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A Message from the Angels: Thrive Beyond Your Comfort Zone

A Message from the Angels: Thrive Beyond Your Comfort Zone

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

There are many times in life when you will be outside of your comfort zone.

Sometimes, you step out of it voluntarily in your quest to expand and grow. Other times, through death, disaster, or the unforeseen, you are catapulted out of your comfort zone and into a reality you did not ask for in the 3D human sense.  It can be terrifying and upsetting. Still, no matter how difficult or unthinkable these experiences are, the Presence and power of love are within you, guiding you.

We often talk about how you create your personal reality. You don't create the reality of other people. You aren't solely responsible for the creations of the mass consciousness. Nor are you responsible for the choices, vibrations, and creations of other individuals. Your vibration will, however, define your experience of the external reality around you and what is allowed to flow into your life in the future.

You can, however, regularly tune into good-feeling vibrations. In so doing, you will be guided around the creations of the mass consciousness and into kinder realities. No matter what anyone around you chooses—consciously or otherwise—you can tap into what feels good and what you can appreciate now. In so doing, you rise above the discomfort and back into a state of flow.

For example, the smoldering anger and flaming passion for various beliefs on your planet may be reflected in fires, but in a higher vibe you are guided to safety. Even if all you own is destroyed, you will be assisted in resurrecting your life with grace, in love, and in a way that gives you an even better reality than the one left behind.

If you can find the frequency and feeling of love even when you are far outside your comfort zone, you will be guided into an even more beautiful reality.

We know this is hard to even imagine in tough circumstances. When you lose a loved one, you did not create their transition from the earth, and yet it affects you deeply. Yet, even under these circumstances, there is an opportunity for forward motion. Even in the face of unthinkable loss, your dear ones beckon you forward on your eternal journey with them. They have expanded into unimaginable love and want to share their newfound bliss. As you allow yourself to feel, heal, and reach beyond your previous comfort zone, and as you allow yourself to imagine a life in partnership with their magnificent spirit, you will gradually begin to have that experience. You and they, together, will become like two ends of a bridge between heaven and earth and in this space, so much more becomes available to you.

When you venture outside your comfort zone by choice, you will enjoy new opportunities and new experiences.  When you find yourself catapulted outside of your comfort zone, take a moment to acknowledge your feelings and grieve, cry, rage, or do whatever you need to do at the human level to release your shock. And then, dear ones, when you are able, imagine a life resurrected. Imagine more than you had before. Imagine more love, more grace, more ease, more flow. Give thanks for what you can. Enjoy what small things you can. Set your sights on the reality you wish to see arising from the ashes, the divorce, or the sudden loss. Imagine a better future. Surrender to the moment, time and again, trusting the Divine to guide you step-by-step into a better reality.

Beyond the comfort zone there is always a grander reality. Beyond the loss is expansion. Beyond the death is new life. Beyond your fears of being hurt, there is love. Beyond your sense of inadequacy, you will find your magnificence. Beyond your feelings of lack, there is a reality where what you want will flow straight to you. Beyond your discomfort of being alone lies a sense of connection that is so amazing the love will elevate you in ways you never dreamed.

You need not be in severe discomfort to grow, although that certainly does catalyze growth. You need not push yourself too far outside your comfort zone to create what you desire. You simply need to "inch" yourself out of your comfort zone towards what you say you want.

Give up one complaint this week and replace it with one thought of appreciation. Give up one excuse for not doing something you truly want to do.  Take the smallest of steps towards something you want.  In this fashion, you can slowly but surely become more comfortable with the unknown or the unfamiliar. And if life has catapulted you into an extremely uncomfortable situation, take heart, feel your hearts, sit with your angels for comfort. Dare to dream of the expansion that your never-ending, eternal soul will guide you towards.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels


Message from Ann

Hi Everyone,

I have been outside my comfort zone on and off, for decades, often due to my own choices. In my late twenties I signed up for a six-month aromatherapy certification course in which I had to find nearly 36 volunteers a month to be guinea pigs for prescribed treatments. I had barely made new friends in a new job and it was the first time I recall attempting something I was not sure I could complete. Week by week people found me, and by the end of six months I had proven to myself that I could achieve thingsI had no clue how to do.

Then there was "the big leap" when I left my stable life as an engineer to jump into the unknown. It was terrifying at first—financially, emotionally, and otherwise. I left a home, a marriage, a career, and a personal identity all in the space of a year. I didn't know how to run a business. I didn't know how to manage life on my own. And yet, one day at a time, the Divine led the way.

When I started writing this newsletter decades ago I was not in my comfort zone. Share my life with strangers? The angels prodded me forward with love. I did have a deep desire to share light after 9/11. They were helping me do so, and at the same time guiding me into an expansion.

When I spoke at conferences with famous authors, I was completely out of my comfort zone. My first lecture, I was so nervous that I let people out of the room a half hour early and then went running out to gether them back! To this day I get comments from people that attended telling me they will never forget how I made it ok to make mistakes! They don't remember a thing I said but the important message stuck with them.

I left my comfort zone when I stepped in front of a camera to film years ago. It only took 100 hours of filming myself before I looked "natural" on camera! (I wasn't raised in the selfie generation!). I left my comfort zone again when I wrote my first kids books, dove into building an etsy shop and as of late, opened another one selling clipart.

In my thirties, going to Peru alone to meet up with a group of strangers was completely outside my comfort zone and yet it was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. The picture above was taken on the hike to Machu Picchu, above a smaller ruin. The train had dropped my group off in the middle of the jungle along side a rickety wooden suspension bridge that crossed the Urubamba River at the beginning of the Inca trail. In my absolute zeal to embrace the unknown, I made it to the top of the mountain two hours before everyone else where I was able to explore the ruins and enjoy the majestic view wihch I had all to myself.

Being dumped, maligned, and lied about was not in my comfort zone either but even in those situations, I grew stronger in my awareness of who I was and what energies I would allow in my life.

I am fortunate. I have never experienced the extreme "discomfort zones" that so many do—losing homes, lives, loved ones under tragic circumstances. Yet in my work as an angel communicator I have witnessed brave souls resurrect their lives and hearts after the unthinkable. I've met numeroius individuals who have lost a child and, over time, became aware of their gifts and abilities, often moving forward to help others.

Two such amazing ladies are Laurel Rick, and Kavita Tandon. Both lost their sons. Both went far beyond their comfort zones as they stretched to make contact with their children in spirit. Both work now with their sons and the angels to uplift, heal, and assist others. Their information is beneath this article if you'd like to check them out.

Another dear soul, Niki Brown, lost her son in what looked like a tragedy, but went on to develop such an incredible relationship with him in spirit that they wrote a book together aboiut the incredible experience and perspective of his life and passing from two different angles—heaven and earth. Her partnership with him, way beyond her prior comfort zone, offers deep insight into the soul's journey and expansion, as well as comfort to those who have experienced similar loss. You can check out here book here.

I've also met people who found great love after mutually timed medical emergencies brought them together in the hospital. I've known people who were suddenly dumped or cheated on by a spouse who have created lives they adore. I've known people in natural disasters who rebuilt stronger, and who value life so dearly they have become spiritual masters. I've met people who have willingly given up life as they know it to move as their hearts guided them who would now say they live in paradise.

Life outside the comfort zone intrigues us, but there is usually a great deal of resistance when we think of stepping beyond it. So many want love but the discomfort of risking it again prevents them from the experience. So many want abundance but live in the "uncomfortable comfort zone" of a lack mentality. So many want peace yet live in a state of inner turmoil.

It is all so human, and certainly nothing to judge ourselves about, but if we want more, there are gentle, baby steps we must take to leave the familiar patterns, problems, and complaints behind. And if you find yourself in a not-so-gentle cataclysmic situation, there are still ways to slowly step into the unkown to find the rainbows after the storm.

Here are a few pointers to help you move beyond the comfort zone or to move into a better reality if you've been catapulted out of your comfort zone:

1.  Take Small "Risks" often

Risk small things periodically. Speak up and share your heart with someone. Compliment a stranger. For some of you, that's easy. For others, it is so hard to speak up. 

If you want to get in shape, risk failing at your exercise plan and do one situp, one stretch, or one pushup. You can succeed at that. 

Risk someone else's displeasure by doing something you want rather than what someone else wants of you.

Instead of forcing yourself to figure out a big move, get on Pinterest and start making a board with desired elements of the house you'd like to find, keep a running list.

If you want to get organized, risk donating one thing a week that you know you won't use but are still hanging onto for various reasons.

By daring to dream, doing things in small doses, and being true to yourself in the smallest of ways, you inch beyond your comfort zone genly and easily. When you look back over time you'll be amazed at how you've grown and changed.

2. Willingly Embrace a little Discomfort from Time to Time

What do you want to do that you're afraid to do? Can you just do it? I get in ice baths. I wanted to get over a fear of cold that was plaguing me. So I got mentally prepared, took a class, and did it.

I know a woman who bravely went on a huge, transformational journey that took tons of mental, physical, and emotional energy but was so rewarding it catalyzed massive change.

I know people who have said, "What the heck" and took their dream vacations, bought the house they loved, made the move they craved, all in spite of a lot of discomfort due to the unknown.

There are times when we must take small steps, but there are other times when our desire is so strong it can overcome our resistance. These are times to. "take the leap" and trust your own guidance.

3. Embrace the Unexpected and Surrender to the Journey

When life tosses you into the uncomfortable and unexpected, the only kind way to navigate it is to surrender to the journey rather than rushing to get everything back together again. When someone you love dies, there's no point in fighting your feelings. Better to be kind to yourself as you ride the waves. 

When you lose a home, better to grieve and take one guided step at at time so you can feel your guidance and be led with grace. When the job you wanted doesn't come through, or someone leaves you, better to avoid saying, "Why, why, why," and instead say, "Where, where, where do I want my life to go next?"  These things are not easy, yet this is how you can navigate such unthinkable circumstances and be guided in grace to a kinder future.

I think we, as a collective human consciousness, are all facing the unknown these days for a huge variety of reasons.  There's a lot of fear, a lot of hope, and a lot of hand-wringing because so many feel less in control of their lives than ever before. Nonetheless, aligned with the Divine, with love, appreciation, and a desire to seek anything that elevates our spirit, we are more in control than we can ever imagine.

Aligned with love, we have access to the power that creates an coordinates entire galaxies. As the angels have told me many times, "Ann, do you think the power that creates life, keeps the planets from bumping into each other, changes the seasons, and directs whole ecosystems can help you with your life changes?"  

My heart goes to all in the recent disasters. My heart goes to all of you who have lost those dear. Perhaps in this group of readers, we can pray for all to feel the comforting presence of angelic and divine love. If you're in a good space, you can ask that one person on this earth who is not doing as well will receive your love today. If you're way outside your comfort zone, you can embrace the journey and ask to feel this love. Eventually, you'll get so comfortable with the unknown and trust that no matter how life feels now, Love is beckoning you forward into a much kinder and more comfortable reality.

Have a blessed week,

Credit-Ann Albers - Click Here For Bio

Ann Albers and The Angels
Please feel free to share any of my messages or posts. The only thing I ask is a small note: ©Ann Albers, www.VisionsofHeaven.com
Reprinted with permission from Ann Albers on crystalwind.ca. All rights reserved.

© Ann Albers, LLC, an Arizona limited liability company, www.visionsofheaven.com

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