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Message From The Angels: Our Star and our Source

Message From The Angels: Our Star and our Source

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

You have experienced an incredible amount of light these past few weeks flowing to you from your sun. 

You are energetic beings, and without exception, this will affect you to varying degrees. The energy from your sun is a tangible representation of the Divine energy that gives life to all.

Like the source, your sun is self-generating. It constantly emanates its life-giving light, never asking for anything in return. It shines upon you without judgment, condition, or notion of whether or not you feel worthy. And just like that love from Source dear ones, you can choose to receive or block the light. You could live in a dark house with the shutters closed, complaining about darkness, or you could open the door a crack and let the light in. You can live in your world focused on its darkness and thus experience only that, or you could open your heart just a tiny crack to see the love that is available in the tiniest of ways, and suddenly, you would begin to notice it everywhere.

When your sun emits solar flares, it creates movement in your physical energy field. If your energy is flowing smoothly, it receives a "boost." If you hve stuck energy the light stirs it up and gets is moving. This is why so many are experiencing odd physical symptoms as your bodies feel areas of resistance to the heightened flow. This is why so many souls are leaving the planet suddenly—they decided to surf the current right out of the body and into the heavens! This is why old upsets can reappear if not completely dealt with, and this is why any small movement in the direction of your heart will result in you seeing support appear more quickly.

If you do things you are passionate about, you will feel energized. If you try to make yourself do things you don't authentically feel like doing in the moment, you'll feel exhausted. Find a way to feel good about what you have to do, dear ones, so you can accomplish your necessary tasks without falling asleep! 
 It is not a good time to push yourselves without mercy. Take small steps towards the things you desire. Gentle momentum will give you more energy. Pushing yourselves will deplete you.

As well as take care of your physical body. Drink your water. Get the minerals that the nervous system needs to function well. Listen to the cravings your body has. It tells you what it needs.

Both the visible and invisible lights are flowing to you in great measure, dear friends. Resistance to loving yourself will be felt more strongly, but the choice to be kind to yourself will feel as if the universe is magnifying your love. You live in exciting times, and the possibilities for creating new realities for yourselves have never been stronger. Listen to your hearts. Get in your own natural flow. In that space you can enjoy these intense times and tap into the love that is there for you, now, always, and forever.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels


Message from Ann

Hi Everyone,

I can't believe I missed seeing the aurora last Friday night. I was inside working late while the sky all over Arizona was putting on a glorious show of heart pink, and soul purple. Had I known ahead of time, the emails would have waited, and I would have been in the car to drive up north before dinner just to catch the show. However, I missed it till I saw the pictures the next day. I told the sun I wanted a do-over!

Meanwhile, on Saturday night, hoping to glimpse of the auroraI, I laid down on a chair in my backyard, wrapped myself in blankets, propped my head up with a soft pillow, and watched the night sky. I didn't see much, but oh! The feeling was bliss beyond words. The air was still and cool. The stars were twinkling, and next door, the neighbor's teenager was having quite a party with laughter, conversation, and even a splash or two as someone got thrown in the pool. The glorious silence of nature combined with the pure joy of these kids and the energy I was feeling from the latest download from our sun sent me into a state of pure gratitude for life. From 1:30 to 3am, I laid quietly, staring at the night sky, hearing the joy of those kids, and melting into all of it. I was so buzzed when I went to bed that it was hard to sleep.

The next day, I had so much energy I ticked more off the to-do list than I had in ages. My little plants are now staked up and in the summertime tents. I have a tomato starting to give me little treasures, and my pepper plant, now four years old, is still cranking out golf ball-sized delights. The zucchini who love their new location are more generous than they've ever been. It all feels magical.

As long as I'm doing things I love, I have a ton of energy, but the minute I try to make myself do something without finding a good feeling reason, I am exhausted. I tried to force myself to do the newsletter earlier in the week. Instead, I really wanted to make " dad joke" t-shirts for Father's day in my Etsy shop! I fell asleep sitting upright till I surrendered to the creative craving and then I was up half the night again without noticing the time.

I tried to make myself do the newsletter again the next day. Still no-go!  Instead, my mind wandered to thinking about how I wanted to create another Etsy shop selling digital download papers for junk journals (another creative passion!) As I reveled in the idea and wondered how I'd begin, ding! An email came in, offering a tutorial on the very subject. In awe of spirit's timing, I signed up and binge-watched the whole tutorial. Suddenly, I was inspired to write the newsletter.

When I surrender to my heart, life, and miracles flow. When I fight myself, I may as well try to roll a steel ball uphill!

The sun did do a do-over on Thursday!.This time, however, the outburst fof light is headed toward Mars, which is now expecting auroras. I thought it interesting that the planet symbolizing aggression and war is being bombarded with light! Prayers are being answered.

I love this energy. I have been sitting, breathing, receiving, and letting it flow through me. You can do this too.  Whether you feel it or not, your intention to receive love can create great movement in your life

Here are a few pointers to help you enjoy these waves:

1.  Surrender to your heart and let yourself enjoy it!

No matter how silly something seems, if it feels appealing, grant yourself grace and let your heart guide you.  You'll end up with more energy, being more productive, and, of course, be happier and healthier. 

If you fel tlike sleeping for a week, and could, you'd end up with a burst of health and well-being sufficient to make up for your time off—as long as you revel in the rest rather than beating yourself up or judging yourself.

This is a point often missed. Surrendering to your heart is a two-fold process.  1) Do what you feel inspired to do in a given moment, and 1) enjoy it without judgment.  People tell me all the time, "I am doing all these things to love myself. Why isn't life changing?" The answer is, as always, vibration. What we do matters less than the energy we do it with. Often, the actions are right, but the vibration isn't quite yet there. We have to not only listen to the heart but allow ourselves to enjoy its guidance.

So if you feel like napping, luxuriate in a good nap. If you feel like spending a little enjoy it! If you feel like a glass of wine, sip sweetly. You'll elevate your vibration and be more open to our guidance when you're truly happy!

2. Stop worrying about what others think of you

We all learned to validate our worth and existence based on what others think of us. But the truth is we're already worthy. The sun shines on us without condition. God loves us without condition. The angels have told me repeatedly that the concept of unworthiness has no meaning in the heavens. We're all worthy of love.

While we all want to be liked, our hearts want people to like us for who we genuinely are. So, as the angels say, if you want the world to see you (and love you), be you. You will lose the people who need you to please them, and you'll attract the ones who love you for who you are. 

Don't go against your own heart to please another. That is pacifing their ego while ignoring the Divine within.

3. Soak it up

It is a good time to sit quietly, even a few minutes a day, think about something pleasnt, or quiet your mind, and intend to receive the immense love that is there for us. Even a few short minutes a day of such openness can start to allow much good into your life. Spirit doesn't need all the time in the world. When we surrender to being tuned to our own comfort, joy, and love, we vibrate with the power that creates universes. It feels good, recharges your batteries, recalibrates your physical body, and opens you to guidance.

I know there are a lot of challenges this year. It is hard not to feel deeply these days. We are all noticing a lot more clearly when we're in flow and when we're stuck on an old feeling, an old story, or an old vibration. Flow feels fantastic. Stuck feels exhausting.

The good news is that getting unstuck is a simple matter of tuning into something that raises your vibe. Anything will do as long as it feels better or soothes you. In only a few seconds, you can attune once again to the healing, enlivening flow of energy from both our Star and our Source.

Have a blessed week,

Ann Albers and The Angels
Please feel free to share any of my messages or posts. The only thing I ask is a small note: ©Ann Albers, www.VisionsofHeaven.com
Reprinted with permission from Ann Albers on crystalwind.ca. All rights reserved.
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