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Master Confucius Reveals the Secrets to Living Your Best Life!

Master Confucius Reveals the Secrets to Living Your Best Life!

Too many activities spoil the nature and make the path difficult.

Too little activity allows you to experience neither success nor failure and growth is impossible. The inner balance between still doing, being present without being noticed and seeing without being seen describes the art of life.

Das Dao

It says: “The Dao is so silent , it has no place and yet it is there. It's so empty, no one can find it. (…) Dao exists without being seen and is applied without being recognized.” 

MASTER CONFUCIUS: The observer nourishes the flow of life, the silent observer nourishes the spirit of men, the unmoved mover animates all things. This is how it was, this is how it is today, this is how it will remain from now on, because the living remains alive of itself.

Too many activities spoil the nature and make the path difficult. Too little activity allows you to experience neither success nor failure and growth is impossible. The inner balance between still doing, being present without being noticed and seeing without being seen describes the art of life.

JJK: An incredible way of life that is revealed to us through this. But how is this to be implemented?

Observation is key

MASTER CONFUCIUS: Observation is the key - the pure observation of things and events of current events, not standing in the way of things, allowing people to move to the right place on their own and things to find the flow of life again on their own.

Anyone who intervenes in the middle of the movement changes the outcome and influences the result in his own egoistic sense.

JJK: But we are constantly called upon to intervene and resist the satanic activities on earth.

MASTER CONFUCIUS: How do you resist? Are you solid as a rock on the inside or do you need externals to gain strength?

Can you perceive your role in the game as a neutral observer without becoming entangled? Are you busy doing things to drown out the call of your soul, to receive external approval, or to fulfill your soul's plan? What is it that you are – and how still can you be in silence or surrounded by chaos?

Anyone who has tasks in the world perceives them - and perceives them in such a way that the results are visible, but the mover remains invisible to themselves.

Anyone who visibly fights for freedom and is given these orders must have subdued and tamed their ego. Because maintaining power or acquiring power means using it wisely and without attachments. The biggest upheavals and profound changes first take place within you. Inside a person is the place from which you draw strength, motivation, inspiration and will. If this place is recognized, then you have recognized yourself.

This is the first, the most important and the decisive step before a person can be HUMAN and can really live out their MISSIONS.

Because although it seems as if it is almost too late for humanity to turn around, many people are coming out far too soon. Without having done their homework, cleared their inner minds and tidied themselves up, they made themselves the standard bearers of the New Age - too early for them - and the effect remains incomplete. Time can wait, only man expects nothing.

JJK: So don't do anything?!

Birth of the masters

MASTER CONFUCIUS: To do the right thing at the right moment - more calm, more inner peace, more overview, more support, more observation - to act from the center and to center yourself in the center.

Many people lose their inner balance.

As they fight for freedom and peace, the freedom to observe an event is lost and inner peace is lost.

Influencing events positively means remaining unentangled. To no longer involve yourself in the game means to control it. Staying away from yourself means exerting influence. The art of life is: mastering your ego motives and no longer being maneuvered into a scene by anything or anyone.

The river flows, don't stand in its way, everything finds its place. Let things move on their own!

With these words I give you my blessing. The birth of the masters has begun.


Translation by CrystalWind.ca

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
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