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Adama: Take Action And Wield Your Inherent Power
Written by Possidonius Neto
Dear brothers! I AM ADAMA!
It is with great joy that I return here to be with you. I would like to go back in time a little; in your time, because for me it is exactly now. But for you, you need to follow the timeline. So let's go, let's go back to the day of the meeting.
Magnificent! Splendid! Many wonderful words to be said, but unfortunately we cannot say that we did not have enough work. But we did it. And of course we could overcome all the problems. It's interesting how some people still doubt, some people still believe that there is no one around, that everything is deception, that everything is just words, and that they can come with their dark energy and cause a big whirlwind.
Each of these people was enveloped in a capsule of Light, and no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't achieve anything, because we didn't allow it; they arrived, were involved and left. They didn't understand why they didn't have the strength to do anything. I'm talking about completely dark people, not those who oscillate between here and there, these caused some confusion, but this was quickly resolved. I'm talking about people whose hearts contain shadows.
So I would like each one of you to look and realize what happened. Everything that was said was expanded upon. The entire planet received the energy generated there. It was extremely magnified by all the beings that were there at that moment. It wasn't just you who received that energy, the entire planet. So understand the importance of this type of event. It is not just a social event where everyone meets, some meet for the first time, others meet friends; it is an encounter with much more depth, with a greater purpose, which is the expansion of Light on the planet.
Each one who let themselves be enveloped by all that aura of energy formed there contributed to this great egregore of Light, contributed to the energy released on the planet. It's obvious that something this size always has to be very careful by all of us, because it's not something that goes unnoticed in the shadows, on the contrary, it's something very well analyzed and planned by them, so that everything goes wrong. Because they knew what would happen. But they were not successful, because everything happened as we predicted it would happen. And the Light spread on the planet.
I tell you that a great sphere of Light was created around the planet. It is dissipating, yes, but it still manages to emanate a lot of energy to the inhabitants, and it will stay that way for a long time, because we have given maximum load to everything we have done. So understand, that a meeting like this has a purpose. It's not just a social thing, I repeat, it's something much bigger.
Many may ask: “But you can emanate Light, all the time on the planet.” Yes, we can, and we have done so. But when a group that has free will chooses to participate in something of this magnitude, and with this purpose, the thing takes on a much greater volume, because there is your will, there is the Love involved in you, there is the Light emanated by you . You have free will and you chose to do this.
So it's a much bigger process, the weight is much greater, because it's something created by you, not by us. Unite whenever possible. Emanate a lot of Light. Do solidarity work, united, small jobs. It doesn't have to be something huge, nor does it have to take on gigantic proportions. If each of you plays a small part, in your neighborhood, in your building, you will already be contributing to the entire process.
We have always said this here: You are not weak as you think, on the contrary, you are very powerful. So act, unite in favor of a greater moment, in favor of a greater movement. Use your heart to reach people, but no, it is not reaching with words, with teachings, with attempts to make them believe. Act within the rules of your world, being supportive, showing new paths. Small campaigns. Act.
Don't just sit around waiting for someone to coordinate everything. Make your own decisions. Do it for the planet, do it for the animals, do it for your brothers. And be sure that here, where we are, even far from you, we feel each other's hearts, and the moment we feel a heart vibrating Light and Love, immediately a group of us comes together and expands that vibration. Likewise the Beings of Light that you all know.
So when each of you takes an action for good, that action is always magnified. Don't think you're weak, don't think you're few. Just have the will, just have an enlightened heart, and you will see a huge difference happening on the planet. Do your part. Do not deceive yourself that you will change the path of ascension, that is not the case. Whatever has to happen will happen, because it will be necessary, but by emanating Light and Love for your brothers you can always soften the results of your actions, you can bring comfort, you can bring calm, patience, resignation to your brothers.
See how good it is and how it will be, what you can do. Don't settle. Don't wait for someone else. Everyone does their part, but without trying to involve anyone in their beliefs. Just act like humans, supportive humans, who want to help. A friendly word, a word of comfort, something that can help someone. And recognize it, you are powerful. Because whoever emanates Love and whoever emanates Light will always have a legion of Beings of Light around them, amplifying all this energy.
Translation by
Angels and Light Therapies
Vania Rodrigues
Founder and Owner of Canal Anjos Luz e Terapias, Projeto LACAM and Um Toque Colibri, totaling more than 110,000 subscribers to my Youtube Channels, in which I share Channels and Messages received from various Beings of Light.
Founder and Director of the Nova Gaia Association - NGO in order to bring Christ Consciousness to the hearts of all.
Training: Magnified Healing® Course, Professional Radiesthesia, Crystal Therapy, Facilitator and Akashic Records Reader, Reiki - Level 3A and 3B - Access Consciousness® Bars Practitioner
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