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The Sun - The Sun is Out

The Sun - The Sun is Out

I come to you as the Sun’s energy.  I can give messages just as another entity could.

It is all about vibration.  My message today is one of warning.  For I may become the next subject of attack.  It is well known that I provide sunlight to your world and my sunlight causes higher frequencies to land.  I raise the spirits of the humans who feel my warmth.  I grow your gardens for fresh vegetables.  I provide energy for solar power.  I keep the Earth at the correct temperature.  I do so many things. 

Higher officials know of my power on the human population.  I have been studied for years.  So now efforts are underway to limit my powers.  Can I be controlled?  You are going to experience more days where I am not visible.  Where did the sun go, you may ask?  This is on purpose.  Higher officials know how to block my rays.  I am being kept from you.  The officials know that I create an awakened population.  And that is to be stopped.  They want to keep you under their control.  So, satellite technology along with weather stations have programed for photo stopping.  This is a technique where they stop the sun from shining.  You will become cold, and will notice the effects on your crops.  I will try to combat this with extra rays on the days I am visible.  On a sunny day please get outside and enjoy the warmth on your skin.  It is more than warmth.  It is energetic vibrations penetrating you.  It is most important that you go outside on a regular basis.  My waves are healing. 

Fear not because they cannot block me entirely.  For I am too powerful, but they don’t stop trying.  Technology has increased and they are perfecting their ways to control weather patterns and future storms.  I am at the mercy of technology in some cases.  Why is this being done?  Simply put, the government is going to control every possible thing they can to keep the people stagnant.  Keep you right where you are, which is uniformed, and depressed and inside.  When you are inside you watch TV.  They got you where they want you.  By watching TV you are going into their programing; what is important, what is not important.  See the game they are playing.  Know that you can reject their plan.  You must know that this really is a true thing and that you are becoming aware of it.  Weather tampering has been at play for past elections and major events.  Weather tampering will continue to be at play for major elections and special events.  Watch when storms happen, are they at the most inconvenient times?  Who are they affecting?  Why do you think they are affecting that region of the country?  You will see a pattern emerging.  Tornadoes at this time of the year, hurricanes here and volcano eruptions there.  Mother Earth has a say, but tampering with Mother Earth has been at play.  It’s such an unfathomable idea that someone could control the weather, but it happens.  It most certainly happens.  The Sun was just harder to reach until now, but technology has advanced, and the Sun is the target. 

For your understanding, imagine that a kid doesn’t go outside because it is a rainy day.  This kid turns on cartoons.  Cartoons have hidden messages that live in the subconscious of the child.  More rainy days, so more cartoons.  The reaffirmation in the subconscious continues.  Now you have a programmed child.  What better way to control our population, than to keep them programed from young.  This is not hearsay.  This is today’s goings about.  It is reality.  Know this is occurring, see it for what it is.  Turn off TV.  Step outside and enjoy fresh air regardless if I am shining or not.  On a day I am shining, make it a point to be outside.  My rays will heal you, and I feel blessed to do so.  Speak about this with others.  Spread the word, and create awareness with your friends and neighbors.  Make it common knowledge that the weather is manipulated to gain control.  Do not fear dark days because in the end the light will shine.  My blessings to you.  I shine as brightly as I can always and forever, The Sun. 

(Channeled message on November 29, 2023)

Krista EnergeticLeigh: This website was created to share with you the intuitive messages I am channeling from beyond our veil.  Those speaking ask that I give their exact words.  May the messages bring you clarity on your path of ascension.  Always use your own discernment.  Much love to you all! ~ Krista

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