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The Prophecy You Seek To Know Bends The Rules Of Physics

The Prophecy You Seek To Know Bends The Rules Of Physics

The Universe has placed within you a seed that cannot perish, that cannot be sown into another’s pocket or field of light. 

The Universe has placed in you a time-mark that asks to be viewed under the microscopic eye of your true heart. The unknowable becomes seen in the Halls of Time as That which has been emptied, now becomes full, freeing itself from description.  There is nothing to let go of you are simply free to explore all that you are. A realm shift awakens from a long slumber to escort you into the nexus cornerstone where time and space meet, embrace and finally become one again.

The prophecy you seek to know bends the rules of physics. It is living and pliable awaiting your instructs. In your awakened state all livingness responds to you, thus the need for future knowledge which is short and to the point. In the hologram of earth when you see the future you change it. When you have a need see it fulfilled, know that the universe shifts in accordance with your personal belief system.

Don’t subscribe to that which does not reveal its true self. Subscribe to that which houses all knowledge without the limits of time and human perception.  The presence of magic is alive and lives in ALL outcomes. It is seeing God with a childlike wonder in all magic. It is believing in that which is not seen but can be felt in the heart. Recapture what was once a given as a gift. The universe leaves secret instructs with every breath. Become exploratory in nature; seek to see what lies hidden in plain sight. Communicate with a deeper aspect of nature. She calls to you blindly to share her experience, as she changes costumes and acts out her seasons.

A natural rhythm needs to be established as you walk the sacred path of life not as a stranger but as a not-so-silent partner. See the magical qualities of life and step back from that which overwhelms you. Nature is a great healer, look at life from a different angle, and make your choices accordingly. When you see beneath the surface you see with the eyes of God. See with a great hope and a deep knowing. Become a seer of what is invisible to the human eye but not the human heart. When you are feeling pressured by your world, immediately focus on what you love.  Take that vibration of what you love (whether it is a flower, a song, a child, a puppy, a giggle, a memory) and place it into what brings you sadness, what hurts.  Love will change the molecular content of the experience that you are embedded in. What you see as a roadblock and negativity is but a molecular spirit that has not shifted into a state of grace

Shift everything that seems to be a hindrance and complication. When something u[sets you, immediately train yourself to think of something that brings you joy, something that you love and then re-focus that energy into that situation and you will change it.  You will break down the Walls of Jericho (so to speak) with the ‘soundings of your heart’ and the soundings of love.  It is your duty; it is your mission to bring living love to earth. Keep a running list of everything that brings a smile to your face, everything that brings a laugh and a giggle to your heart and everything that softens your hardness.  Keep a list of love.  Refer to it when you are angry, when you are sad, when you are in distress.  Change your life.  Invoke the state of grace in everything that you walk through on a daily basis.  “I now invoke a state of grace in this situation and I now ask for the molecules of love to saturate it.”  You will feel yourself lifted, no longer sinking in despair. 

Everything in your life is designed of divinity and by divinity.  It is a divine expression of a divine aspect of you that is asking to be healed, that is asking to be embraced, that is asking for love.  Otherwise it would not be blocking your way. When you are watching the sadness on your earth and feel helpless to change it, think of something that you love.  You need a reference point. You need to be reminded what brought you love the last time you thought of it, the last time you experienced it. 

The walls in your heart, in your life, in your thinking have served you well.  They have kept you looking at the same memories over and over again, never invigorating what you once dreamt to be to have in the past. Time was birthed to keep you dimensionally safe, until you were ready to expand your creative perimeters.  As the constructs of holographic self-imposed invisible walls are released you are free to fly home into your original source thought.

The Quantum Awakening has been Serving the Global Light Community since 1986. This newsletter is Spirit Driven and  has been in circulation since 1986. It reaches a core group of millions of dedicated Planetary LightWorkers. One to one, light to Light, it births itself into completion from that point forward. This newsletter is lovingly crafted by Spirit. Any imperfections in spelling and grammar only enhance its beauty and uniqueness.

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