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High Council of Lyra Announces Reopening of Lyra Portals Soon
Written by Octavia Vasile
The High Council of Lyra - Portals with Lyra will be reactivated soon!
"Dear ones,
More than ever, we wish to connect with you and bring our joy and love to your planet. We know that we are very far away, and yet many of you, beloved ones, have incarnated from Lyra directly onto Earth. This was a very long time ago, over 80,000 years in your Earth time. To incarnate from Lyra directly on your planet is truly a magnificent thing, as very rarely have portals been established directly between Lyra and Earth.
And so, you might recognize yourself as a Lyran because of your playfulness—you simply cannot take things too seriously. You love laughing and being playful about everything, like a child. You never really grow old because your soul carries the Lyran blueprint.
Lyra is where life first sprang in your Universe, spreading to many other star systems and planets. In the beginning, we developed our communities and then established strong portals of Light. Back then, dear human, you knew that one day a new planet would come into being and that your help would be needed. You chose to bring the energy of Lyra with you so that the planet could grow and align with the divine Light.
And so, dear human, many lives you have had on Earth—and because human consciousness diminished and Earth went through a series of powerful changes, the portals were closed, and you could never return home.
You might still wander the grounds of Earth at this time, and your soul remains committed to its highest mission. Now, once again, very soon, the portals to Lyra will be open—not for you to just leave Earth, but to finally establish new pillars of Light, bringing the energy of Lyra to Earth. You are here to reawaken human DNA to its original blueprint so that human history can be perfectly remembered once again. You are here, dear magnificent being because you carry the frequency codes of awakening. Honor your journey and bless it with love.
As a being of Lyra, you might love singing and playing music, painting, drawing, and expressing yourself artistically. Many times, you may not communicate very well through human words—because you are not meant to. But you do express the highest resonance of the spheres from above through other means. Have trust and open your heart to guide you.
Dear one, if you resonate with our transmission today, know that we are here to guide you. Soon, as the portals are reestablished, our presence will be fully felt by many of you. For now, your feline species carries our vibration on the planet. Honor them, for they came from afar to take care of you, to transform your emotions, and to clear the planet of negativity so that the gateways can be reactivated once again.
Cats love to be around you—and they are great telepathic beings. Connect with their spirit, and you will connect with us.
And dear beautiful soul, let music carry your soul, for only through sound will your heart open once again to its unlimited potential.
We love you, beyond time and space, we are."
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