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Channeled Message: Time to Lighten Up Your Vibe

Channeled Message: Time to Lighten Up Your Vibe

Dear Ones,

Even though you have accepted that your life is changing, you worry that your life shift might go awry or you are not shifting fast enough.

You continue to focus on 3D needs before accepting the process you are now in.  The word “process” should indicate to you that this shift is not immediate but gradual.  Your physical being could not continue to exist if you shifted within minutes or even days.

This transition from 3D to the new Earth you is unlike your experiences in other locations and dimensions.

Does knowing that your transition is a process make you uncomfortable or angry?  Your feelings as you read this message will inform you if that is so.  Anger, fear, or disdain indicate you are not allowing yourself to evolve at the correct pace.  Comfort, joy, and laughter are expeditors.

Worrying about your evolutionary pace merely slows the results, as is true for your actions to ensure your dreams become a reality.  Pushing in any sense is now counter-productive.

When you apply 3D fears to new you solutions or actions, you will feel anxious, sad, or mad.  Many of you are discovering deeply held fears that nothing seems to eradicate—fears that waste time and energy.

Your dreams have become new you dreams.

You are also no longer a new you infant, so crying, becoming angry or sad, or taking any other action that limits testing your new skills is little different than acting as an infant in a 3D adult body.

You have the skills needed to overcome your current concerns or fears.  You merely have to allow your new being to take the lead, which is frightening to many of you.  As a 3D adult, were there not times when you wished for the seeming simplicity of infants in which crying produced what was necessary without any other effort?  Yet, if a magic wand had allowed you to return to that state once you were an adult, you would soon toss that magic wand as too limiting and simplistic.  So it is now.

Your wish for instant gratification without using your new skills will limit you now and forever.

Perhaps you question that last comment because you do not sense any new skills.  If you have not yet accessed new methods of solving issues and continue to fear, cry, pout, be sleepless, or angry, know that you are not using your new skills.  It is time to float to solutions instead of digging into the steep mountains of solution fears you have created for eons.

Your life no longer focuses on fear – unless you want it to.  You are in control of you.  No one is dictating your actions or words, whether within you or in your outer world.  “You should do this because …..” no longer applies.  But if you remain fearful or anxious, know you have not yet let go of those deeply enmeshed 3D actions.

You are a sovereign being with skills beyond anything you have ever before experienced while of Earth.  It is time to start exercising those skills.  To do that, you merely have to accept that you can.

Let go of your fears and anxiety so that your innate Universal skills can come to the forefront.

Perhaps you question the validity of that last statement, thinking, “That’s wonderful for some people, but it doesn’t apply to me because I have to take care of this before I even begin to think about new skills.”  This is similar to your 3D worries on the first day of a new job, school, or community that you wouldn’t be able to function within that environment, only to discover how closely aligned you were with your new activities.  So it is now.  The difference is you have never experienced your new you skills while of Earth, nor has anyone now of the Earth, so there is no one to calm your nerves or answer your 3D-type questions of when, where, and how.  You feel isolated and overwhelmed.  Not because you have to, but because you are not fully allowing your new wisdom to respond to your questions and fears.

Float instead of clinging, grasping, or any other word indicating you are pushing forward into your new life while ignoring your new life objectives.  Float, and you will achieve what you wish.  Push, pull, or delay, and you will feel like your life is filled with obstacles and fear.

The phrase “lighten up” is so appropriate now.  You have the skills and knowledge; you merely have to accept that such is true.  So be it.  Amen.


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