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The Andromeda Council: Chosen Ones - You Have a Sacred Calling
Written by Chellea Wilder

Greetings in the Light and Love of our Infinite Creator.
We are very grateful for this connection.
Your eyes are beginning to awaken to a profound new understanding of your innermost truth, a truth that has long been hidden beneath layers of forgetfulness and illusion. For some individuals, this awakening may manifest as the discovery of past lives, where fragments of forgotten experiences begin to surface. Or it may involve establishing a full, conscious connection to your higher self. Which is the aspect of your being that exists in a state of pure awareness and wisdom beyond the physical realm. This journey of self-discovery is a deeply transformative process that can redefine your understanding of existence itself.
This process, while enlightening, can also be daunting and overwhelming. Many times, the remembrance of a past life is not a positive memory; instead, it can be filled with pain, trauma, or unresolved emotions that have lingered through time. The veil of forgetfulness that shrouds these memories has often served as a protective barrier, shielding you from the more disturbing aspects of your soul's history. For some, the recollection of such past life experiences can lead to emotional turmoil if these memories are not properly understood as part of a larger journey. Each of you has traversed the many layers of Darkness, engaging with experiences that challenge and shape your soul. Ultimately, you recognize and then can appreciate the radiant Light that you inherently are.
As you embark on this journey towards Liberation from the confines of darkness, the veil begins to lift, offering you glimpses into your Akashic history--an expansive repository of all your soul's experiences across time and space. Recently, you have received Ancient downloads and codes that pertain specifically to your personal Akashic lineage. In receiving these codes, many individuals are now experiencing a resurgence of memories, recalling who they have been throughout their myriad of lifetimes. You are learning the full truth of your essence.
Every Soul's Journey is distinct and rich with its own lessons and insights. As the veil of forgetfulness continues to fade, those of you who are committed to the Path of Light will begin to witness your past experiences more vividly, allowing for a deeper connection to your higher self. This connection will illuminate your path forward as you transition into a 5th-dimensional state of being.
It is often claimed that one does not need to know their past lives in order to ascend; however, this statement is not entirely accurate. As you awaken fully into the Light, the process of remembering your past lives becomes a natural part of your ascension journey. The veil of forgetfulness is gradually removed, allowing you to access the rich tapestry of your soul's history. Most of you, whether you consciously realize it or not, have already begun to remember fragments of past lives, often through fleeting glimpses of another time or place, or maybe meeting people that feel oddly familiar. These memories can be triggered by various experiences--perhaps when you meet someone who resonates deeply with you, or when you encounter a situation that echoes a past life experience. Often, what you term as déjà vu, is actually a sign that your soul is remembering something. You may also find yourself in a location you have never visited in this lifetime, yet it feels as though you have walked those streets before. Such experiences are significant indicators that you are beginning to remember. Unfortunately, many individuals dismiss these moments as mere figments of their imagination, failing to recognize their true significance.
Throughout your existence, you have likely experienced thousands of lives, whether on Earth or on other planets, each contributing to the evolution of your higher-self. Each experience, regardless of its nature, has served to elevate you higher in consciousness, raising your higher self into increasingly elevated vibrational spectrums of Light. Many of you, upon leaving the human experience, will find yourselves transitioning into the higher 6th and 7th-dimensional spectrums. Far beyond the 5th degree spectrum that Humanity will reside within. You are the chosen ones, the souls who have traversed this path before and have returned to assist in the collective ascension of humanity.
You are the Lightworkers and wayshowers, the beacons of hope illuminating the path for others. Your presence is essential for the emergence of the New Earth, as you embody the Light that inspires and uplifts those around you. Embrace your journey, for you have a sacred calling to be a guiding force in this Divine evolution of consciousness.
With eternal Love and deep respect. We Witness you, We Celebrate you, and we Honor you. In the Love and Light of our Infinite Creator. We are the Andromeda Intergalactic Council, Here to Serve the Divine.
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