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Gaia: Finding Joy
Written by Lee Degani
With so much coming up to the surface to be healed for us as individuals and collectively, it isn’t always easy to “stay above” and not be pulled down.
I know many lightworkers and empaths do not follow the news for this very reason! I completely understand as that was me for many years! Yet the consistent message for us to “stay above” is by utilizing Joy! Gaia brings a beautiful message to help us connect to Joy!
Dearest One, I am Gaia, your mother, your mother earth. I come to you with the gentle breezes. I come to you with the swaying of the leaves. I come to you with the gentle movement of the clouds.
There are times when you do not feel the gentleness, when you do not feel steady, that you are in true balance, for you know you are affected by that which happens around you. And when those times come, know that I am with you. Come put your feet on the grass and hear each blade of grass singing its song. Look up at the sky and watch the clouds as they move. Listen to the birds singing for my birds are there to heal you.
Now you are needed. I do not ask you to succumb to the lower densities as so many of my children are. I am asking you to find the Joy in your moments. Find the Joy of the sun and know that, that sun is within you. Find the Joy of the birds singing and know that songs of sweetness, songs of Love are inside you.
Come, let me rock you as a mother rocks her child and find the Joy of sinking into the water whether it is a lake or my ocean or a warm bath. You may even wish to go out in the rain and let that come down as well upon your sacred body. It is the moments, the moments of stopping, listening, absorbing. For each part of my body is meant to bring you Joy even when there is rain outside or if there are fires roaring.
And yes, you wonder, how can that be? How can that be that if there is destruction outside, or if those are suffering, I can be in Joy, Mother Gaia? For you are designed to be beloved. You are designed to let that Joy sustain you. Yes, you have compassion and sympathy. You often take suffering as your own but the suffering is meant to be dispersed. It is meant to transition into another state. How is that done? It is done with you holding the Joy. It is with you holding the Love, sending your compassion and then find that which lifts you to the highest heights.
Listen to the alligators at night with their mating calls. Listen to the lions roaring. Know that within each sound, there is modulation, there are sacred tones that are there to infuse you, to bring you to the place of Joy, to bring you to the place of sacred healing. That you radiate out those vibrations within affecting those on the other side of the world, of my world, of my planet.
Now take a moment and either think of, or look at the sun and let the rays of warmth, the rays of Love, the rays of each divine blessing and virtue that you have been gifted with infuse your very being. Now see each one of those rays shining, infusing, bringing hope, bringing beauty, bringing a glimpse that the sun is shining again.
You don’t always think that I am here to help you, to love you, to sing to you. Let me beloveds. I have my mother’s heart and it wants to envelop you and I do so, even if you forget me and do not turn to me. This is a reminder to do so. Farewell, with all my Love.
Lee Degani
Founder, Connection to Healing and the Infinite Child Institute
Teacher, Spiritual Counselor, Energy Healer
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