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Meditation for the New Moon in Virgo

Meditation for the New Moon in Virgo

Affirmations for the energy of the New Moon in Virgo

  • I make constructive, helpful, specific suggestions for improvement in situations that need better organization and refinement.
  • I release habits of complaining, griping, criticizing, and fault-finding.
  • I accept that "perfection" is an ideal and often relative concept, and where practical and sensible, I let "good enough" be exactly that.
  • I am realistic, careful, and reasonable in the demands I make on myself and others.
  • I make healthy, prudent, self-caring choices that support a productive lifestyle.

Creative Visualization

Imagine you've been engaged to do the work you came into this life to accomplish. What exactly are the circumstances of your employment? Have you been hired to do a job? Have you been retained as a consultant because of special skills, knowledge, or education you have? Have you been accepted as a volunteer in some political or social effort? Have you taken on a project or cause that you personally believe is essential and have developed into something with direction and momentum?

Are you working alone? With a group of dedicated colleagues? With other people? With ideas? With communication? In practical, hands-on labor? At home? In an office, laboratory, or special facility? "Out in the field?" What exactly does your work involve? Who supports you in this work? How does this work support you? How will your life change now that you can dedicate yourself to this endeavor full-time? What are your immediate ... and eventual ... objectives? What obstacles do you face? How will you judge when you have succeeded? What are your "next steps?"

As aid in this enterprise, you can have up to five advisors "on call" to assist and counsel you. (You can have more if necessary ... or when necessary. But as a start, try to begin with one to five essential "partners.") They can be real or imaginary ... people (or spiritual entities) who have succeeded in similar efforts in the past and whom you admire for their achievements and skill ... or people (or spiritual entities) with whom you have special rapport and who are especially adept at giving you direction, counsel, moral support, and encouragement in the work you propose to achieve. Each member of this support team has wisdom, patience, ambition, and dedication to you and your success.

Call a "board meeting" with this group. Introduce yourself to each one ... and each member to the others. Outline what you want to achieve and why. Specifically list why you have chosen each member of your "support team" and what you need each one to provide for your effort. Solicit and receive each person (or entity's) explicit agreement to help with this venture ... or address any objections they raise. Define your role and theirs in making this dream come true.

Give them your truthful assurance that you will listen carefully to their suggestions and recommendations, but that you take responsibility for making the "final decisions" on the motivating values, the ultimate aim, and the allocation of resources ... including your own time and labor. Ask them to speak clearly ... through dreams, inspiration, your own inner voice, your imagination, synchronicities, and "fated opportunities."

Outline your immediate goals ... and what it will take to achieve them. Commit to action. Agree to meet again as needed ... and for certain once these objectives are met and you're ready to start "the next phase" ... whatever that may entail.

This is your support team. You need to respect each other, support each other, heed each other, and work harmoniously with each other. You need to be in charge of making that happen. They need to let you know when things are going well, when they perceive things need attention or are going astray, and make concrete, specific suggestions about what will "keep the momentum going and the dream alive."

This association of inner helpers may be an arrangement that lasts the rest of your life ... and performs essential service in helping you accomplish your true work in the world. Respect these entities with the reverence they deserve ... and use the gift of their assistance and wisdom with the dedication all of you deserve.

Coming Down to Earth

Make notes about what happened, who was present, and what was accomplished during your "board meeting." Write a short "biography" of each of your advisors, listing the specific reasons he or she was chosen to be part of this team, what each can "bring to the table," and what role each is assigned to fill.

Note things like "your mission statement" as a group, your "action steps" that need to be accomplished next, and your "vital concerns" (things like what has to happen, what has to be addressed in the way of lacks, weaknesses, problems, etc., and how you propose to handle these two crucial areas of your effort.).

Note what and who else you may need to help you -- and the group. List any comments, suggestions, concerns, or even "feelings" raised by your "advisory board," or within you as you met with them. Write short memos as appropriate ... to yourself, to each member of your team, to "post on the board" to help guide everyone's effort and thinking.

If you're familiar with the journaling technique known as "dialoguing" ... do that over the next few days with each one of your team members as a way of soliciting their ideas ... and just generally "staying in touch." Or simply "write letters back and forth" between you and each "entity." Develop feelings of rapport, connection, cooperation, and solidarity as these entities become stronger presences in your awareness ... and exert their influence on your thinking, your actions, and in your life.

Stay connected. Take action. Keep things positive. By this I don't mean "avoid trouble and disagreements." And I certainly don't mean "steer clear of bad news." You need to know where "the trouble spots are" ... and work on addressing them, but you may find as time goes on that this group of advisors acts very much like "a family" ... with natural alliances springing up, dissent surfacing, antagonisms, different agendas, and even power struggles taking shape.

Staying aware of "the bigger picture," keeping notes, listening to your feelings (and their advice), and nourishing the momentum all of you generate are all important tasks for you to juggle. You may also need occasionally to augment, replace, or realign members of your group. Even you may have "favorites" among this group ... and others who are less congenial and appealing, but whose contribution you nevertheless deem necessary -- and valuable.

Keep in mind ... it's the work that needs to move forward, however. Direct your overall efforts toward that.


Image by Josephine Wall.
Rebecca Brents writes on a wide variety of spiritual and occult subjects, including astrology, tarot, metaphysics, and self-improvement. She publishes the extensive online new age Ezine, The Enchanted Sprite on her website: Enchanted Spirit.

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