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Divine Message: Prepare for the Life-Changing Solar Eclipse on April 8th, 2024!

Divine Message: Prepare for the Life-Changing Solar Eclipse on April 8th, 2024!

Hello beautiful souls, today I am here to bring you a channel from the Divine Mother and Divine Father who are joined as one as the Source of all Creation to discuss the upcoming Solar Eclipse on April 8th of 2024.

We are well aware there has been a lot of fear-based programming being spread throughout the world right now on this topic and we inspired this soul channeling now to channel this message we bring you as she is one of our bridges here that we use to connect your world with ours..

 Many of you have reached the point where you know how to maneuver through these situations and know what to give your energy to and what to toss aside and what not to. There is still a huge amount of this world that has not reached this point yet and needs assistance learning these lessons so they to can walk through their journey and know what is meant for them. So this message is for those souls today.

First and foremost do not do that thing where you best yourself up for not being someone who knew how to handle these kind of experiences yet, you all are at different steps on your  journey yet you all are right we’re you need to be. What we ask is that you start reflecting less on what you don’t know or what you wish you could do and give yourself the love and credit you deserve for being where you are now. Everyone is so hard on their self and it is very toxic programming to have this self criticism placed0 on your psyche all the time. Now that we have said this we will begin to discuss the topic we came here to bring you today.

The solar eclipse this year is going to be beyond a very special day. This is the convergence of a timeline, a massive portal for those who choose and are aligned to walk through. On this day we highly recommend during the day while this eclipse is taking place you should go outside with bare feet and ground yourself into Gaia into the New Earth Grid lines. There will be a great up serge of energies  this day that are highly beneficial to receive not just from the sun because this is a joint effort that day that will allow you to receive the max growth and potential upgrades for your soul. We need you to understand we have been greatly increasing the DNA and light body upgrades for this planet in that past few weeks and we will be continually increasing these more and more. The frequency this planet vibrates at we will continually keep increasing so to align Gaia and all of Gaia’s children with the energies your soul and Gaia’s soul was once accustomed to vibrating at. We have to give these to you over an extended amount of time just a little at a time because we are trying to ease you into this with the least suffering to your system.

Everyone is always used to instant gratification and at times everyone gets frustrated wanting everything to happen right now and you are ignoring what would be actually best for you when you think like this. Many have been undergoing intense side effects from these upgrades and Activations that can seem very hard to maneuver through while living your day to life. With that said could you imagine if we were then to double the amount and send it all at once how about triple it. If we did that you still would only be receiving a minute amount of the upgrades that you need in total and it would be beyond  tense for anyone to handle. So understand while I know it is hard for you to perceive these things while your hear living a human life but please understand we are already putting a lot on your souls and your bodies at this time. Trying to figure out your journey and come back into your memories of self is a very intense process alone that is without including any of the energies we send to you. We are not willing to put you in harms way, just to play into everyone’s need for instant gratification.

This solar eclipse can be looked at as a shift onto another timeline and depending on where you are on your journey will reflect how this will be seen for you in your reality. Many things that occur when shifting through these timelines for those on the journey of self discovery and the ones aligning to their true divine source will be watching the things in your life that really can not embark on the next chapter of your life start to leave your life. Whether through ending friendships, partnerships and even walking away from toxic family members this will be an ever increasing occurrence in the upcoming weeks for many. Changing your location will be a major theme seen as well as you find yourself becoming aligned with your souls mission here. You will also begin to see manifestations that you have been working towards, bringing into your reality in the past start to make their appearance in your earthly reality because you succeeded at bringing them into existence in the higher realms and now The reflection will also be seen before your eyes now.

 The separation between the light and the dark will start falling away more and more as you go through these different timelines till you no longer look at these energies as separate. It can be hard for some though that are still surrounded by a lot of these toxic relationships because as we have been increasing Gaia’s energies and attuning her back to the rightful place she belongs it has made it increasingly more and more difficult for those dense energies to keep maintaining the way they once had here on this planet.

You will be able to see this by noticing the souls around you with attachments they will seem very agitated, aggressive and can very easily have moments of tearing others down, hatefulness and just a total desperate attempt to bring others down around them because it would ease their suffering . When you come across people like this, distance yourself from them and do not let them get you and bring you down to their level like they are attempting to do. As your life becomes more enjoyable and your receiving and living in more bliss energies they will start living in more extreme energies of hate, anger and they will be trying desperately to lower everyone’s energy around them because this energy is slowly killing them as it increases. This is a part of the process and how you are able to start removing these lower realms from your existence all together like you all have been praying for.

It is not an easy thing to experience for a lot of you because you all have such big hearts and so much love when you get around anyone who is not in alignment with me you can’t help but feel sorry for them or you can’t help but feel upset when seeing these lower forms of energy in the world and it is very hard on many of you to co-exist along side these polar opposites energies. We ask you to understand that these to are a needed part of your journey and experience and you would not be where you are today if it were not for these energies.

It has been a rough road to finding yourself with many trials, lessons , pain and at the same time there has been so much love, happiness and joy felt and Experienced that even came from your time around having those lower energies In your life. The darkness and the light are not separate from one another they work as a team together they understand that to have one you must have they other. They understand that one started out as the other and they discovered how when they accept ones differences and start looking at what each person can contribute to one another they start to see how they can be the greatest match when one is wanting to create the most beautiful creation anyone has ever made and that creation is each and every single one of you.

This channel we are currently using now was shocked when she realized her hatred for these lower energies was the same as having hatred towards herself. For we created her and others as both light and dark and as long as you reject either one of these opposing forces then you are still rejecting part of yourself and will never truly be in alignment. She has  also reached the awareness that these beings are actually cheering her on throughout her journey and many show up in her life to defend her now against others who may try to use darkness to attack her.

She now walks fearlessly knowing not only does she have allies in the divine realms protecting her but also in the lower realms as well. The lower realms love when they finally get seen as they truly are and that is allies in helping you become who you truly are on this journey. For each attack you have undergone, every tear you have cried and every painful moment all had been to help push you further and further on your journey to discovering who you are, what you want for yourself in life and at the same moment what you don’t want in your life. We must experience everything  in life for us to truly know what works for us. For you know the darkness is not for you unless you experience it for yourself.

Even though you understand now that you don’t like these energies understand without them you would not know that and you would not be who you are today. They were doing their job this whole time and was helping us guide you in the direction your soul desired to go. Not all energies here on this planet operating in these energies were meant to be here for we were invaded  at many different times since this planets conception. These creations were of our creation and also not at the same time. What was a new creation created by some of the beings who have the ability to bring new life forms to life, a project they started but did not finish and left unattended and behind on a distant planet was later found by one of the Fallen Angelic’s who took those creations and finished their development and raised these beings under their own programming which sadly was not in alignment with what we had intended for anyone or anywhere to have. This is the difference between the lower realms that are here doing as I ask them to do to assist you in the evolving of your soul and then dark evil things being done here in this world that is not now or ever in alignment with what any of us here have ever planned for this earth to experience. Gaia has willingly opened her loving arms to many different types of beings who have fled here to earth seeking a home over these what you call centuries but not all that have arrived here have been welcomed. Do know that these beings are being taken care of, stop giving in to the fear propaganda always being thrown towards you. They keep it in your face out of the hopes you will take the bait and let that fear in which is the same as allowing those energies into you as well.

These beings are nothing to fear because as we keep adjusting Gaia’s frequency and bringing in new higher vibrations these beings simply can’t exist here anymore. We have not sent all of you beautiful souls here helping in service to humanity to a planet just to have you go through all this darkness, all these lessons only to allow this planet to be taken over or destroyed. Please I am asking you to really start using your mind in better ways when you are taking in information from others. Does that sound like something you think the divine would do. Send it’s greatest and best souls here and have them endure so much only to end it all. You should know us better than that even without all your memory in tact yet do you really think that sounds like something we would do to anyone. Of course not. We created this earth out of love. For we love to see every last single one of you  grow and become your own unique individualized spark of our self. We wanted to create a place where all these fractals and essences of our self could  embark on a journey of learning the life skills needed to evolve themselves into becoming their very own creator one day. We do not want to keep creation for ourselves, trust me we are wanting a break now at this time and we are more than ready to pass the responsibilities and honor of creating not just worlds but also beings over to more of our beautiful creations. We will never do so though until we see you are ready for this level of huge responsibilities. Because one choice can affect and alter everyone’s reality. So we created this earth school for all of you to come and practice at becoming your own creator.

As many of you choose to walk through this portal during the solar eclipse many of you are being given the privilege of showing us what you have learned in this earth school and will find yourself inspired to create many new things that will help us with the ushering in of this bright new earth energies we all have been waiting  to experience. For see many of you have been waiting on us to make these shifts happen because you have not yet realized and received the memory back yet that this is actually your mission here in this life. For you came here to be in human form because that is how we can make these shifts happen. It’s is by being the one in a physical body creating the changes needing to be made here on this planet. So I have been waiting on you actually, waiting for you to wake up and grow into your true divine essence you have always been and take your place on this earth as a creator, as an energy grid worker, as a light bringer and lighthouse for others.

Stop giving all your power over to me for I gave you the same power and can do what I do as well. I am depending on you  and you have had it wrong this whole time. You are in form and I can’t do this without you we work as a team to create these shifts on this planet for this is how I wanted it to be. You are my children I have been guiding each of you through each step in your life. Teaching  what was needed for each and all to end with the ultimate outcome of waking up and discovering their own divinity and power they hold and taking the valuable lessons I have been teaching you so that you can now go out in the world and use that wisdom and knowledge gained and make me proud by creating a beautiful world far greater than I could have ever envisioned myself. It has not been an easy road for any of us all these lifetimes. We made a lot of choices we wish we had not but they were the building blocks we needed, for how do we know what will work if it has never been tried, just like your earthly parents we to did not always know what to do we learned as we were growing along with you on this journey. We taught you everything you know and at the same time you were teaching us what we did not know as well.

You have been some of the hardest and strictest teachers anyone has ever seen. Some way harder than the divine mother and father are at times. I promise you this but it has been such an amazing experience to grow with our creations as well. We are so nervous now at this time like any parent is when they are reaching that point of having to let go of our child’s hands and trust we did our job to the best of our ability and we just hope you have listened and learned what we passed down to you because now we are here and have reached that point we’re many of you have graduated and our about to embark on your own journey that you feel called to embark on while your creating the world you desire.

It never gets any easier for us to let go of your hand for we are always so scared to do so before your ready but we have to trust in our self and in our creation and know that we have done all we can do and trust you are ready and now we get to sit back and watch you take all you have learned and embark out on your quest to become your own individualized spark of source who wants to create the reality they desire now for this earth school. With that said especially cause we are seriously making this channel cry so much right  now with these words which now has turned to laughter as we are delivering this so we bring this to an end and leave you with this. We want you to sit back and truly grasp what was  just shared. Read this two or three times or however many times needed to help you decide which direction your choosing to go on when we arrive at this big solar eclipse portal.

Will you be going through that door and taking your place on this earth as the new line of creators here to show us what your made of or do you need to embark on some more life lessons before your ready to join the other creators here. Either choice is fine for us. We said we never want you to start something if your soul is not ready for it. So do not do that negative self talk with yourself if you are not ready. There is nothing wrong with that and know we don’t want you doing anything before you are fully prepared to and there is no judgement ever from us on this matter we would be upset if you went against what you felt. You were ready for and pushed yourself further than you were physically ready to handle.

We love you all and now you know from our own consciousness what we created you and this beautiful earth for. You know what your souls came here to do. So when you are here the other negative false light sent to throw you off your course, you know to toss that stuff aside because you already received your wisdom on this subject straight from the source and this resonated truer in your heart and soul than anything else ever has, so you will know what is right for you.  With love from the proudest parents you could ever have Divine Mother and Divine Father who has always been and always will be together united as the one source

Christina Franz Channeling - Greetings, beautiful souls! I'm Christina, a conduit for the Divine Mother and a versatile channel capable of connecting with various entities as the need arises. In addition to my role as a channel, I serve as a Light Language Activator, Psychic Surgeon, Medium, Intuitive and Oracle Reader, as well as a Trauma Recovery Life Coach and Spiritual Guide/Mentor. 

If you would like to book your own personal channeling session with Christina you can go to this link and book your appointment- https://orykl.com/christina-franz

Or if you would like to schedule an appointment for anything else like life coaching , Light Code Activations, Psychic Surgery, Energy Healing, Crystal energy healing or Readings you can follow this link to book your appointment- https://earth-angel-light-activations.square.site/

Christina Franz graciously submitted her channeled messages exclusively to CrystalWind.ca with written permission for posting.

Greetings, beautiful souls! I'm Christina, a conduit for the Divine Mother and a versatile channel capable of connecting with various entities as the need arises. In addition to my role as a channel, I serve as a Light Language Activator, Psychic Surgeon, Medium, Intuitive and Oracle Reader, as well as a Trauma Recovery Life Coach and Spiritual Guide/Mentor. 

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