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Channeled Message: No Longer Linear, Circular

Channeled Message: No Longer Linear, Circular

Dear Ones,

Many of you have new thoughts or actions that are seemingly unimportant, but every idea is shifting you in directions you never before explored.

Even though some of you continue to clear past life experiences detrimental to your new being, most of you have moved beyond the clearing stages that occupied you for months, years, or decades.

Perhaps you expected to wake up one day a new being and find this seemingly plodding progress too slow or not that exciting. You are moving at the pace correct for you.

Whatever new stage you are in, you will never return to your former 3D angst. There are no mistakes, only steps and leaps forward.

You are discovering hidden niches within your being demanding change. No longer do you fulfill the needs and interests of others. And no longer are you who you thought you were. New is your personal word and action.

Perhaps this shift frightens you. Not because it is wrong but because it is different.

You may never fully understand the changes you are activating. But understanding why is not that important. The critical piece is finding your joy – and so you are, step-by-step.

Joy is your ultimate goal.

When you remove your 3D blinders, you will discover the larger tapestry you are creating. There are no wrong moves – merely thoughts, words, and actions stabilizing your new being.

All your new thoughts, words, and actions are leading you away from who you were to who you are or are becoming. There are no mistakes.

Your only path to joy is through your inner voice. So, at times, you may feel frustrated, frightened, or angry because your inner voice seems to be projecting you as a weak or fearful being. Such is your inner voice pulling you away from shoulds, angst, and fear, even though the opposite sometimes appears true. There are no mistakes.

Allow yourself to find joy through yourself.

You are not following the path created by anyone of 3D, including yourself.

This seismic shift might seem overwhelming at times just because you have never experienced anything like this while of the earth.

The current shifts are no longer preparing you for joy; they are helping you experience it. You are not of 3D, nor are you shifting away from 3D. You are a new being in a new world, with thoughts and actions propelling you into joy.

Your transition stage is over. You are now adjusting to your new being in whatever way your inner being finds most productive and rapid.

But there are no generations of acceptance, as was true while adjusting to your 3D fear modality. You will not add layer upon layer of joy as you once did fear. Instead, this life is designed to be complete in itself. Even though many of you will return to earth in the future, each life will be individualized instead of cumulative.

Your individualized path begins with this life.

Perhaps you wonder why your future lives will be individualized instead of cumulative, as was true during your 3D experiences. As your being expands by adding knowledge and experiences from other Universal places and dimensions, you do not have time to build upon each new earth life with experiences from former earth lives. More importantly, karma no longer exists, so there is no reason to add knowledge from one life to another.

Instead of a continuum, your future lives will be a circle of experiences. Straight lines of activity no longer exist. So you will grab a bit from this dimension and that frequency, including an earth life, building your being from the core – as you did in this life with new segments – each time you create a unique experience.

Previously, you dabbled in a minimal paint pallet tinged with shades of gray while of the earth and other Universal experiences. You did so because you were preparing for this transition. Gray is no longer part of your paint pallet. Nor do you need to remember the 3D experiences that helped transition you and the earth.

You have a clean slate that does not require memories of what was or what should be. You will start anew with every Universal experience, including this life. Karma is no more. Your debt to others and the earth is over.

Perhaps you wonder what this change means for the earth. Earth is no longer in debt to those of 3D, nor does the earth feel a need to function as you once expected it to. You are free, and so is the earth. The final piece of this transition is occurring now. Karma, fear, and angst are over for you and the earth.

Does that mean the earth will turn against humanity with new storms, etc.? No, it means the earth no longer needs to babysit humans, as it has for eons, helping you prepare for this transition. The earth is tired and ready to experience self-love, as are you.

Allow yourself to move in any direction prompted by your inner being, and allow the same for the earth. Neither of you is controllable by others any longer. You are independent beings of love moving in the direction right for you.

You and the earth completed your transitions. Now flow into love, as will the earth. So be it. Amen.


Copyright © 2009-2023, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. www.LifeTapestryCreations.com. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But please keep the integrity of this article by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link: www.LifeTapestryCreations.com

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