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Love in Your DNA Akashic Record

love dna

Relationships are having an extra dose of challenges in April as stressful planetary energies play out and add to the amplified tensions we've been experiencing since 2017 began. In this article, I'll outline a few ways this can play out with the people you love, as well as the connection between discord and very old patterns in your DNA akashic records.  


Inside your DNA is the vast akashic records of your soul's journey over time. Key events, beliefs, patterns, qualities, talents, and tendencies are recorded there. Memories and lessons of relationships are there too, along with vows and agreements made with loved ones across time. Quite often in my DNA intuitive healing practice, it is a relationship issue a person first presents as a key challenge. 

Relationships are the catalyst for personal growth and enlightenment. Very old dysfunctional fear-based DNA-level patterns within humanity are coming to the surface this year. You can see this being played out in personal relationships, in business, and in government. It has a lot to do with the craziness unfolding in politics and the increased war mongering between countries. Most likely, you are noticing an increased turbulence within your family and in key relationships.

At the core of all beings is love and the ability to love without condition. To fully access that love and have it consistently reflected back to you in loving relationships, dysfunctional DNA-level patterns must be addressed as they arise. 

Everybody has them. When they rise to the surface, they play out in relationships. These patterns in the unconscious cannot be accessed by the mind, or understood with conscious awareness. That's why even advanced healers and spiritual practitioners reach out to a trusted DNA healing practitioner skilled in properly identifying and healing patterns and their root causes.

As mentioned in my article "Tips to Thrive in April," difficult energy cycles are likely to stimulate more than the usual amount of emotional triggers in relationships. You and your loved ones may be more sensitive than usual, for example, so discussions and events may be magnified. When this happens, another deep level of unconscious DNA-level conditioning could rise to the surface and begin playing out. Harsh words may be said. Irrevocable actions may be taken in such a cycle. 

Viewing Relationship Turmoil with Compassion

Knowing we have this energy unfolding, consider the following suggestions that can help you view your relationship turmoil with compassion and understanding. 

FIRST, do your best to stay positive and keep your frequency high. Even if you have harsh words with a loved one, don't allow yourself to make snap judgments about what the words mean. Avoid ultimatums and black-and-white thinking. You - and perhaps your loved one too - may simply be having a melt down that has nothing to do with the love you share for each other. Don't ignore it, though. Melt downs are a sign there's a weak link somewhere - most likely an old unresolved DNA-level pattern that needs to be looked at and healed. With this higher view, it's easier for you to avoid taking things personally. Also, you are less likely to react and say or do something that you later regret. Breathe. Give space.

SECOND, given that we have a Mercury Retrograde starting April 9, use that time to initiate a deeper level of exploring DNA-level blocks to loving relationships. Those blocks do not come to the surface all at once - thank goodness - but in stages over time as life events unfold. Retrogrades indeed are a perfect time to go within and focus on healing key relationships. I recommend starting with you, as the reference point - focusing on what might be blocking your manifesting a loving partner or a harmonious work environment with others who accept you and value your gifts. In tandem with that, intend to notice which current relationship is stirring the most angst within you. Ask yourself: "In the recent argument or situation with X, what was my core fear?" This inquiry can be fruitful now.  

THIRD, go gently with yourself and others. Change cannot and should not be forced, and it doesn't need to be stressful. Current planetary energies may sometimes be felt like lightning bolts, or simply a big shove from behind. This kind of energy pushes you to change something in your life. To move through the change passageway in the highest manner, you will need to stay in your heart, remain positive, and be willing to take risks. Depending on what you need to change, the risk could look like one of these options: (1) Asking for what you need (2) Setting loving boundaries (3) Re-evaluating what you truly value (4) Confronting a dysfunctional habitual pattern you learned from caregivers (5) Being honest with yourself about who you are allowing to drain you of energy. 

Think of this cycle as another call from the universe to do a major overhaul of your way of being, way of thinking, and way of operating in the world. Invite your inner wisdom to give you nudges to help you learn from relationships. Ask to be shown how to be more loving and how to experience more love with others. Trust that you are encoded to love and that with each relationship you can learn to more fully embody the love that you are.

selaciaSelacia is an internationally known writer, intuitive healer, and guide to others on the path of spiritual awakening. Author of Your Guide to Earth’s Pivotal Years, published in 2011, she is also the author of The Golden Edge and has been a writer her entire life. She is a former foreign correspondent with The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and other media. As an international journalist, she has decades of experience in the areas of world politics and social change, healing and consciousness, and spiritual transformation.

Copyright 2016 by Selacia - author of Earth's Pivotal Years, healer, and teacher * All Rights Reserved * www.Selacia.com * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this entire copyright notice, with link back to website, and the full article text. 

Thank you for sharing these articles and for your connection and feedback over the years. May light shine on you and your path!

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