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Galactic Federation: Leaders Of Ascension - The Lyran Family

Galactic Federation: Leaders Of Ascension - The Lyran Family

Among the lyran family, you can find some of the oldest and wisest souls in our whole galaxy. It is on their home planet where the first humanoid beings evolved. If you are a lyran StarSeed, you must know that you have limitless spiritual potential.

At this moment and time, several Galactic species are gathered here to help and guide humanity in its ascension process. These beings are communicating and sharing essential information for this process with many members of the Family of Light.

And, as in every family, it makes sense that every species tries to contact the Starseeds who belong to their family. This brings us to the following question: Have you ever wondered which kind of Starseed you are?

In my case, I am a Lyran, and among my family from the stars, you could find some of the oldest and wisest souls in our whole galaxy, as Lyrans are the founding race.

Hopefully, if you are a Lyran Starseed, your heart will resonate with the information in this text, and you'll start to identify with some traits of our family.

First of all, you have to know that Lyrans played a unique part in the creation of humanity. They were the ones that offered the element of fire to Planet Earth. Also, many souls from Atlantis were of Lyran Ancestry. They taught about the use of frequency and resonance to the ancient civilizations of Atlantis and Lemuria.

But where did the Lyrans come from? Where is their original home?

Lyra is the birthplace of the Lyran family. Well-known by being the first planet to have physical humanoid beings. If you look at our current Universe map, you will find that it is a small constellation that you'll quickly identify it because of the brightest star in this constellation: Vega.

Now, if you're looking at those stars and you try to picture your family from the stars, you must know that they are fourth-dimensional beings living in their constellation. However, from Earth's 3D perspective, they are a bit different from what they would appear if they were on their home ground.

Maybe you've heard about the feline features of the Lyrans. Their nose and eyes would remind you of those of a lion or an African cat. Also, although they look like humans, their skin and eye colors can change depending on their home star.

If you are a Lyran Starseed, you'll start to notice your family traits after your awakening; however, some signs can appear, mainly when you are exposed to intense experiences. This usually happens to all Starseeds, but it is especially true for Lyran Starseeds because of their strong physical grounding and manifesting power.

Lyran Starseed are commonly identified as being highly spontaneous and show their genuinely high energy all the time. Because of their high energy, they want to try many things, explore many places, and work intensely on their personal projects.

But as they have so much energy, they tend to work a lot without even noticing, and sometimes they end up feeling exhausted. That's why they like to explore so many things. After the exhaustion, they tend to put their focus on new things.

Lyran Starseeds are friendly and outstanding leaders. But they prefer to work and be surrounded by people of their own Galactic Family. They are usually more reserved when they are in the presence of members of other families. That's why they're very good at receiving personal information and having strong perceptions about others.

They like to avoid unnecessary conflict, so they can reserve their energy for what matters to them, their mission. Their tireless determination to see every project to completion sets a great example that others are inspired to follow.

Of all the Lyran Starseed traits, this is the one that makes them the most unique: They are very grounded and live in the present.

As a result, they excel in physical activities, such as sports. They tend to be highly skilled with their hands and often make expert tradespeople.

They enjoy good health and are in tune with their bodies, meaning they know immediately when their health is out of its natural well-being. They are also very sensitive and can identify an ill person if they are close by.

However, when they neglect their health, they experience worse symptoms than most due to their intense and very grounded life experience.

If you are a Lyran Starseed, you must know that you have limitless spiritual potential. This will be a clear advantage for your journey of ascension.

Finally, the last Lyran Starseed trait is their keen sense of justice. Paired with their natural leadership abilities, this will make a Lyran give everything they have to fight for social justice.

This is why Lyran Starseeds are vital to the ascension movement. They are destined to lead humankind to its bright future and Earth to its Golden Age.

For those whose hearts resonated and vibrated with this information, I welcome you to our magnificent family of light.

And remember,

We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
We are the Galactic Federation.

Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation

Channel and Art by Aurora Ray

Copyright 2022 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.

We are the ground crew of the Galactic Federation. We're advanced spiritual beings from other stars watching over the evolution in consciousness and assisting the global ascension of Earth and humanity. 
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation | Lyran High Council Elder | Emissary of The Goddess
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