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VLOG 45 - Solar Flash Incoming

VLOG 45 - Solar Flash Incoming

The Company of Heaven - VLOG 45 - Solar Flash Incoming

November 12, 2024

Today the Company of Heaven has asked for the opportunity to clarify some very important information that is flowing from the Realms of Illumined Truth into the mental and emotional strata of Mother Earth. We are being told that because of the awakening, activation and elevation that has recently taken place within the mass Consciousness of Humanity, people everywhere are beginning to tap into this information. Through many different levels of awareness, people are trying to interpret just what the Life-transforming event that is being called “The Solar Flash” is, and how and when it will manifest in the physical world of form.

The reason the Company of Heaven is offering this clarity is because many people are misinterpreting how “The Solar Flash” will manifest. This is often due to the fear-based beliefs that have been programmed into the mass Consciousness of Humanity through obsolete prophecies that were based in separation and duality. This misinterpretation is leading people to have expectations that are becoming a distraction that could actually delay Mother Earth’s Ascension process.

For millennia, in one form or another, there have been prophecies indicating that there will come a moment in time when Mother Earth will “instantaneously” become a Heart-based Planet, and an Awakened Humanity will at last experience the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar frequencies of Heaven on Earth.

Because that seems so improbable when we observe the painful outer appearances occurring on Earth, many people have thought that this miracle could only happen through some kind of supernatural experience involving Divine Intervention and powerful Celestial Forces that will come and “save” us.

Time and again these false expectations have caused Lightworkers to believe that we are powerless to Create the kind of changes necessary for this Planetary Transfiguration. The common belief is that we must just wait for someone or something more powerful than ourselves to come and do this for us. During the past 50 years, I have been aware of various movements that were waiting and expecting “imminent” Divine Intervention from Jesus, or Extraterrestrials, or Cosmic Beings, or the Photon Belt, or the Null Zone, and now the Solar Flash.

What the Company of Heaven wants us to fully comprehend is that no supernatural event and no outside Celestial Force is going to “save” us.

We are Sons and Daughters of our Father-Mother God and ALL that our Father-Mother God have is our Divine Birthright. Our God Parents have invested us with the gift of Free Will and the Creative Faculties of Thought and Feeling. Our purpose and reason for Being embodied on Earth is to learn how to use our Free Will and our Creative Faculties to become Cocreators with our Father-Mother God.

The only way the Heart-based patterns of Heaven on Earth are going to manifest on this Planet is for you and me and the rest of Awakening Humanity to Cocreate them. This is being accomplished NOW with every Breath we take and with every thought, feeling, word, action, belief and memory we express that is based in Love and Light.

When we invoke the Company of Heaven and ask for their assistance, they happily respond and will help us the maximum “that Cosmic Law will allow.” However, they will not and cannot do this for us. As the Hopi prophecy indicates, “We are the Ones we have been waiting for.”

This is not new information for us. We have all been preparing for myriad lifetimes to accomplish this Divine Mission. When we volunteered to embody on Earth, we clearly understood just how difficult this endeavor would be. What the Beings of Light want us to remember now is that even though we had full knowledge of just how difficult this process would be, we volunteered to embody on Earth during this auspicious time anyway.

We agreed to this not because we are masochists, but because we were shown what life will be like for Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth once our Divine Mission is God Victoriously accomplished. We witnessed what life will be like when we complete Cocreating Mother Earth’s Ascension and we are abiding on the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar New Earth in our Light Bodies. As we observed the Divine Potential of the New Earth from the Heavenly Realms, we realized that no matter what we might have to endure to accomplish this Mission, it is going to be infinitely worth it.

The reason speculation about the Solar Flash is so prevalent at this time is because the Sons and Daughters of God embodied on Earth are in the midst of Cocreating it NOW. The Solar Flash is not an event that will happen to us, it is an event that we are Cocreating by raising the energy, vibration and Consciousness of Mother Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her.

The Solar Flash will occur when Awakening Humanity adds enough Light and Love to the Planet, and Transmutes enough of our surfacing human miscreations back into Light, that we reach a Critical Mass of the frequency of vibration necessary to complete our Ascension into the full embrace of the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar New Earth which is now pulsating within the system of our Grand Central Sun.

Those who are waiting for the imminent manifestation of the Solar Flash to lift them out of their misery and set them free are actually prolonging their painful situations. Instead of waiting and expecting that the Solar Flash will just happen and change everything, we all need to realize that we are Cocreating this event. This is being accomplished as we increase our Lightwork and deliberately become the most powerful Instruments of Light and Love that we are capable of being every moment of every day.

If we will develop the habit of Consciously adding our Light and Love to the World in every aspect of our life, no matter how mundane we used to think that aspect of life was, we will accelerate the possibility of reaching a Critical Mass of vibration that will complete our Ascension into the Heart-based frequencies of the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar New Earth much, much faster.

This reminder is once again a word of encouragement from our father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven to “Keep on keeping on.”

God Bless You, Dear One. I look forward to being with you next week.


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