globally. USA Inc, the last administration is the biggest child, drug and sex trafficker in the world which is why the open border policies allow this. Forcing ministers or anyone of moral integrity to pay and fund child, drug and sex trafficking, the bogus wars killing innocent men women and children, massive legal expenses to cover up pedophilia and other sex offenses by politicians, forcing us to pay for maiming children for life with gender change operations even with criminals in jail. Flooding our country with illegal immigrants, unvetted criminals creating the exponential increase in crime, rapes and murders. The heavy handedness and extreme censorship by the last administration, all of this is the real crime. How can any of the agencies consider themselves virtuous, of high morals and integrity. It is criminal to force someone to participate in a crime which is what they are doing by making voluntary taxes according to section A in their own code, involuntary using the color of the law to harass and prosecute those of high morals and integrity against Constitutional Law. What ever happened to the separation of Church and State? They are an abomination to freedom and a threat to anyone of moral integrity with the courage to speak out.
After the shutdown of the IRS all funds and assets collected by the IRS unjustly need to go back to the Treasury for disbursement back to the people along with all ill-gotten gain by the global elite involved in criminal activities. Use tariffs and a flat tax or luxury tax to take care of the needs of a much smaller efficient federal government. The future will be so abundant taxes will be unnecessary. There will be a great leveler in the future. More on that later. We need to create term limits for all politicians and no inside stock trading for politicians. Put at least a 5 year stop on getting high paid positions in the war and pharmaceutical industries after leaving office. Also investigate any kickbacks and contributions from the war and pharmaceutical industry to politicians who pushed wars and mandated vaccinations. Investigate contributions from other hostile countries and billionaire eugenicists with a proven history of creating division, supporting violence, and destroying lives. Investigate and create an accounting for all aid to other countries, where the money was spent and who benefited. There also needs to be an investigation into Soros backed politicians and DAs. He has made it very clear his greatest accomplishment will be taking down America. He financed ANTIFA and BLM, responsible for many of the riots, loss of businesses, injuries and deaths. Sure, it looks like a major conspiracy, RICO violation could even fall into Treason. He also financed the DAs lawfare against Trump.
End all green new deal funding based on false science. The Arctic has 26% more ice, we are entering into a mini ice age, polar bears have drastically increased in population, Plymouth Rock is at the same level it was when the Pilgrims first stepped on it. Globalists, those pushing the Green new steal have a massive carbon footprint with beach front properties proving they don’t even believe in their own false science. It is total hypocrisy. End the massive redistribution of wealth through the green new deal to the globalists and return it to those in need, hurricane, flooding and fire victims, America first then globally. We need to take care of our borders first and our people before securing borders and investing in wars around the world. As we speak, they are granting the illegal aliens immunity, granting get out of jail free cards to rapists, murderers, terrorists and many violent criminals including unvetted getaways. The Biden Administration is flying plane loads into LA X and other airports in secret using private docks then bussing them to other locations right up to the inauguration. Again little or no vetting. In many cases it is creating an extreme culture clash.
We need to do an in-depth investigation into who actually started these foreign wars with all countries having a voice. In most cases it was our own rogue agencies, NATO and the UN, not what we were told. Did you know Osama bin Laden was from Afghanistan, we supposedly killed him 2 or three times, Snipers with him in their sights were ordered to stand down. There were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, only sprinkler pipes professed to be weapons. Iraq had nothing to do with 911. So why the Iraq war? Was it part of a long plan already established to destabilize and take down other countries as Generals have testified? Did reinforced steel buildings during 911 fall in their own footprint because of a plane? Why are there pictures of Jewish art students with blast fuses sitting on the table in the Twin Towers? Science and architects say it is impossible to take down not one but three buildings with two plane strikes. Due to math. The Empire State building was hit by a plane suffering little damage. The steel cage within the building does not allow a collapse, it has to be taken out at the main support beams. Educate yourself, look at all the evidence and past histories of false flags used to start wars in foreign countries. If you printed all the conspiracy theories in a book you would find out they were just the news months or years in advance.
We need to create a reeducation program for schools and colleges using real science, raw unadjusted data, teach the real history of Earth, and the suppressed archeological findings without political or religious influence.
Use our brightest minds for curing disease, solving energy and pollution problems. They should not be snatched up by the war industries to create more powerful and destructive weapons in an endless cycle of genocide. Where does that path eventually end? Focus primarily on defense. We do not have a department of offence. Our soldiers should not be used as cannon fodder in foreign wars having nothing to do with us. They would better be utilized in disaster relief. Multibillion dollar jets are obsolete with the advancements of drones, lasers, surface to air missiles, handheld technology capable of shooting them down. It makes no sense financially or militarily. I am all for advanced technology used in public transportation. Space exploration, Space Force, using anti-gravity technology. This is where funds and energies need to be redirected.
Real security comes through peace, healing, releasing the past and coming together under Universal Law. Universal Peace will not come through governments and religions, it will come through the hearts and minds of the people. People who are done with the divisions of wayward religions and governments inspiring division, hate and war. The bearded little g gods from the past many religions were based on were far from perfect. It is our destiny to join the greater family of man/woman throughout the multidimensional universe. We are not and have never been alone. It is time to rise to the occasion. The great reveal, the separation between the wheat and the chaff has begun. In modern times it is the socially engineered morally and integrity challenged woke and their puppet master’s versus the morally and integrity gifted operating under Universal Law. Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All. Only one is sustainable.
The Beginning.
James Gilliland
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