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Get Ready for the Next Level of Ascension with Sananda!

Get Ready for the Next Level of Ascension with Sananda!

Beginning of meditation

Now remaining in your tube of protective white light, focus a moment on your breathing as you take several deep cleansing breaths, breathing in the light and exhale out any tension, stress, negativity of any kind. Just let that go out gently with the exhalation of your breath.

Just focus now on relaxing and letting go, becoming more and more centered within yourself, leaving the outside world right there outside of your world. Know that you are a world or a universe within yourself.

Become aware of the nine chakra centers that have become awakened and reawakened within each of you and the particular alignment of those chakras along the spinal cord. Starting from the Earth Star Chakra just below your feet, see that as a deep earth brown color. Know that this is your connecting point.

Whenever you ground yourself to the earth, this is the chakra that is grounding to the earth. And when you ground to the earth, when you do so consciously, know that this is the chakra and focus within this chakra as you do so. So as your feet sit on the green grass or on whatever surface it is that is of the earth, especially if it’s bare feet, which you can do, which is important to do as whenever you can feel that connection to the earth in that chakra center.

Now moving up into your root chakra at the base of the spine, see that now as a deep ruby red color. Focus on that ruby red color there in that chakra center, that restless energy that is there, biding its time there in that chakra center. Feeling it as a snake being coiled up in that area. Feel yourself there in a coil, like a coiled snake, ready to strike, ready to rise upward. Feel that energy there in that chakra center now, that center of security in your life, the base center of your life. Feel that energy there as it begins now to rise up into the next chakra center that being orange, orange color, deep, bright orange color here. And feel the energy as it moves from this, as the snake rises up along the spinal cord, up into that next center.

And then the continuation from that center up into your adrenal area, your solar plexus area, and feel the energy there, the golden yellow energy as a bright brilliant sun awakens in that chakra center, that connection to your adrenal glands. Feel the energy there that has moved up into that center now.  Experience it again as the snake rises upward, the Kundalini energy, the energy that has been held dormant in much of your lifetime. Now feel it rising upward into that area, the solar plexus area. And now the continuation moving from that solar plexus area into your heart center that midpoint sensor, the balance point.   Feel the energy there as it moves into your heart. Feel your heart opening up as a doorway opens up into allowing the Christ consciousness to come into this center. Feel the energy, experience that heart -based energy, feel it growing and rising there and the snake that has risen, the Kundalini energy that has risen to this heart center. Feel it, experience it, know it. And the love pouring out from this center as if a doorway or a window has opened up and allowed this heart -based energy to filter out, to explode out from this center.

Feel the energy there, experience it. And now let it continue to rise to your high heart center, that high heart center that has also become reawakened here. And this being the magenta color, magenta. Feel the energy there, the high heart energy there. Feel it, experience it, be it. Be there in your high heart center as the Kundalini energy has risen to this point. Feel the experience and allow this energy to rise upward freely. Do not be afraid of this energy, for it is being called up by the Christ consciousness that is within each and every one of you that is calling this energy up. So know that it is safely called up in this way.

So now allow this energy, let it rise up into your chakra center, your throat area and see this as a beautiful sky blue, brilliant sky blue. See a beautiful blue sky, pristine blue sky here and feel this energy there in your throat as the word is wanting to be spoken, but just allow it to be there in this center. Feel it, experience it, know it.

And then feel the energy rising up still yet again to this third eye centered in the middle of the forehead opening up that center, opening up and feel and know and experience the pineal gland which is associated with this chakra center. Feel it opening up your third eye. Your third eye opening is expressing to the heavens above and the heavens within you the love, the love coming from your heart center and your high heart center up into this mind, the heart -mind connection, connecting heart with mind.

And your third eye now continuing to open up and literally seeing it opening up. Feel the energy there in this center, the Kundalini energy that has risen all the way up. You may feel it as electrical energy rising up or feel what you call goosebumps everywhere in your body, tingling everywhere in your body.

And then finally, see and feel and know the Kundalini energy rising up from your third eye center up into your crown chakra, your crown chakra at the top of your head, and a literal explosion happening at that level, an explosion of energy, of light shooting out in all directions from your crown chakra.

Feel and know and experience the energy there. The Kundalini energy which has risen from its base, from its root center, all the way up through all of your chakra centers, through all of the glands that are associated with those chakra centers, and risen all the way up into your crown chakra now, in the crown chakra exploding with energy and light everywhere.

Know that you are the light. You are the enlightenment. Feel the enlightenment here in this center as the energies all coalesce now, all of the energies that have risen up and all of the energies from all of the chakra centers now coalescing, coming together, forming together as one.

Here in your soul star chakra and the energy that has exploded from your crown chakra now is a part of your soul star chakra as well. That connection to your Higher God Self. Feel the energies all coming together in that soul star chakra and your God Self, your Higher God Self connecting with you there in that center now. You are your Higher God Self. You and your Father, I and my Father are one. I am the God Expression within me. Feel that. God is expressed. Higher Creation is expressed in me. Higher God essence is expressed in the I Am that I Am, the I Am presence within me, within you, within all of us. Feel it now, express it there in your soul star chakra and feel your soul star chakra now. See it, experience it, know it as it is forming now into a three -dimensional six -pointed star and being enlivened and enlightened by all of the chakras coming together as one in this center. And as one in this center, it is now your light body, your Merkaba light body or your Merkaba light vehicle which is a vehicle of travel now. So feel yourself, know yourself, experience your conscious knowing self moving into that Merkaba Light vehicle and feel yourself rising upward, leaving your physical body behind. Literally see your physical body falling behind you, below you.

As you rise upward and know that you are rising not just in a three -dimensional level here, but in a fifth -dimensional level. You are rising upward, upward into the heavens of your own being, which is connected to the Christ consciousness, which hovers above the earth, is a part of the earth, but hovers above the earth as well looking out over all of its creation.

Know that you are a part of this creation and you are also the creator itself.  All is one. And feel and know and experience yourself, your conscious knowing self in this Merkaba Light vehicle that has now risen up through the clouds, through the sky, above to above the Earth’s atmosphere and becoming aware of all of the millions of ships that are everywhere. As your third eye has opened up, your pineal gland has allowed your third eye to open up, to experience, even if you want to open your physical eyes. But do not do that now. But your physical eyes are now connected more and more to your third eye allowing for the expression of moving beyond this third dimensional realm and seeing beyond it, seeing above and beyond into the stars themselves, into the millions of ships that are out here. Witness it, see it, experience it, know it. Knowing is belief and belief is knowing.

So allow for the expression of yourself as this light body now that you are in a fifth dimensional expression, which you are. You are the created expression of yourself. Know this. As you hover above the earth now and see the earth in all its best beauty, not its ugliness. Do not see that.

That is an expression of the dark forces wanting you to stay behind the veil that they have created. See beyond this veil, this veil that is no longer there if you believe it is not there. For you can see beyond all of this. Even with your physical eyes you shall be able to do so if you believe that you can. And more and more, the light will open up to you beyond the expression of this third dimension and into the fourth and fifth dimensional expression, which you are all moving forward through your transition and through this ascension process. So experience and feel and know.

That which is beyond the old three -dimensional regime, the old three -dimensional illusion, it is no longer for you, it no longer exists if you can believe that it no longer exists. For all it is an illusion of programming. That’s all it is. Let go of all of the programming and you move beyond the third dimension. It is that simple if you allow it to be so. So whenever you feel the programming coming up within you, the old ways, the old programming, the old timelines that you have become accustomed to, know that you can simply let it just filter away, just slither away and be nothing more within you because it is not within you.

For you are indeed the God -expression here on the earth, a part of that God -expression. God individualized within each and every one of you. That is the ascension process. That is what the one, the Master Yeshua went through, what he accomplished. He became the God, God -Creator, God within Himself.  God individualized within him, you see, and he was the first to fully allow for this expression. And I use this terminology, allow, because he had to allow it. He had to let it come into him and become a part of him, he made that choice. Just as all of you are making the choice to go through this ascension process, which is indeed the same, if not the exact same thing that the one Yeshua went through, where He allowed, you are allowing for the Christ consciousness that God forced to individualize within you and to express out from you to all of those who are ready to receive it. Just as the Yeshua sent out the love to all of those that were ready to receive it. So too are you in the process of creating and doing the same thing.

Now we ask you here to allow yourselves to return to your physical form. But as you do so, let yourself in your Merkaba light vehicle, in your light body, descend back down to your physical form. Your astral and an etheric body coming back into your physical form and feel the merging coming back in.

But as you do so, become aware of all of your glandular structures that are associated with those chakra centers and how enlivened they appear to be for you. Either appear or feel if it is possible to feel it. It is even better if you can feel it rather than just simply visualizing it. But either one is  appropriate for whenever you are in this process right now. So allow the merging back of your astral and the etheric body into your physical field merging, coming back in and feel the energy flowing through your body to every part of your body and your body, your physical body now becoming enlightened and enlivened from all of this energy that you have experienced here, the rising of the kundalini energy and the reaching out from your light body into the higher level of cosmos and the connection to your Higher God Self and the bringing down of that energy.

So the bringing up of the Kundalini energy and the bringing down of the energies from above and the connecting there, right there within you. You as the transfigured Christ within yourself. That is the ascension. That is where you are all moving toward. That is what you will experience when the full ascension process comes through and over and through you.

Now, please come back into a normal state of consciousness and circulation, fully revitalized and refreshed.

End of Meditation

Channeling Sananda

I am Sananda and I come to be with you at this time in this great time of transformation and yes, transfiguration that you are all moving through just as this meditation by the one who gave this meditation is bringing you to that next level of yourselves. Each and every one of you are moving through this process. And you must understand that you are the process itself. It’s difficult, we know, for you to understand some of these concepts. But through repeating these things over and over and over from week to week, month to month, and even year to year, you are finally beginning to grasp what we have been attempting to bring to you in terms of training, in terms of knowing, and even more in terms of remembering who and what you really are. For you are all so much more than just this flesh and blood that tends to move throughout your day and all of the programming is a part of this. You are so much more than that, each and every one of you. You have come from the ethers and you have come down and the energies that you once were have individualized here on the earth and you have, throughout the sojourn here in the earth through this evolutionary process,

You have more and more and more taken on the levels of Christ consciousness that you were able to handle through these various lifetimes. And now in this final lifetime, in this earth sojourn, at this point in this timeline, you are going to and are in the process of experiencing the full descent of the Christ consciousness here into you, each and every one of you as an individual and as an individualized collective consciousness as well. So it is beyond the thinking process at a third dimensional level. But as you raise your consciousness and the vibrational frequency, which is raising throughout the world, which is raising consciousness, especially to those who are ready, it is preparing you for the next level, the next phase, if you will, of your ascension process. And the eclipse that has just happened, the solar eclipse that has just occurred has propelled you into this next phase of your ascension process.

First, there is the transition that you are moving through, the transition which takes you from the old third dimensional illusionary realm into the fourth dimension and even into the fifth dimensional expression. And as you know, you have at times found yourself moving between the various expressions. Sometimes you are there in the third dimensional and the programs are so rampant within you. And then through a matter of raising up in vibration, you are then in the fourth dimensional expression and experiencing more of the love and the higher-level connectedness that are there at that level. And then there are those two when the blissful feelings come over you and there are those times when you don’t even know where that blissful feeling came from. It just appeared. It just was there for you. That my friends is a fifth dimensional expression. That is where you begin to find yourselves into the next realm or the next phase of this transition and your attention, your full ascension.

I am Sananda and I leave you now in peace and love and oneness that you will continue on throughout this process knowing fully that everything that you are doing each and every day is moving you a step further, a step further along in this process. Peace and love be with all.

These messages were given during our Ancient Awakenings weekly Sunday conference call in Payson, AZ on 4/14/2024. Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author website is clearly stated. Sunday Call Channeling transcriptions.

James McConnell:
Spiritual Facilitator/Counselor for 25+ years, James has spoken on behalf of and channeled the Ascended Masters at many gatherings for varied audiences. He has facilitated the spiritual paths of those that are searching for their own truth through weekly groups, speaking engagements and workshops. His journey started over 25 years ago when his Marriage and Family counseling business began using past life regression and spiritual teachings as the basis for helping his clients resolve their issues. He has led expeditions in Mexico in search of ancient records and conducted retreats in Sedona and Flagstaff. James has an MS degree in Counseling Psychology.

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