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Inspiration for the Week - Facing the Fears of the Past
Written by Shanta Gabriel
Be Willing to Face Fear
We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.
The message from Archangel Gabriel this week is encouraging us to open into the new levels of Love available to us, and let the old fears go.
The Gabriel Message Card for this Week
Be willing to face the fears of the past and
move into new dimensions of Love.
There seems to be so much more fear in the energy fields surrounding us now. Because the frequencies of higher dimensions respond differently and feel unusual, many people are reacting in fear to the unknown.
As we become more sensitive to energy in these times of great change, we can be affected by what is in the quantum field. It becomes our divine duty to do what we can to change our consciousness so that we are not at the effect of the world around us. This will not only change our experience, but it will also bring more love into the hearts of others because we will be radiating higher frequencies of Divine Love.
The new 5D frequencies that are open to us now respond to this Love as well as the Beauty we bring into our lives. We have access to new fields of divine consciousness that are profoundly uplifting and can change our lives in ways we did not know were possible.
When we are moving into these expanded fields, all that does not harmonize with our new vibrational frequency may come into our awareness. This is a sign of tremendous spiritual progress, not backsliding into old ways. Remember that it is only energy. We are clearing our fields of the old energy that no longer supports us. This will also have a profound effect for all the world. As we clear for ourselves, we are also clearing the fields so others can be free.
To do this, we have tremendous support from our Spiritual Resources, as well as our soul community, to transcend the old fears that come into our fields. It is a matter of choice, a moment-to-moment focus, and a receptive heart.
Divine Presence,
Open my mind and heart in new levels of receptivity to all the assistance available to me now. Let me feel the powerful support of the masters and angels that are working with me at this time so I may release any fear in my field that is holding me back.
May I know deeply that I am profoundly loved and cared for right now. Help me to bring into my life more Beauty and more Harmony with the Creative Solutions that abound.
May I and all of humanity know truly that all our needs are being met with Grace and Ease, and that we are cared for eternally. And so it is.
Shanta Gabriel
November 19, 2023
The Gabriel Messages #33
Be willing to face the fears of the past and
move into new dimensions of Love.
You have come to a time when you know that the way you have always perceived your world may seem like it is no longer working. It may even feel as though your childhood traumas or other things from your past that you are not proud of are crowding into your present awareness. This is a very good sign, because all memories come into your mind to be released, so that you can live in the present. We encourage this release of past memories and fear so you will be able to move on with your life. Whether you do this through prayer, personal journaling, talking to a friend or going through counseling, the important thing is to be willing to face the fears of the past, hold them in the light of loving awareness, and then let them go.
When the healing light of Love, Compassion and Acceptance shines on old patterns and fears, they lose their power and are easier to release. Once you let go of old habits of thoughts and feelings, you become free to turn your attention away from the past and to focus on creating the future you would like for yourself and for your world.
The veils between heaven and earth are thinner now. This means that the desires of your heart and the focus of your mind can bring about the manifestation of that which is in your highest good. Your thoughts are now creating your present and future reality.
Whatever you focus on increases in energy, so it becomes the dominant force in your world. You can choose to focus on the good, the beautiful and the love inherent in all things. Or you can choose to focus on the old which may increase the levels of fear inside you. If you begin to look for good, you will find it. And the more you look for the good in your world, the more it will increase because you are giving it energy by your focus.
You will also begin to notice that you feel more loving, more peaceful and more optimistic. People will seem much nicer to you. Your daily struggle will become less. All this is possible because you begin to look for and focus on the good, and are willing to have more Love and Harmony in your life. It will seem like a miracle, but miracles are available to all who will receive them.
The Angels are also available to you now in a way that was not possible before. We will assist this entire process of changing the way you perceive your world, if you but ask us. Your thoughts are prayers flowing out into the ethers and bring to you that which you focus on. What do you have to lose by calling on your guardian Angel and asking for more Love, Peace and Harmony in your life? What could it hurt to ask to see that which is good, instead of that which causes pain? There is an incredible simplicity in the truth of universal law. You do not have to be alone in your struggle. Angelic assistance is always available to you, here to bring Divine Love and Light to the world. Our message is always one of Peace and Harmony. We seek to bring only Good into your life.
Entertain the possibility that what we are saying may actually be true; that what you focus on can create your future reality. Notice your thought patterns throughout the day. Is this what you want in your future? Begin to focus your thoughts only on that which you want in your life. When you notice negativity in your mind, say “That is not an acceptable reality, this is what I do want...more Love, greater Abundance, Harmony in my relationships and Beauty in my world.” Before long you will notice the changes in your life, as that which you ask for manifests. These changes are the new dimensions of love promised to you. You are the one that holds the key to your future by what you are harmonizing with today.
Remember your message from Archangel Gabriel today is:
Be willing to face the fears of the past and move into new dimensions of Love.
Shanta Gabriel
for Archangel Gabriel
November 19, 2023
Copyright © Shanta Gabriel. These messages can be shared as long as they are used in their entirety and proper credit is given for the work. I love people to be able to share the work with others.
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