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Divine Mother: Your True Compass Lies Within
Written by Jennifer Crokaert

Divine Mother: Blessings to you all, my divine sparks of light and love in form.
You are living in a time of very rapid evolution; for those of you reading these words, you know you came here with a ‘mission’, a sense of inner urgency to do something, anything, to ease that inner feeling of disharmony.
You know this experience of life is not the fulfilment of human expression in its most positive form.
You know this because you left the fullest expression of divine love in order to share that vibration with others, who were locked into the shadows.
You are all evolving now. My children of love and light, you are now in the rapid divine expansion which you incarnated to fulfil.
‘What?’ you may ask incredulously. ‘This is so far from the peace, love and joy I know lies deep within me, that I know is Divine Essence.’
My beloveds, this is the unfolding. In the rapid expansion of the light, the darkness grows in contrast.
Light, Divine plasma essence, from the heart of Source, is flooding your planet, your hearts, your cells – whether one is aware of it or not – at an increasing pace.
To mix metaphors, this is an avalanche of Light. You are all to be drenched. Utterly saturated in Divine Essence.
Yes, it will look dark for a time, but only be for a short time, the shortest time possible to serve the deepest purpose of unfoldment.
Then, in a blinding light, your purpose, your reason will become clear. What you are making room for now will make sense.
So, many of you, like Jennifer, are leaving behind the old and stepping into the new. The new frontiers lie within, explore them: then express them outwardly.
The unfoldment of your highest expression is already underway. Those of you who came here, having forgotten your ascension in other times and places, will now remember your fullest truth. You will remember how you came here to share your vibration.
You do not have to preach in the streets; you will know the right path for you. Indeed, you will not doubt it.
Your path is what brings you greatest joy and fulfilment, even when others think you are being trivial or irresponsible.
The old matrix of distortion and density was built on inversions and half truths.
You know better; you have a soul-level, gut knowingness that transcends the distortions used to filter and program the conscious mind.
Trust your gut.
When it looks like madness and mayhem outside, go within. Your compass lies within. Your knowingness is Truth, not illusion or foolishness.
Yes, there are challenges ahead, but they are the gentlest, shortest challenges that could be presented in order to awaken all hearts to Divine Knowing, and that is thanks to You, my beloveds.
You have expanded the vibration on Gaia to such an extent that Divine Grace permeates every second, from here onwards.
Many of you now know you need to choose differently.
Take courage in that knowingness, it is your inner compass, guiding you to your highest timeline, to where you can expression your Divine essence most fully.
And in all this, know that I am with you, always and forever, for we are One.
Jennifer’s Note: Hello! As you may have guessed from the channel, my inner voice is calling me in a new direction. In all honesty, I don’t know the direction yet, I simply know that I have to leave behind the old in order to find the new.
This new light is calling us all to shed our old identities, so we may embody the fullness of our Divine Light. I’m up for that!
I know – even if you doubt sometimes – that you are too. If you are reading these words, you were born for this time.
Our light, our love and our joy matters. I honour you and your journey and I send you every blessing as you unfold into your perfection.
Thank you all for the love and wisdom you have shared with me. I send you so much love as we each embark upon the next phase of our soul journey.
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