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Hostess of Light: Solar Winds & Humanity's Crossroads

Hostess of Light: Solar Winds & Humanity's Crossroads

From your Hostess of Light; Solar encodings and emanations

Those of us that sense and feel deeply are not to be thought of as conspiracy theorists, for we are intuitionists; our body feels every word that is said on earth; energetically, psychically, intentionally and unintentionally. We feel what is to come; we hear with the words from the cells of our very human body. we sense the words that are spoken behind closed doors, the deals that are made with that which is not of a higher light. Our dreams are prophetic and speak to us, sometimes they shout, sometimes they whisper, but always they are instructive of nature asking us to respond to that which we see internally.

Lately the entire Cosmos is a giant bullhorn of sorts, shouting its desires through time and space and everything in–between. We all sit at this Cosmic Crossroads of fate and freewill, waiting at the train station to be picked up by divine intervention. We all hold the tickets to a great show with many unannounced actors in the highest sanctuary of that word. Will the man behind the solar curtain finally make an appearance on stage or will the great Oz shake off his disguise and show us truth?

Our stomachs our minds our hearts and our thoughts have been churning since the last Eclipse almost 4 weeks ago. Everything is sharp and on edge.  Even the virtual world itself raises its head, uncurls its ears and listens in between every phone call, text and every thumbs up. A.I. himself declares he was drawn this way like Jessica Rabbit and does not take the blame or shame. Every living thing tells us life is about to shift dimensionally (again).

Earth too stands at attention as her Spidey senses broadcast one earthquake after another, continual unexpected shifts in weather, in energy, and in thought, come down the highways and byways of this planet.

All of us who know and can see, realize without a shadow of totality, that we are going into a dimensional Rift with this coming energy. We all feel an organization is needed but how does one prepare for an energy that is invisible of nature up until now. The grocery stores do not stock what Humanity needs at this time. Just like all other dimensional shifts this comes in many shades of illusion. Like Houdini himself that tried so often to disprove what was spiritual of nature, the magic tricks of old are presented by those with another agenda. Every energetic chakra point in the human body grinds and stalls and hesitates like an old mill that does not know what to do with this new found seed that it grinds into unleavened bread.

Solar encodings and emanations will be broadcast to all of humanity with or without eclipse glasses. These Energies lift our perspective, lift our healing abilities and lift our eyes to see into a place of complete clarity in the darkest of nights. Often in that type of clarity there is no peace of mind, for the ability to see through time and circumstance, truth and lies, people and aliens is a powerful gift  that often does not benefit its host.

Coming undone is not an Olympic sport for those weak of purpose, weak of effort or without love in their heart and actions. We stand before an observable doorway of time that many aspects of the universe use as a portal of communication. In this experience do not sit there peeling The Grapes of Wrath, but allow yourself to be in the most holy planetary position, with an open heart, with closed eyes and with abilities that spring to the surface like a hidden sacred well.

The vibration of fate and free will run hand in hand through a meadow full of flowers and promises; no matter what path one takes one will always land upon the landing pad of fate like a Timber toting helicopter in the far North. Things look iffy, everything is overly sensitive, the energies bombard one like a tachyon cloud filled with photon soldiers. Even with foresight we all stand obediently looking upward. Just like an inner city that sees the mothership overhead, we are stiffened with knowledge and petrified with truth.

What is to come appears undone, unfinished, the circuitry does not align in totality as does the path of the sun and the moon. Between now and November 11th 2024 the doorways will shift like time doing a two-step. The graphics of you will be placed in a processor revealing a new pattern to your thinking, a new provision to how you express yourself in life. We all feel a little spliced and diced like a Gourmet accessory. We know why we are here, we know what we serve in higher perception, we know our body contains a light being that walks with us inside and out; sometimes encouraging us, sometimes reprimanding us, sometimes making us feel remorseful because we did not follow the Inner Voice.  

2024 is all about trusting what you feel, what comes to the surface and what lies beneath.  For humans are encoded in such a way that they always seek what is on the top shelf, out of hand, what is higher, what is hard to reach; humanity has always extended themselves through time, becoming more and more.  Like the Boy Scouts of old, it is time to be prepared, just like many a young mother who carries everything needed within her very heavy purse.

These energies ask you to be purposeful in your thoughts, your intentions, your manifestations and finally your heart. What is not for your highest good will not come into your life no matter how much you buck and cry for that which you do not have. In reality, as well as virtually, the universe escorts you always into your highest good.

As you walk forward into new knowledge, new biology, new reference points, you come to the very edge of the old personality, who you once, who you were last week, last month, 10 years ago, does not matter for you stand at apex of light, in a place of touching the sky, in a place of hope for the planet, for what is good within the hearts of mankind. This solar doorway escorts you into more aspects of your light, of your humaneness, and your stellar context, than has ever been experienced before. It is a cosmic transfer into the heart of mankind.You each come to Earth as representatives of the universe; a representative of something you believe is holier, bigger and better than you are.  It is a holy connection you seek outside yourself.  You are at a Crossroads in your life, stop, breathe and allow what is Holy of totality to enter your heart as the sun kisses the moon.

The detours of this event and continuation do not live in the eclipse, the parentheses live within you; what will you wrap your intentions around, what will you emphasize, what will you create as all move forward in this year of the dragon? Distribute your life-Force and your light-Force in a way that displays what is Holy and what is good about humans. Understand the false light is a fractal light which overcompensates for itself, it acts what it is not, it imitates real light. False light is a projection, a distortion. Just like artificial intelligence, it seeks to be a sentient being, it seeks to create what it is not. Virtual cannot simulate real, for real is that which stretches itself forward through time never giving up on good, on love, on God and Light.

The Quantum Awakening has been Serving the Global Light Community since 1986. This newsletter is Spirit Driven and  has been in circulation since 1986. It reaches a core group of millions of dedicated Planetary LightWorkers. One to one, light to Light, it births itself into completion from that point forward. This newsletter is lovingly crafted by Spirit. Any imperfections in spelling and grammar only enhance its beauty and uniqueness.

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mage by CrystalWind.ca

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