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Insights from the Andromedans on Understanding Your Mind
Written by Krista EnergeticLeigh

The path to enjoying the freedoms of your life have to start from your mind. Each of you need to get clear on what it is you want.
Do you want easy or do you want hard. If you say, “I love the challenge,” you will get challenge. If you say, “My path is straight,” you will get an easy answer. It all starts from your mind. Don’t let others give you their judgement. It clouds your own judgement. If they say, “Oh I hate that show,” then you find ways to hate that show. Your mind controls everything. Nothing is happening to you that you are not creating. What story are you telling?
Today there is high gas prices, high grocery prices. What is it you are saying in your mind? “Man, the prices get higher and higher every day.” You are creating your reality right there. Take another approach, say, “I am going to look for the best deals, look how I found a low price.” Popping up in front of you will be lower prices. Say, “I know a sale will be coming, I am so excited.” For sure you will find sale priced items. People are controlling the prices, but you control if you have to accept that. Do you have to go to the same store you have always gone to. Shop around, be pleasantly cw surprised, there is more than one way to do something. If you remain in the right head space, you will have a different outcome. What affects the masses you will avoid. Just because your neighbor paid double does not mean you will be paying double. Control your thoughts to remain on the positive side. We don’t want to hear about economics or this person or that. We want you to say, “I am finding better solutions that will work for me.” We want you to say, “I am winning at this game.” Perceive what you want and know how the universe works. The universe will give you what you expect.
The next education we want to share with you is regret. Oh, I regret what I said, I regret what I did. We feel all the regret you put out in the universe. Why are you having the regret, do you think you did something incorrectly? Trust that your actions are on point. If you forget a name, don’t beat yourself up, you are not expected to remember everything. Don’t feel embarrassed if you can’t recall an encounter. Your mind is currently processing more cw information than it ever has in previous years. There are influences everywhere you turn, and you try to take it all in, but at some point, it is going to be overwhelming and you may do a small error. You have not errored you are just on overload. Your brain can only process so much at once and in today’s marketing and advertising things are thrown at you in every direction. We tell you this because we see forgetfulness. It is not forgetfulness it is fatigue. So take your regret and look at it from this angle. My mind is processing more than it has in any other generation, and I am processing it to the best of my ability. Shrug off your shoulders that regret.
One other topic we want to mention is TV. If we haven’t told you already, we are telling you again. The consuming of TV does not give you the chance to think for yourselves. The advertising is getting stronger. If you have a fatigued mind, you will not analyze what you are watching. It goes in one ear and stays there. You can have a reaction to the advertising but now your judgement is cloudy. Find other sources of enjoyment. TV is everyone’s first choice most often, but it would be at the bottom of our list. It turns the mind to mush. Your brain is too full, give it space by going outdoors, enjoying arts, and physical exercise.
Our guidance on clearing your mind will help in your ability to process your thoughts and keep positive in today’s world. You are playing a game; we are giving you the strategies to win. You will all become masters once you can control your own mind. Our love to you, The Andromedans.
(Channeled message on April 18, 2024)
This website was created to share with you the intuitive messages I am channeling from beyond our veil. Those speaking ask that I give their exact words. May the messages bring you clarity on your path of ascension. Always use your own discernment. Much love to you all! ~ Krista
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