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9D Arcturian Council: Creating Abundance and Shifting Your Reality
Written by Octavia Vasile

9D Arcturian Council:
Dear ones, we truly enjoy reconnecting with you. So many times we see you struggle, and even if we feel you, from up here, we tell you that there is no reason to continue doing so.
Your reality is a game, and everything is unlimited: including money. Once you understand that you create your reality, you also learn how to do it.
First, stop telling yourself "I do not have" / "I have a difficult situation" / "I cannot give," but rather remind yourself that everything is unlimited. Do not act from lack saving, keeping, storing, but act from love and freedom: give, share, expand.
Secondly, do not refer to "spending money," because even when you say it, you already create it. "Spending" means creating lack. Rather say "I share, I give, I offer" - and allow the energy to flow in this way.
Third and the most important tip that we give you: let go of fixed income. It kills your intuition and your possibility to manifest abundance. Understand that even if it feels safer, it is not! It keeps you in the same reality frame all over again. A reality where you can create in a very limited way. Start your own spiritual project, share your own creativity, write your books, create your digital projects, but be playful and flexible when it comes to your income!
And now, before we close this transmission, we give you one more significant tip: dear human, abundance does not mean to have plenty of money, it means to feel that you are abundant by being satisfied with life. Actually, when you have so many desires - that is a sign of being unhappy, and your entire economy is based on that. Unhappy people will consume more than truly joyful and present ones. It is not about manifesting your never-ending desires but it is all about being truly happy from within. Find and cultivate that happiness and you will feel so abundant!
Thank you for walking Earth at this time, for sharing our messages with others, and thank you for giving.
We love you beyond time and space,
The 9D Arcturian Council"
9D Arcturian Council channeled by Octavia Vasile
If you wish to book a reading session with Octavia, please check the link here!
Many blessings!
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