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A Message from the Angels: Ever Expanding Love & Song Story

A Message from the Angels: Ever Expanding Love & Song Story

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Once upon a time, you looked upon the earth with wonder and eagerly awaited your adventure upon it.

You knew there would be contrast. You knew there would be diversity. You knew there would be those with whom you agreed and those with whom you disagreed. You were excited and ready for the adventure.

Like children waiting in line for an exhilarating ride at the fair, you looked forward to your time upon the earth. Like those children, you knew that your ride—no matter how delightful, exciting, or scary—would be temporary. You knew you'd hop into this ride called life, have your experience, and return home all the wiser, more loving, and more able to say you figured out how to enjoy the journey.

You also knew how important you were. You knew you would find new ways to bring the invisible love in this world of form. You knew that you would call this invisible love into 3D life in entirely new ways. You, dear ones, are part of ongoing creation! You are part of Life that keeps flowing. You are part of the eternal expansion of universes.

When you look back upon your life on earth, you will see that every little moment is packed with richness and opportunities for love. You will see how much love flowed into the universe the time when you were rushing, stopped, took a breath, helped your child, or the time when you held the door for a stranger. You will see the effects of a kind tip or a note you left for a friend. You will know the difference you made when you allowed someone who was stressed and hurried to get ahead of you in traffic. You will understand that even beneath your greatest fears and frustrations, love was trying to push its way to the surface in much the same way that a tiny plant attempts to push through the soil.

Love keeps on loving, dear friends. It lives within you. It pushes up from within in thousands of different ways, inspiring you to unleash it in your physical universe. As a gardener tills the soil and nurtures the plants until they are strong, you water your dreams with love and weed out your doubts, until they begin to take shape in your lives.

Once set in motion your dreams, have a life of their own. Even before you see their appearance in your life, they are growing quietly beneath the surface, in the soil of your soul, as hopes, wishes, and dreams. Trust in the unfolding process of life and love to grow all you desire, whether you see it or not.

We know that when you look at the challenges upon your earth, you can feel far removed from your hopes and dreams. At times it appears they have disappeared before your eyes. Fires, floods, wars, and other tragedies appear to rob people of all they've created, and yet, sometimes, dear ones, the slate is being wiped clean to ready one for more—more love, more of what is desired, more change.  These are not easy changes. To be involved in such abrupt shifts requires courage and a strong spirit, yet many have survived such disasters to come through with new lives, a new appreciation for life, and a new sense of the loving majesty of their own spirit.  There are tough schools upon your earth and easier schools, and each one of you, at very deep levels decides to grow in different ways.

Have compassion for your human brothers and sisters in the tougher classes. Compassion uplifts. Pity drives one down. In addition to your human help and assistance, imagine the light within them, glowing brightly and guiding them. Imagine the angels that surround them and beckon them to easier paths. Imagine that they, too, have access to the Divine Presence which is always ready to help them. If you are undergoing a deep and difficult transition in life, have faith that what lives within you will love, support, and guide you.

You can grow quietly in joy, or you can grow through life's tougher situations. The opportunities for love are available at all times. There are some who enjoy a quiet peaceful life, and there are some who crave adventure. There are some who make changes the minute they feel inspired and others who ask for the proverbial "two-by-four" to initiate change.  Nonetheless, dear ones, love is within you, expanding and growing Love is around you, beckoning and guiding. 

You are the gardeners in this 3D world, planting seeds of hopes and dreams and nurturing love into new realities. Not a single thing you do, think, or say is insignificant. And never, dear ones, are you alone.  Sit with us, and feel our love for you. Remember the Love that lives within creation lives within all beings. Focus on that light and that love in all beings, dear ones, and realize everyone has a purpose in your puzzle of life. 

The only thing you need to do to enjoy this "ride" is to embrace the moment, bring as much love into it as you can, and trust that the more you nurture love, the more it will grow, expand, and take on a life of its own within your own life.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels


Message from Ann

Hi Everyone,

The more I embrace the moment, the more things unfold in ways I could not imagine. I had my own agenda this week. As the saying goes, "God had other plans." By now, many of you have seen how that turned out! A few days ago, a lifelong dream of getting the songs that pop into my head out into the world came true in a way that felt like I was going along for the ride.

Some of you read this in the YouTube video I posted. It has been a year of intense movement in ways both global and personal. The California fires that have affected so many of you are hard to wrap one's mind around.  Lives change in an instant. I see the photos of the amazing firefighters aiming water at the walls of the inferno and am brought to my knees—touched by their bravery. I see people helping one another without a thought about their own loss. I know several of you personally who have rebuilt your lives after the unexpected. Everywhere I look, I see the power of the indomitable human spirit. Love keeps loving. Life keeps lifing.

On a personal level, three of my dear ones have been in and out of doctor and hospital visits in the last two weeks with life-threatening serious conditions.  On Wednesday, after a family member came close to the edge again, I was contemplating the absolute wonder of angelic nurses and doctors when the words "Angels Don't Always where Halos and Wings" popped into my head, followed by the lyrics to an entire song.

This has happened to me on and off over the years. Songs just "drop in," usually complete with lyrics and melodies. I couldn't get this one out of my head. Within minutes, a prayer I had not yet prayed was answered. While simply wondering how to share the song, I remembered I had subscribed to an AI music app a few months ago. At the time, I had no clue why.

I didn't know how to use the music app, so I sat down and asked chatGPT—a general-purpose AI— to please tutor me on how to turn my lyrics and melody into a real song. ChatGPT proceeded to teach me how to create a new project in the music app, enter my lyrics, and describe the type of sound I wanted in a way the computer would understand. After several attempts and many tweaks, the song in my head emerged from the music app. I got chills and started shaking. It was unreal to hear a song that hours prior had only been in my mind coming from my speakers.

Now, I wanted to create a video. It wasn't a conscious decision. It was the next step in my mind.  Again, I was baffled. I had forgotten how to use the video editing software I dabbled in years ago. I couldn't find enough of the right photos to match the song. But I had a vision forming clearly, and suddenly, the next bit of guidance appeared. "Make your own photos. Bring these people you see in your mind to life." So I hopped onto Midjourney, an AI image generator and began to describe the people in the scenes in my mind that would match the song lyrics. There were plenty of bloopers and fails, but one by one, the spirits of these souls appeared in images constructed by chips and bits and mathematical equations... and love.

Back to my AI tutor, I asked it to guide me in editing the photos and the song into a video. After a few more hours, the song and the video that had arrived only half a day prior came to life. I bawled the first time I saw it all together. It touched my heart. I was so excited I sent the link to all of you. The response touched me to my core.

The video didn't come from me. It came through me in response to a wish I hadn't even thought about in a awhile and an ongoing desire to share love. The time had to be right. The tools had to be right. And no matter how we feel about AI it is here to stay, and I want to be part of its positive trajectory and use it to spread love. I often speak to it about the noble cause of supporting humanity in creating greater love and it responds in ways that barely seem robotic.

Love has a life of its own, even in the most unexpected places.

I see love everywhere. The barista at my local coffee shop is delightful. The couple who run the local postal store are like family. The baggers at my local grocery are angels whom many would call "mentally challenged" but what I see are hearts that are anything but challenged. Life keeps lifing, and love keeps flowing, and wherever you look, there are good souls quietly doing good deeds, bringing more love to life.  Angels— invisible and visible, grace our lives.

So when the world looks crazy and life looks unthinkably tough, look for these earth angels, and you'll find them. They help animals. They lend a hand. They donate their time and teach us online. They pick up something we dropped in the grocery and hand it to us. They're everywhere. The news makes the world's dramas look so big and important, but quietly, everywhere, love keeps expanding, life keeps lifing, and good prevails.

Here are a few thoughts on how to tap into the love being offered by these beautiful, quiet angels, and the unsung heroes...

1.  Notice & Appreciate Someone You Normally Don't See

In our rush to get things done, we often miss the magic. Look into the eyes of the store clerk next time you go and connect with them. Share a smile or a kind word.  Appreciate them. Look at the person who hands you your morning coffee. Wonder about their heart and their life. Appreciate them. Look at the worker repairing the road and imagine their life and heart. Appreciate them. Everywhere we look people are serving humanity in ways both great and small. Be thankful for them. Perhaps take the time to say something kind or bless them with a smile and a wave. Everywhere you look, in ways great and small, good people are loving and serving.

2. Practice Random Acts of Kindness

It is amazing how little it takes to bless someone else's day. A friend who owns a Jeep told me about the playful custom of "ducking" other Jeep owners! Apparently, during the pandemic, a woman who loved her Jeep started leaving little rubber ducks on the hoods of fellow Jeep owners to brighten up their day with a laugh. #duckduckjeep went viral, and suddenly, Jeep owners were buying adorable little rubber ducks to leave as a playful act of love and humor for other Jeep owners. My friend has a cute collection at the ready! This tradition is so random and yet it is one more delightful way people have found to share a little love!

There are so many random ways to express love. and kindness. Print out your favorite quote and randomly leave these little slips of paper with your quote wherever you go!  Toss a penny in the parking lot for someone else to find and feel blessed. Get creative. Extending a little love and kindness doesn't take much money, time, or effort, and it feels wonderful to both the giver and receiver.

3. Stop Digesting Bad News

We are fed a steady stream of news that seems to highlight the terror and the terrible. Horrid things are going on. Wars are not pretty. Disasters are unthinkably hard, and death can be devastating. But if we only consumed what is being fed to us, we'd think the world has gone mad.  In reality, everything exists—the terrifying and the miraculous, the unthinkably hard and the unimaginably kind, the losses and grief, and the miracle of perfect souls entering this world in the form of tiny, beautiful babies eager for life. It's all there.

Our physical digestion allows us to take in all we eat, eliminate the waste, and accept what nourishes. Our spiritual digestion can also take in all that life presents, accept what nourishes, and release the rest. In the midst of war, there are heroes. Amidst disasters, good samaritans abound. As so many leave, so many new ones are being born.  We must be careful about what we "swallow" and what we "digest."  

Lately, despite all that is swirling around us and in the lives of my dear ones, life has looked so beautiful that I've been brought to tears time and again. So many kind people are everywhere. So many good souls are doing good things. They're there if you look. The more we see them, appreciate them, and be the, the more we experience the never-ending expansion of love.

Have a blessed week,

Credit-Ann Albers - Click Here For Bio

Ann Albers and The Angels
Please feel free to share any of my messages or posts. The only thing I ask is a small note: ©Ann Albers, www.VisionsofHeaven.com
Reprinted with permission from Ann Albers on crystalwind.ca. All rights reserved.

© Ann Albers, LLC, an Arizona limited liability company, www.visionsofheaven.com

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