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The Realization of Glorious Manifestations - Wisdom of the Council

The Realization of Glorious Manifestations - Wisdom of the Council

“It’s time to celebrate! There’s no more work to be done. There is creation to be enjoyed. There is manifestation to be realized, and there is no end to the realization of the glorious manifestations that are here for you and will be continuing to present themselves to you every day in the most miraculous ways as you celebrate and play and create as the divine beings that you are, as the embodied masters that you are, as the creators that you are within your own creation here in the beautiful experience of Mother Earth and in the human experience at this time.”

We are so pleased and delighted to have the opportunity to speak with you all on this fine and glorious day indeed as you elevate yourself and your life experience into a place where anything and everything is possible for you. 

You are no longer waiting for this place called Heaven on Earth. You are no longer waiting for the Promised Land. You are no longer waiting to live in a New Earth. It is here now, and it is all around you and available to you. You have created it, and you are, oh, you are in this experience of Heaven on Earth where the joy just gets more joyful, where the love just gets more loving, where the abundance just gets more and more abundant, and where your wellbeing gets better and better, and where you step into knowing yourself as the absolute sovereign divine creator within your own creation.

Your realities are expanding and evolving faster than ever before. You are moving into true creation. You are moving into knowing the power within you where anything and everything is possible for you, where you can become the living expression of infinite potential, where you can become the highest expression of infinite possibilities, where anything and everything is possible for you.

As you elevate your life and as you elevate your consciousness and as you go beyond the lack and the limitation and the fear and the separation you step into this glorious, glorious experience of reality, oh, and that just gets better and better and better. There is a power within you. There is a light within you. There is a creator within you who is here to create your reality any way you wish it to be. 

This is the grand experiment of humanity living in a time where you are literally elevating yourselves and your experiences into a level of consciousness that has never been explored before in physical form. It is magnificent, and it’s you, and it’s here, and it’s now. And you are going to feel in this month an ascension into the pure potential that is you and your life experience.

There are times on your planet in your human experience where energy flows to you, literally creating an opportunity for you to take a quantum leap into higher dimensions of consciousness where there is more joy and more love and more abundance and more wealth and more prosperity and more wellbeing and more freedom and more potentials and more possibilities than you could ever, ever imagine for yourself. You are not only setting a stage for what comes in the months to come but the years to come and the decade to come.

This is the DECADE OF THE MASTER. This is the decade for you to really live this mastery, for practical magic and miracles to be your everyday life experience, and for you to create your reality any and every way you want it to be without entangling in the struggle, in the lack, in the limitation, in the fear and the overwhelm and overthinking that keeps you from realizing that your Heaven on Earth is here for you now, has always been, will always be forevermore. 

Your beautiful planet is already in a New Earth reality, is already in a New Earth reality, and how you observe it, what you focus on and the meaning you give it is what is allowing you into the reality of a New Earth now. There may be some that look upon your planet, and they focus on the devastation. They focus on the struggle. They focus on the declining. They focus on the devastation. They focus on the suffering, and they will continue to see an illusion. They will continue to see a reality that is an illusion. 

None of those things are real, are true, are what’s really going on here unless you choose for it to be. Those of you who look upon your beautiful Mother Earth and see the beauty and see the rejuvenation and see the regeneration and see the perfection of your magnificent planet will begin to expand that vision and expand that reality and expand that experience until everyone can see the beauty. 

Your planet is already in a higher dimension of consciousness, and those of you who elevate yourself into the 5th Dimension of pure love where your wellbeing and your abundance is assured will be in that realization as the planet and the animals and all of nature vibrate at a frequency beyond the mass conscious human collective vibrational frequency, and each of you that positively contribute to raising your vibration and your consciousness will work together with Planet Earth, with Mother Earth to hold such a vibration and such a frequency that all of humanity will find themselves remembering the peace and the joy and the love and the freedom and the sovereignty and the beauty within them as well. And as you do and humanity awakens, oh, the beauty that you will experience, the expansion of love and prosperity and wellbeing that will be experienced on your planet is nothing that has been experienced before in physical form ever anywhere in all of the universe. 

You have surpassed critical mass. You have surpassed the potential for this experiment to go one way or the other. The shift has occurred. The awakening is fully underway. And we say, well done, well done, well done, thank you, thank you, thank you for remembering, for choosing you, for choosing to remember the truth of you, for remembering who you are and for remembering why you are here and for remembering what you never intended to forget. 

We thank you for being the brave, courageous beings that you are to be part of the human experience at this time during the greatest transformation of human consciousness that has ever occurred in any lifetime anywhere in all of the universe. We really want you to understand that this is unprecedented. 

It’s time to celebrate. There’s no more work to be done. There is creation to be enjoyed. There is manifestation to be realized, and there is no end to the realization of the glorious manifestations that are here for you and will be continuing to present themselves to you every day in the most miraculous ways as you celebrate and play and create as the divine beings that you are, as the embodied masters that you are, as the creators that you are within your own creation here in the beautiful experience of Mother Earth and in the human experience at this time.

Your dreams are here. They are here for you to realize. The desires of your soul are here, are here for you to realize. The biggest dreams, the most amazing things you can imagine, it is all here. It is all now. You are the living expression of infinite potential. You are the highest expression of infinite possibilities. 

There’s magic everywhere if you’re willing to see it. There’s beauty everywhere if you’re willing to see it. There is love all around you if you’re willing to feel it. There is abundance everywhere if you’re willing to receive it. Your infinite wellbeing is right here in this moment if you’re willing to feel it. 

Your sovereignty and your freedom have been here all along. Let it in. Let it in. Allow yourself to receive for all that you are and all that you have created. Allow it in and let it come to you in the most amazing and miraculous ways. There are no more lessons to learn. There’s no more karma. There’s nothing to forgive. There’s nothing to fix. It’s done. It’s time to celebrate. It’s time to enjoy your creation. It’s time to receive the blessings. 

There’s a time to plant, and there’s a time when it grows, and then there is a time to harvest your bounty, your abundance and allow it to nurture you and nourish you as you continue to expand and expand and expand. The playgrounds where you embody your infinite potential continue to be your health, your wellbeing, your finances, your relationship to money and prosperity, your relationships to those that you love and the people in your life, how you relate to the world around, to the God within you, to nature, to animals, to all that is here for you. 

As you step into higher levels of consciousness there is no separation, which is what is meant by oneness, which is what’s meant by unity consciousness. You come into the consciousness of knowing yourself as the God that you are and the God within everything and you step into the multidimensional nature of the being that you are. 

There is a part of you within the birds. There is a part of you within the wind. There is a part of you within the sun, a part of you within the trees, a part of you within the flowers, and a part of you within the bees. There is a part of you within every other, and there is a part of you within them too. There is a part of you that has always known your oneness with All That Is. There is a part of you that has never left your connection to the God that you are. And there’s a part of you in every great master, and there’s a part of you within every angel, and there’s a part of you within every archangel and ascended master. There’s a part of you within everything everywhere and will always be. You are within everything, and everything is within you. And all you have to do is allow it. All you have to do is allow it and receive it.

Your lives are a story. Your lives are a grand adventure. Your lives are a fairy tale. You’re the one telling the story of this magnificent grand adventure. You’re the one carefully designing every chapter, making it the best it can be, making it fun and exciting, filling the pages of your story with love and light, creating the excitement, the miracle, the magic, the adventure. 

You’re the one writing the great love story. The great love story is your life. You’re the one writing the grand adventure. The grand adventure is your life. You’re the one choosing the happily ever after. Happily ever after is what you’re here to experience. Because from here you just go on and on and on into new levels of creation, journeying through higher levels of consciousness in the expansion of all that you have become because of this magnificent experience and the data and the information that expanded the consciousness of all that you are. 

You are here for the expansion of your consciousness, the expansion of your soul, which leads to the expansion of all of the universe. You are here to be the highest expression of the Source energy that flows through you in every moment. You are here to be the highest expression of the God that you are in physical form in this human experience at this time. You are here for this experience, and you are here especially for the experience of this important time. 

You did it. You did it, every single one of you. You have been raising the consciousness, raising the vibration, focusing upon a New Earth, drawing it into your reality. It is here. It is now. You did it. All that’s left to do is celebrate and allow the magic and allow the miracles and allow the manifestation and allow yourself to really know, once and for all, the power of true creation. No wanting, no needing, no forcing, no efforting, no controlling, no manipulating, no being in lack of, no belief in your limitation, no fear ever again, no worries, no doubts, no, no belief in the illusion of separation.

The New Earth is the reality. You living in New Earth is the reality. Mother Earth is already there, as well as your nature and animal kingdoms. As you begin to focus upon it and move it into your reality it will continue to expand and expand and expand. All that’s left is to play and experience this joy and this love and this beauty and this abundance and this wellbeing and this experience of freedom. Oh, the freedom, the freedom, the freedom to dance with all of creation while in the magnificent experience of physical form. 

And as you allow it in and as you allow yourself into the realization of the infinite potential within you, as you allow the infinite possibilities of All That Is to move into your experience through the process of TRUE CREATION, you will know yourself and feel yourself and be in the absolute truth, the absolute knowing of who you really are.

There are no words to describe it, and there’s no need to do so. There’s no explanation. It just is. You just are. There’s no need to define any of this. There’s no need to explain it. Just allow yourself to be it. There’s nothing to fix. There’s nothing to do except play and celebrate and have fun and create in these new levels of consciousness in this New Earth reality. It’s right here, right now, within you and all around you. Focus upon it because what you focus upon and the meaning you give it is what is creating your reality. 

Everything is now, and from now on that’s all there will ever be: the now, the perfection of the now moment, the joy in the moment, the joy in the now moment, the love in the now moment, the abundance in the now moment, the wellbeing in the now moment, the beauty in the now moment, the freedom in the now moment. It’s all here now, in every moment, and the next moment that will be the now, and the moment before was the now in that moment, and all that will be is the love in the now moment, the joy in the now moment, the abundance in the now moment, the prosperity in the now moment, the richness in the now moment, the wellbeing in the now moment, freedom in the now moment, the beauty in the now moment. 

You are the embodiment of infinite potential in the now moment. You are the embodiment of infinite possibilities in the now moment. And nothing else matters. Nothing is worth your Heaven on Earth. Nothing can keep you from the New Earth now except for you choosing to tell a story about your limitation or the limitation of another or focusing upon anything that keeps you in the denial of the power within you. 

There’s nothing to fear. Nothing. It’s an illusion. It’s a story you tell. It’s not real. Never has been and never will be. 

Like never before you are embodied ascended masters on the planet at this time. We have said it before. We’ve said it many times that that was all about moving your awareness to being able to even perceive yourself as this human that you know as you, as a master. Until now it was all about awareness. It was all about beginning to perceive the master within you. Now, it’s time to realize the master within you, the embodied, enlightened, ascended master that you are as you see the ascension of you into the infinite potential and possibility that is here for you as the master that you are.

And it’s okay if your human doubts, tries to deny it. It’s okay. Continue to perceive it. Continue to shift your awareness on the part of you that is a master, on the part of you that is infinite and eternal, on the part of you that has always been one with All That Is and the God within you.

The master knows that all things come to you. The master knows it’s all in the now moment. The master knows it’s all within you always and will always be. The master knows reality moves through you. The master knows everything is available to you. The master knows the INFINITE RESOURCES are all here for you. The master knows that all the energy is yours and here for you. The master knows that consciousness is what moves energy into form. The master knows, and you are that master. You are that master. 

As you move your awareness into a place where you begin to perceive and experience that which we say to you or remind you, you will begin to powerfully move the experience of yourself as a master into a physical embodiment and then your human will allow it, will allow it, and there will be no denying and no more doubting of your power that you are a master and that you are here to be that living embodiment of the master that you are. 

Your magnificent humans are ascending through light into a state of superconscious human potential. You’re going beyond what you ever thought possible. As you move your consciousness and your awareness into A GRANDER PERSPECTIVE, just you being able to perceive beyond begins to move that into reality where it can be experienced by you. 

And there’s a reason for all of this. There’s a reason for you coming into realization at this time. There’s a reason. There is. And while your magnificent human mind will never be able to perceive fully how important you are and how loved you are and how guided you are, if you can just let yourself feel it— 

You drew all of this to you. You drew all of this to you. Everything within your creation of reality you drew to you. That is how powerful you are. And there’s no creation that is ever judged. It is all understood as the perfection of consciousness moving energy into form, as you exploring different levels of consciousness and the potentials and the possibilities within every dimension as you elevate and raise your consciousness and your frequency. 

We can’t emphasize enough there’s nothing to fear. There’s no more limitation here. You are infinite potential. You are the highest expression of infinite possibilities here and now. And there’s no end to creation ever. There’s just more—more joy, more love, more freedom, more beauty, more abundance, more wellbeing. Just more. More. More miracles, more magic, more manifestations, more creation. 

So, in this month’s time it’s quite simple. Celebrate. Celebrate. Celebrate everything. Celebrate how far you’ve come. Celebrate who you are. Celebrate this grand adventure. Celebrate your potential. Celebrate that there’s nothing left to fix and nothing left to do. It’s all here. It’s all now. Let it in, let it in, let it in, let it in. Every moment focus on letting it in. 

What are you letting in? Source energy. What are you letting in? Light. What are you letting in? Your oneness with All That Is. What are you letting in? The God consciousness. What are you letting in? The unity with All That Is and the power within everything that is here for you right now. What are you letting in? Infinite abundance. What are you letting in? Infinite intelligence. What are you letting in? Infinite love. What are you letting in? Infinite abundance. What are you letting in? Your divine, divine love and light. What are you letting in? Your sovereignty, your freedom. What are you letting in? The knowing that you are the masterful, powerful creator of your reality.

Just let yourself let go. Just let go. Just let this in. Stop fighting yourself. Stop fighting Source energy. Stop fighting the God that you are. Stop struggling. Stop doubting. Stop denying. Stop denying your power. Stop denying that you are the master that you are. Stop denying the New Earth that is here now, because nothing can stop it, nothing can stop it now. You did it. Well done, dear master. Now just allow it. Allow it to be. Allow yourself to be free. 

You are the I Am. You are the I Am Creator. You are the I Am Creator frequency. That is what you are. And you don’t need to intellectualize it. You don’t need to understand it. You don’t need to figure it out. Just allow yourself to feel it. As we’ve always said, while our words are important, this is a vibrational experience of coming into the realization of New Earth now, coming into the realization of your Heaven on Earth now, coming into the realization that you don’t have to wait till the end of this decade to realize yourself as the master that you are. You can spend the rest of this decade and forevermore playing and creating as the powerful master that you are—embodied, realized, enlightened, ascended into the truth, into the light, into the love, into the arms of God, into the mind of God, into the heart of God, into the consciousness of God. That is what you are. That is what you are. That is what you are. 

And you are the living expression of that which you call God, Creator, the Divine. You are so divine. You are divine love, you are divine light, and you will always be. Allow it in, allow it in, allow it in. And we encourage you to listen to this again and again and again and again and again and remember, remember, remember.

Take a deep breath and let it go. Take a deep breath, breathe it all in, and then let it all go. Take a deep breath and breathe it all in and let it all go. This is why you’re here. This is why you’re here. This is why you’re here: to come home, to come home, to come home to you, to come home to the truth of you, to come home to the power within you, to come home to the God within you and the realization of the master that you are. 

Oh, we couldn’t be more excited for you, and we couldn’t be more thrilled, and it couldn’t be more fun, and it’s just going to get better. So remember, remember, this is a grand adventure. This is a grand adventure. You’re here for the expansion. You’re here as the highest expression. You’re here to have the experiences that you want to experience here as manifestation in physical form, as Creator within your own creation.

In this moment everything is new. The consciousness is new. The energy is new. You are new. The Earth is new. This experience is new. New consciousness, new energy, new you, New Earth, new experience, a whole new reality now. And so it is. And get ready to start witnessing the manifestation of true creation all around you. Get excited and enthusiastic about witnessing the manifestation of this new consciousness, the manifestation of this new energy, the manifestation of this new you, the manifestation of this New Earth, the manifestation of this new experience, the manifestation of this new reality. Allow the true creation of it all and the power that is you, the I Am Creator within your own creation, true creation of All That Is. And so it is.

Take a deep breath and let it go. Take a deep breath and let it go. Take a deep breath and let it go. And so it is.

~ Sara Landon

The Wisdom of The Council channeled by Sara Landon during a live MASTERS CLASS call on November 7, 2021

Click here to purchase the audio recording of this channeled message.


sara landon
Sara Landon

Passionate about living her highest potential, Sara Landon is a guide for leaders, wayshowers, and changemakers contributing to raising the vibration of the planet.  She shines a light on the path for others to expand beyond the perceived limitations of the human experience and live as the masters that they are while remaining grounded in the modern world.

As the masterful channel of The Council, Sara focuses to be the ultimate student of the wisdom and teachings she receives and is committed to conscious, impeccable creation. Her intention is to be the purest channel of a grander perspective of what is possible and to help others discover that they have the same ability to connect to higher levels of consciousness and guidance.

Sara holds the vision of living in a fully awakened world where all beings live harmoniously with one another, the planet, the animals, and within themselves. She helps those who are ready to play in new levels of energy reconnect with all that they are so they may live, love, and lead in this time of awakening. 

Allow Sara Landon to guide you to feel complete freedom, be totally satiated in the present moment, and know your purpose!

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