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We The Arcturians

We The Arcturians

We, the Arcturians, are here within this NOW to remind you all that YOU are not alone. 

You are not aware in your daily life, as we, the Arcturians, are communicating with the many higher dimensional humans who have chosen to take a third dimensional earth vessel during this NOW of great challenges for humanity and for the dear planet Gaia.

Gaia, the name that we the Galactics call planet Earth, is in the same process of transmutation as many of Her humans are undergoing. 

There are "times of change" that are often created by the human residents on Gaia's Earth Body, as well as there are many changes that are actually initiated from us, the Galactics who resonate to the higher frequencies of reality.

We Galactics are happy to see that more and more third dimensional humans are beginning, or have already, awakened to the knowing that they are not just third dimensional beings. 

In fact, there are Galactic beings who have chosen to take a third dimensional Earth Body so that they can better assist Gaia with Her transition into the higher frequencies of reality.

Many of the humans, if not most of the humans, are not aware that there is something that is happening on Gaia's planetary body. Yes, Gaia has a "body" in the same manner that humans have a body, but Gaia's body encompasses an entire planet.

Gaia is much like a human that has a Soul but it is unseen by humans whose perception of reality is primarily limited to the third dimensional frequency of reality.

We, the Galactics, are happy to see that more and more humans are beginning to expand their perceptual field to encompass the fourth dimension and beyond.

Of course, each dimension has a different perceptual field. Therefore, the "vision of Earth" usually very different when the humans are in different states of consciousness.

When humans are in a "good mood" they often see all the beauty, hope and kindness around them. However, when they are in a "bad mood" they often see, all that needs to be done so that they can make it better."

However, if the third dimensional beings can remember that they also have higher dimensional expressions of their seemingly human self, they will regain much of their multidimensional abilities.

These multidimensional abilities are of the higher frequencies of reality and therefore allow the human to gradually, or even quickly, begin to remember that they, too, are multidimensional, but only in their consciousness.

However, once one begins to remember their own Higher SELF, they also remember that they are Multidimensional, but only when they have allowed their Higher SELF to communicate with them.

We the Arcturians are able to resonate to the higher frequencies of reality while we also maintain a third dimensional body. 

In fact, gradually, more and more "3D humans" are beginning to remember that there is a higher dimensional expression of their third dimensional Earth SELF.

This "higher dimensional expressions of SELF" is always ready to assist the third dimensional self who is currently wearing a third dimensional earth body. 

If more and more humans can remember their own higher dimensional Self, then Gaia will be able to raise Her consciousness, which had been limited due to all the negative thoughts and actions of the humans who were inhabiting Her third dimensional Earth Body.

In fact, within this now, Gaia is preparing to raise her frequency rate. However, it may take a very long "time" for humans to begin to awaken to the higher dimensional changes that are more and more visible, especially to those who are more and more awake!

Dear humans of Earth, please listen to our inter-galactic call to REMEMBER your OWN Higher dimensional Self so that you can assist Gaia to return to Her higher planetary resonance, which is actually her True Planetary Resonance.

Therefore Gaia is calling to all humans who can hear to say to them



Suzanne Lie, Ph.D., has been a seeker since she was a child where her active “imagination” took her deep into her inner life.  Suzanne first stepped onto her spiritual path in the mid-1970s when she met her first spiritual teacher. Since then, she has had many teachers and initiations. 
Credit: here

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