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One Who Serves: Q/A - The Timelines Are Diverging

One Who Serves: Q/A - The Timelines Are Diverging

One Who Serves:

Om, mani, padme, hum; om, mani, padme, hum; hum, hum. Greetings to you! One who serves here.

We do not have Shoshanna at this point, so we will, what you call, muddle along here, and do what we can to be of service in this way, as we have done for a lot of years here now, as we find it. So we are ready here for your questions if you have them. We will keep this somewhat short, as James has low energy at this point. But we will attempt to hold his energy up as high as we can, as long as we can. Would there be questions here for one who serves?

Guest: I have a question.

OWS: yes?

Guest: this is a follow-up on the question I had about the image of the moon I saw and took a photo of, and it came out with a black area around it, and the moon was glowing with colors. And I had said yes, it resonated, and I said it reminded me of how I saw myself. Well, the first thing I saw was like an eye, like it was a reverse eye, as it was dark on the outside and the pupil area was light, and I was just wondering if you have anything you might like to add to that.

OWS: we will just say for you, this was personal for you, as you had this type of vision and understanding here, that so many across the planet would never have. So think of this as a point of, we will just use this term here, graduation for you, in a sense. That you are moving into a new phase of your life here. Not your life so much, but your understanding here, okay? Was this sufficient for you?

Guest: yes, awesome. Thank you.

OWS: yes. Very good. Would there be other questions here?

Guest: I have a question.

OWS: I have a question.

OWS: yes?

Guest: I’m feeling a huge amount of wave of change emotionally, dreams. Just a huge wave of something. Is something going on? I know that we went through the 11-11 portal, but there is just a huge influx of change. Is that something other people are doing, or have you heard if we are getting upgrades, or something like that?

OWS: this is what archangel Michael was alluding to here, in that there is a great shift upon your timeline that is coming here. So you are going to have many different incidences of various things that are changing in your lives. We cannot say too much more at this point. We apologize for that, but we cannot, what is you call it, 'let the rabbit out of the bag, ' is that how it goes? We cannot do that for you.

Guest: okay, thank you.

OWS: no, that is not it: we cannot show you how that works. We cannot give that to you. We can just pull the rabbit out of the bag, but we cannot tell you how we do it, you see?

Guest: yes, thank you.

OWS: would there be other questions here?

Guest: yes, please.

OWS: yes.

Guest: what I was sharing about the depression, I am certainly open to receive loving support and tips for aftercare, because I have no idea how long this depression has been in place, but it's been quite a long while. So I’m ready to move forward. So can you provide some tips? I know Shoshanna usually does this, but I’m willing to hear what you have to say.

OWS: we will say that you are already receiving those tips. You are already moving through this depression, as you are saying here. You have to understand that it is not only you that are going through various changes in your life, but there are many, many, many across the planet that are going through huge changes, much more so than even you are, at this point. So know that what you are going through personally is for you personally, it is not so much that one can give you an answer here for this or for that, it is something you just have to move through, and you are moving through it. You have followed the guidance that you were given in terms of moving from one area to another, and follow what you are guided to do here. So we applaud you for doing so at this point.

Know that the depression as you are feeling it, is simply about vibration. So find ways to raise your vibration. Wherever you are, go out in nature and see the beauty in the world, and that will raise your vibration. Do a meditation such as we do with these chakra centers: that will raise your vibration, you see? The only reason you stay within a depressed state is because you need to for a term to stay within that stage. That is all. It is nothing more. You can get out of it any time you want to. It is a matter of will power. Okay?

Guest: thank you. And there is an abundance of beauty here, and I love being out laying on the ground. I wanted to lay out and sleep outside for a few nights, but it rained (laughs). But I’m in tune. Thank you for that support. Thank you, thank you.

OWS: very good. Are there any other further questions here?

Guest: I have a question.

OWS: yes?

Guest: in talking about timelines, I think this question is appropriate. Is there a final point of determination. We have talked about the movie. But I guess I’m asking is there an end to the movie? Is there a point, I call it the 'curtain call, ' where all the truth is disclosed, and it is just put in front of every human on the planet. And my question is, is there a final point of determination when all that truth is disclosed for those people who haven't really picked a timeline or picked going the light way or the dark way. Is there a final point of determination where people will have that sort of final choice within their soul to choose which timeline they are going on? I was always under the impression that not too long after that, the timelines would actually split.

OWS: we will say that many are going through this point right now, as far as making the choice. So many have made the choice long ago, such as all of you, and others have made the choice to go in the opposite direction and stay within the status quo and the old ways, and all of this. But there are those, and again archangel Michael alluded to this as well, there are those that are what you call the middle here, and they are not quite sure that they even need to make a choice yet at this point. But there will come a time where they will need to make that choice. It will be either one way or the other. And that time is approaching, for sure. And when it is all said and done, there will be a final ending point where there will be that before the changeover, and after the changeover, as James said earlier. Was this sufficient for you?

Guest: great. Thank you. Yes.

OWS: yes. We take one more question if there is one.

Guest: I don't have a question; I just have a comment. This is for the person speaking earlier. You are not along, my sister. Even I, who have never been depressed, has been feeling that depression, that shift, that frequency shift lately. And many people I’m speaking to are feeling the same. So it seems to be a collective system change that's going on. So we're kind of all in it together.

Guest: thank you.

OWS: very good. Then we are ready to release channel.

We say here to all of you, to be free. Be free within yourself to move along this timeline in any way that works for you. Whatever works, that is okay, as long as it is not hurting anyone else in the process. So move freely along this timeline, as you continue to move, and find that as the shifts continue to happen, and they are going to happen, and more and more frequently, then just ride with it. Go with the flow here, as was said today.

Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the one.

These messages were given during our Ancient Awakenings weekly Sunday conference call in Payson, AZ on 10/22/2023. Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author website is clearly stated. Sunday Call Channeling transcriptions.
James & JoAnna McConnell

James McConnell:
Spiritual Facilitator/Counselor for 25+ years, James has spoken on behalf of and channeled the Ascended Masters at many gatherings for varied audiences. He has facilitated the spiritual paths of those that are searching for their own truth through weekly groups, speaking engagements and workshops. His journey started over 25 years ago when his Marriage and Family counseling business began using past life regression and spiritual teachings as the basis for helping his clients resolve their issues. He has led expeditions in Mexico in search of ancient records and conducted retreats in Sedona and Flagstaff. James has an MS degree in Counseling Psychology.

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