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Adama - Embracing Unity and Evolution: A Reflection on Chapter 4 of "One of Telos

Adama -  Embracing Unity and Evolution: A Reflection on Chapter 4 of "One of Telos

Dear brothers! I AM ADAMA!

Continuing our journey, I will comment on chapter 4 of the book One of Telos.

As I already said, I'm not here to read the book, I'm here to bring the energy and learning related to each chapter of these lines that you are accessing. That's why I've always said that it's interesting that you have the physical book to follow the whole process and have the necessary knowledge.

In this chapter we comment on our life in Telos, how our cities are, how we live, how our structure is. So I would like to make a small comment. Many of you think that living in a high dimension is living in a state of anarchy, is living in a state where everyone does what they want. I would say that even living Unconditional Love, if that were the case, the universe would not have gotten where it is today. There must always be governing minds at every point in the universe, on every planet, in every city. Nothing can happen by the vision of a single mind.

This is the big problem of the Third Dimension. You choose a single representative who makes the decisions and it doesn't matter who he affects; he is the only one to make decisions. So we don't work this way, we don't live this way. There is always great advice. A group of extremely evolved and wise beings who coordinate all evolution, who coordinate the maintenance of all places in the universe.

And we don't feel inferior or superior because of it. I believe many of you here have already learned that every soul is born with purpose. No soul is created just to live, to exist. Every soul has a purpose, it is created by a need, which may not be the need at that moment of creation, but it will be a need later on when that soul is ready. Remember we don't have past and future, we always have the present.

So each soul is created with a purpose. There are souls who are created for wisdom, precisely to be part of these Councils; they are extremely balanced and wise souls so that they can exercise this command. “Ah, but do commands last forever?” No, every soul feels the need to evolve and they may wish to step out of this command into higher dimensions and another will take their place. So nothing is definitive, everything is in constant change, since change is for the good of the Whole, never for the good of one. There are always many minds thinking.

We don't make decisions coming from just one. And as we live within Unconditional Love, within well-being and harmony, we never allow ourselves to be involved in situations of disputes or conflicts of ideas. Of course, ideas are often contested, but for you to contest an idea you need to have a very strong argument, a real and tangible argument, not your ego, not your will to prevail for your idea, but something you knows in some way and that can add objectivity to your idea; and then the whole board will think about it, because you brought something that many didn't know. That's how it works. There is no superiority. There is no need to look better than each other. It is only necessary to maintain the balance of our cities and our universe.

This is how we stay on the path of evolution. So, as you read or will still read, in this chapter I spoke a little about our life, how we build our homes from our minds and hearts. You still cannot realize this, be fully aware of what you also create. Do not look at us as extremely powerful beings, we are what we are because we live in the dimension in which we live. And I say to each one of you that even in the Third Dimension you create your world; you created the world you live in today.

Look at your world, at your planet, at this planet of ours, 1000 years ago. As he was? Look 2000 years ago, 3000, 4000; go back in time and see how the planet was and how it is today. But you will say to me: “Ah, but today there are a lot of bad things!” Yes, because you also chose to live these bad things; you have accepted the offerings given to you, but not everything that exists on your planet was the evil it created. The very evolution of the planet, of your lives, it was the Light that brought it, it was evolved consciences that incarnated to develop your people. Just with every step of Light that was taken on the planet, the shadow came and contaminated. And this is how your planet is today, everything is contaminated by them, but the evolution, the growth was always done by the Light, not by them.

Shadows don't develop, shadows don't make anything grow; what grows and evolves is under the support of the Light, not the shadows. Shadows exist to eliminate, to hinder, to block, never to develop. Then realize the world that you have created. So don't look at us as fantastic beings, like in your fiction films, we are what you will be in a while. Our souls have this capacity and yours too, only you are in a dimension where physicality takes place, it is predominant.

But now I'm going to talk about individual creations here. You are what you create in your mind. If you create difficult paths, with your complaints, with your negative phrases, with your feelings of anger, up ahead you will reap exactly what you created; on the other hand if you believe, have faith and live from dreams, as you say, but believe in that dream so much, you are able to make that dream come true. And many do.

The big problem is that you don't value what you achieve; you think you conquered for the sake of conquering, but there at some point there was a dream, there was a desire, there was a will, and this will grow over time along with your feeling of victory and you got there. Learn to believe in your powers, because your power is not in your physical body, it is not in your mind, it is in your souls. Your souls are powerful, you just need to believe it, but believe it not with your mind, because we have the ego, saying all the time: “You won't make it. This is not for you. You are dreaming too big. This is not for you. This is not for you” This the ego repeats over and over again and you believe it. “It's not for me!,” and they give up on the dream.

So from the moment you believe, “No, everything is available to everyone. So this is for me, yes. There is nothing I cannot conquer. There's nothing I can't be. It's enough that I want, it's enough that I believe and it's enough that I don't do anything to harm anyone on this path.” you can say too.

Do not throw what you want into the lap of the Beings of Light. “Ah, I ask the Being of Light “A,” to give it to me” He won't give it to you. Who needs to conquer what you want is yourself. What you can do is: “Being of Light “A” help me have the confidence to get what I want” Ah, Being of Light “A” will have all the love in the world to give you that little push. But what happens? You place everything in the hand of the other, including the Beings of Light. “Oh, I already asked!” and expect him to. No, not like that. Who needs to conquer, who needs to chase, who needs to develop the dream, is you. Ask for help, don't put it on his lap.

So my brothers, what we live today, all the technology we have is inherent to our dimension, it is inherent to our growth, and very soon it will be available to you as well. Of course, you won't learn everything overnight. You will still have a long way to go so that you can effectively live in the Fifth Dimension. Don't think that it was easy for us, don't think that it was simple for us to build our cities, to evolve from that cataclysm. We went through what you will go through, but what is important is that you believe that you will succeed and that very soon you will be able to have all the knowledge that we have today, that all Intraterrestrial beings have.

This planet will be cleansed of all the harm you've caused, all the contamination you've caused. But don't expect a big ship to arrive here and change the water in your seas; that a great ship will arrive and change the water of your rivers; that a big ship will arrive and change the air you breathe. You will do this work, you will clean the house that you have soiled, and it will be in this way that you will learn not to dirty anymore, not to contaminate anymore, not to do to Gaia what you did.

And at this point it doesn't matter if you were misguided or not; nothing will matter, because it already happened. Supporting yourself, justifying yourself that you did it because you were guided, because you were enslaved, because you were misguided, does not justify anything. You will have to get your hands dirty to get this planet back to what it always was. But you will have the conditions for this, but you will have to work on your own. Nobody will do it for you. And then we'll all come together to help you in this endeavor, to teach you everything we've learned, and then, little by little, each of you will manage to evolve, manage to adapt, manage to move forward.

Unfortunately, I guarantee that many will not succeed because they are so used to having everything easy, without producing anything that they will not be able to reach even close to the Fifth Dimension. That's why many will not stay on the planet, many will leave, because they are not ready for this evolution. They are still trapped in this world of vices, enslavement, superiority that makes them so strong, inside their minds. Then they will leave, they will have no place here, but whoever adapts to all of this will stay, and it will be a great day, it will be a great moment, where we will all gather on the surface. We will all be arm in arm, first clapping for Gaia's evolution, because she will become another planet more beautiful than she already is; and you, for having chosen to live this journey of evolution. We'll all be together and toast for a good time, we will have many parties, because happiness and love will definitely be implanted again on this planet. And together we will know how to move forward, helping you and you helping us, to keep ourselves always within Unconditional Love.

Translation by CrystalWind.ca.


Angels and Light Therapies
Vania Rodrigues

Founder and Owner of Canal Anjos Luz e Terapias, Projeto LACAM and Um Toque Colibri, totaling more than 110,000 subscribers to my Youtube Channels, in which I share Channels and Messages received from various Beings of Light.
Founder and Director of the Nova Gaia Association - NGO in order to bring Christ Consciousness to the hearts of all.
Training: Magnified Healing® Course, Professional Radiesthesia, Crystal Therapy, Facilitator and Akashic Records Reader, Reiki - Level 3A and 3B -  Access Consciousness® Bars Practitioner

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