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Time & Karma Now Accelerated

Time & Karma Now Accelerated

All places and times-phases merge together in a patchwork of emotions that cannot be explained away.

Spontaneous eruptions of tears and fears come to the surface as we walk forward into more heart-light infusions disengaging from a past that is dissolving of and in, its own right.   As we entered 2025 a heavy dense sensation entered with us. We wept and mourned for things that had not even occurred. The biggest part of being human is feeling. It is all the senses wrapped around each other in a perfect cosmic dance of craziness. Feeling is what makes us human and vulnerable and yet at the same time totally divine. We as humans try to run and escape the feelings by whatever means is necessary. But like Wiley coyote those feelings turn around and bit us in the butt. We should have figured it out by now, that we cannot escape emotions and feelings no matter how hard we try or how far we run. Like a shadow at high noon, past emotions are always in our face and under our skin, Pushing prodding making us cantankerous.  Life is already demanding enough, asking more of us than we can handle.  The effect is a like a planetary Saturn return and we all go to the cosmic principle.

We all keep doing good deeds, in thought and actions. We follow all the rules playing accordingly. We accrue blessings left and right that seem to fall into a sinkhole not to be seen or retrieved again. Karmic interruptions of life and others keep one on bended sore knees. What do we as a planet need to do to get the big bad storms of Life to diminish and move away? Time is quickened, karma is quickened and nerves are frayed and quickened. This new playing field of cosmic proportion keeps us hopping around like a one-legged chicken. We feel time running uncontrolled, as it demands more and more from our already exhausted humanness. Our list of things ‘to do’ is getting longer and longer, no matter how fast we make haste. Emotions run amuck, making a jumble of things. Our logical brain seems to stop as we ride our animal brain down trails we should not go.

It is not that we are doing anything wrong it is that we are trying to connect with what once was and what should be. Like your smart phone dialing a 1950’s land line, no matter how hard you try there is no connection. There is not a wrong or right way but there is a more efficient way to walk thru these shifts. Hand over what is heavy in your life and heart to that which you once sprang from. Allow what is light of heart and resole to drive this section of the under-construction cosmic highway for you.

The Quantum Awakening has been Serving the Global Light Community since 1986. This newsletter is Spirit Driven and  has been in circulation since 1986. It reaches a core group of millions of dedicated Planetary LightWorkers. One to one, light to Light, it births itself into completion from that point forward. This newsletter is lovingly crafted by Spirit. Any imperfections in spelling and grammar only enhance its beauty and uniqueness.

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mage by CrystalWind.ca

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