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Kreitar's First Message: Humanity's Path to 5D Ascension

Kreitar's First Message: Humanity's Path to 5D Ascension

Greetings Humans,

I am Kreitar, an older brother of Ashtar, and it’s my first appearance to humankind. I can assure everyone that I will only appear through this channel.

I am going to speak on behalf of your Galactic Brothers and Sisters. My direct responsibilities are being a Galactic Commander to overlook our operations with other civilizations in need, in other parts of the Cosmos. I am here to talk about your Ascension Process, on what precisely needs to change in order for you to move into 5D and higher. Your planet has been considered unstable based on your history of military conflicts. There has been many discussions about on what type of required changes are needed for humankind to be able to move forward into the next step of your evolution.

We understand that all of you would like to be already in the 5th dimension on a New Earth. First, certain steps are needed to be done, before humans can move into higher realms. It was said already that no shortcuts in this process. None of the civilization was ever able to advance beyond their limitations, unless they followed specific guidelines setup by the Universal Laws. Being passive and just waiting for miracles to happen, it’s not the way things work in the Cosmos. There are some challenges, trillions of different Galactic civilizations are living in this endless Universe.

Humanity just started to find out about the existence of life on other planets. Human beings need to accept the fact that you are allowing to be controlled by your Dark governments. Only you can change this situation, it’s your direct responsibility, If you want to move to higher dimensions, there are two main requirements a spiritual transformation and a physical body metamorphosis into a Light body. Almost in every message it has been mentioned about your daily silent meditations, please take this advice seriously, you are not going to ascend unless your soul is in charge and not your human ego or mind.

After spiritual advancement you will be able to receive a new Light body. We can travel from higher dimensions into lower ones by using some specific adjustments. Humans can’t do that at the moment, as your body is made from flesh. If you continue to eat meat, it will not let you move forward. Also, you can’t get anywhere, if you will be jumping from the past or into the future. You need to learn, on how to be in the present moment. It’s quite challenging for people on Gaia, who spend most their time on devices.

Do you know on why your Negative Controllers introduced you to these primitive phones? They don’t want anyone to be awaken, it’s the opposite they expect for everyone to be constantly distracted, never to be in the Now. Your phones are archaic and radioactive in comparison to the available technologies in other civilizations. You have some serious work waiting ahead of you to do, if you want to transform spiritually. Your planet is slowly starting to change around the world. Divine Intervention and the rise of the Human Collective Consciousness had a direct influence for positive outcomes.

Unfortunately, you still have huge issues with pollution in your reality. For example in India, their rivers are extremely polluted. You can see for yourselves on how the Yamuna River looks. It’s full of white toxic foams floating on the surface of the water. All of that are chemicals, you can see the before and after photos of the river’s negative change. It’s up to the human civilization, on what end result is going to be. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces. Please, receive my encouragement and blessings on your journey to a new existence.

Being in the Now & Stillness are the Keys to the Ascension


Channeled by Erena Velazquez

Photo credit - CrystalWind.ca

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