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Galactic Federation: Secrets of the Aquarian Age Revealed!
Written by Aurora Ray

As we enter the Aquarian Age, these secret teachings reshape our reality!
What we'll do this year, the next three, four, five, or six months is incredibly important for the next 20 years of our lives. The way we behave, feel, think, and the actions we take, along with our habits, determine the quality of our lives for the next 20 years.
In our Kundalini lineage, we say that it is your good karma that allows you to find these sacred teachings within this lifetime. Because these teachings are 10,000 years old or they're actually older than that. But on our planet, on Earth, they are 10,000 years old.
But it is your good karma that within this lifetime determines whether you find these teachings. And the name of these teachings is the teachings for the Aquarian Age. This is what they've always been.
If you want happiness, you must have discipline; it will give you character. From character, you gain dignity, and that is the path to divinity and grace. This is the journey to become a creator god. And this is what 5D ascension means.
When you commit to discipline, you gain control over your mind. The more you give of yourself to a committed spiritual practice, the more control you gain.
If you obey this universal law, the universe will obey your command.
You are not this body. You are a being of unimaginable powers yet to be discovered by you. There is nothing you aren’t capable of. But you need to practice the correct technology to awaken your inherent God powers.
The ancient Kundalini technology provides us with every tool we need to bring our wildest dreams to life. It was created to turn humans into superhumans and is often referred to as the teachings of the Age of Aquarius.
And if you need to be fixed, it will fix you first. It’s not only the most powerful but also fun. After all, life is about the experience of joy, and these tools will make you feel very happy and peaceful! We breathe, pray, chant, sing, meditate, dance, and do yogic exercises to shift into other dimensions instantly.
In the ancient Kundalini technology, we have tools that change your entire life faster than anything else. First, you will experience an elevated frequency instantly. From here, energetic expansion begins. Soon after, in a remarkably short period, you will notice a profound transformation taking place. You will gain a newfound sense of confidence, radiate with inner light, exude magnetism, and ultimately, achieve victory in various aspects of your life!
What you put in is what you get out. The universe is here to serve you. Remember that.
There are no desires you aren’t worthy of. Only desires you aren’t willing to achieve yet.
In the Piscean Age, we learned through information. In the Aquarian Age that we have entered, we learn through the experience of energy, and the experience will teach you.
That experience will be yours forever, and you will no longer have to rely on the mental interpretation of someone seeking fame on the internet. Information is just a click away. Everyone has information nowadays. What you need is energy and an experience.
We believe that energy is transferred by sound and that the body must be prepared to hold these higher frequencies. 5D is a frequency; let’s tune in!
Are you ready to awaken dormant energies and experience profound personal growth? Join me as we delve into ancient practices and teachings that have the power to revolutionize your life!
Whether you seek spiritual enlightenment, physical well-being, or emotional balance, this teaching offers a path to fulfillment and empowerment!
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
We are the Galactic Federation.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Channel and Art by Aurora Ray
Copyright 2024 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.
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