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Mary and John the Baptist: Embrace Light, Peace and Change

Mary and John the Baptist 2025: Embrace Light Peace and Change

MARY and JOHN THE BAPTIST — Year 2025: invitation to Light, to Peace, to reflection, to change, to openness, to take breaks, to prayer.

Good evening my children. I am Mary indeed. I am very happy today to introduce to you the being who will speak to you as it is not me who will give this speech.

I have come to introduce the being who will speak to you but above all, I would like to remind you that I am the Mother of you all. I would like to remind you how great you are, how important your immensity, your ʺradiationʺ, the strength of your Spirit, are, important to me. When I say for myself, I desire nothing for myself alone, except the good of this humanity over which I have decided, among other Divine Mothers, to watch over.

I look at this Earth in this moment, in these moments, in this year, with a certain calm, not a relaxation, an appeasement, a moment of Peace, because I know that the Light which has long warned of its return now arises in this world. And for the Light to arise in this world again and again, you will undoubtedly also have to be its receptacle, that you simply accept this Light. It is not just a question of asking for It, dear children, but also of accepting to receive It, of realizing that It is there, perhaps sometimes in a form that does not suit you, in a form in any case. which does not suit the character, the ego or perhaps even your mind, but in a form which suits the Divinity Who pronounces its return in you.

Oh ! She wasn't lost, she wasn't far away. It was in your spiritual Essence. It was in your heart, in your energy, in everything that was still connected to all these invisible worlds, these worlds where you are still connected together in a single Unit, that of the Holy Spirit as you say in certain cases.

My children, I will still cry, yes, not over what is happening and which is right and will be right, over the fact that each and every one of you at times gets lost in illusion, and ends up giving up to his decency and his Divine birth on Earth.

So, to talk to you about this birth, this baptism, this allows me to introduce precisely the one who will speak to you. I leave you in communication with John the Baptist, John the Baptist, the one whose brother my son was ultimately, as he is the brother of all of you, however, a special brother for John the Baptist, John the Baptist.

Very little time separated these two children who lived together for a long time, who learned profoundly together. And if you have been told the path of my son, the path of John the Baptist has been little told to you. However, he too lived many experiences which were linked to this opening to the Light which I have just spoken, and which is possible in each of you.

He is there at every departure. He is there at every beginning. So, yes, you are in a year of great departure and great beginning.

Children of the Light, I salute you. I embrace you in Love, in the Love that you are, in the Love that you deserve, and in the Love that directs you towards the most beautiful of Lights, yours, that of Heaven, that of God.


Thank you Marie. This is undoubtedly one of the first times that I deliver a message through this body, through this channel, it will not be the last.

I would like to thank Mary for her Presence, thank her because she has always been at your side, never gave up, never doubted. And I must admit that it happened to me that I was in doubt about the fact that humanity is capable of returning to a broader, more open, more serious Consciousness about this world, about what you are really, about your true nature. I thought you were lost. However, at no time did she let go of the idea that you would return to the Light and Love of the Almighty. This is clear.

Yes, I am John, John the Baptist, “baptizer” some would also say, the one who proposes baptism, this movement, this renewal in the water which had been proposed to me by the divine Source and by the angels.

I come to talk to you, perhaps not in the details that you hope for, I come to talk to you about the year that you are experiencing, of the moments that you all share.

You are entering a year that is the center of all things, the beginning and end of many things in your world. It's a pivotal year — to use very human vocabulary — because she will see the end of governments of terror, the end of fear. Not that fear will no longer exist, it will still be present, however, it will not be governed or intentionally directed towards each of you.

So, yes, this year will first be a great year of political movements around the world, movements where people will be able to come together in what their common identity is, to be able to recognize themselves as they are, without being imposed on them what they are or should be.

SO it's a year that above all offers the word ʺfreedomʺ a little more, a beginning.

To obtain this freedom, certain peoples of your world will have to go through an intellectual revolution or a physical revolution. It is never an obligatory path, it is never a 'forced' request. Despite everything, there are certain places, certain places, certain countries, where revolt must arise because it is essentially the release of the energy of imprisonment, the release of an energy of fear precisely, which is transformed into one, I cannot say healthy anger, in any case in a movement of liberation of energies, in a movement of liberation, period..

These moments have begun. These movements have also begun and will continue.

We have been telling you for several months that certain people work in the Light and in the shadows. In the Light and in the shadow, that is to say, they prepared this path, they prepared these moments. Those I speak of are both visible and invisible beings.

We too, here, were waiting for a sidereal opportunity to be able to intervene even more in your existence. Not that we wish to become or be interventionists, but that the time has come to remind you of your immortal nature, to remind you of your ability to join us, to join us, to come together to work in a world, certainly illusory, however, which is a training world of Love, a training world of Light, a wonderful world for that, a dual world where duality seems hard, painful to you, however, where it East Actually the true vector of the Love that you carry.

Children of the Light, doubt not. Do not doubt who you really are, of this magnificent work, you are the children of God. We are the children of God. This brotherhood of souls, beyond a single incarnation, connects us to an immense point of which you often have no idea..

Of course, you wished through the veil of oblivion to ignore this Invisible world for a while. Now, while the Love on this planet is growing more than you imagine, there is a time when this Love is restricted in an individual way, and this was what the circumstances created around you, this calls on the power of collective Love, the ability to feel loved by Heaven and not just by Earth.

I am not talking about the Spirit of the Earth who has always loved you, but about those around you, those who are perhaps far away, and who ultimately do not yet love you in the way that would be brightest ever.

See that ‘by being constrained we call the Light of Heaven.

Sometimes, some people discover gifts and abilities while experiencing accidents. Some, by experiencing difficult circumstances, allow other abilities to emerge. You know it. You know that those who, for example, lose their sight sometimes gain greater hearing. They hear everything around them much better.

At the same time, when you lose circumstances, when you are occasionally in difficult circumstances on Earth, it is also to open your senses to something which is not of this Earth, which is potentially wider, further, bigger, less mortal, to try once again to use human and very human words.

This path that you are following, we have already followed in other eras, in other times. This is not the first time that humanity has entered a cycle that some call a Golden Age.

Oh ! you only enter it, you are only at the door of it. This door opened a few years ago, now, finally, you are entering this era of Light! This will happen slowly. This will happen gradually. This will be done over several years. In any case, and that's the good news, it can't be undone. The victory of Light is placed on your path.

Of course, this will certainly require drastic changes for some of you, and I would like you to understand that for a New Era to take shape, an Old Era must no longer exist AT ALL.

What I mean, at times, you will have to cross for some of you great planetary trials, great shocks. And yes, perhaps many of you will have to join the Light of Beyond to make room for this Light.

Those who will leave will not necessarily be the people who until then have been on the side of the one I wish to call Satan as I speak to you, the Tempter in fact, the one who wants to divide you. These are not necessarily the ones who will leave.

On the other hand, planetary and interplanetary events will arrive and mark this New Era. They will arrive. They will arrive.

Giving you a period would, for some, pose fear. Please know that this is not what I want to do, just indicate these events to you so that you understand when they will happen that everything is right, that everything that comes from Heaven or Earth has its rightful place.

So, in the center of this year, the first energy movements will be strongly visible.

I told you, first we will have to change your governance, your leaders, this is in progress. This is necessary and sometimes difficult, as you will see. You will see how some have devoted themselves a little too much to non-light, how some have decided to destroy humans to make room for themselves. It's much stronger than you imagine.

There has been a satanic movement on this Earth much more marked than you imagined or even believed, and you, whoever it is, are way below reality. In this case, this too will stop. This too will stop since it is time for everyone to find their place.

God's Time is the time of Sharing, it is the time of Fraternity, and it is also the time of Peace.

This is why, while some wars will seem to be escalating, others will end. And this will not necessarily last very long, a few weeks or a few months, it must be asked now.

You are on this timeline there. You are in this space-time.

Are you going to change it? I'm not convinced.

It really depends on the human, and since it's quite stable in your energy right now in your will, this stability of the human is what makes me not convinced that you are going to change timelines. And I want to tell you so much the better, given that you are on a liberation line not on a jail line.

Unless humanity falls back into fear again, into a new global fear, it will break free.

Especially since I think that humanity has learned courage, kindness, now, perhaps sometimes with difficult lessons, by realizing that some of you were wrong. They were malicious, believing they were doing the right thing, wanting to help other people by convincing them that they were right, only to realize that they had been manipulated..

You are no longer in that time. You will recognize these people who seek to manipulate you.

There will be upheavals of a geomagnetic order on your planet too.. This actually means that your Earth will receive different energies, live with different energies.

Will it completely tip over or not? There, this does not depend on humans but on the one you call Gaia, on planetary energy itself. In any case, it will modify its energies, its magnetism.

And in reality, it will enter an important ascension phase which means that by calling on the energies of the Earth, by calling on the energies of the ground where you are — it doesn't matter where you are — you will receive more energy from this planet, which will also be in upheaval, which will also cause great shocks, great changes, of course.

GOLD, to receive the energies of the Earth is to accept its plan of incarnation.

What does it mean to accept one's plan of incarnation? Accept being on Earth, stop wanting to leave, want to return to Heaven, want to return to the Beyond, the Other World, often for ease.

Understand that the challenges posed on this Earth are challenges of Love, challenges of deep Love. What I want to express with these words is the extent to which everything that ultimately happens to you is only present in you to help you, to improve your energy, your ability to receive energy, your ability to receive Love too, visible Love and also invisible Love.

There, the energy planes which are modified and which will change in the coming months, which are going possibly allow you to also see a galactic Invisible as your galactic brothers are not that far away, these energy changes will allow all those who have mediumistic abilities to put them forward, to all those who have possibilities of communication with energies, of to feel more and more this need in them to communicate and integrate into this energy plan.

Yes, obviously, this does not necessarily correspond to each of you. This corresponds to 1 in 10 people, potentially 2 in 10 people in certain regions. They will feel this need to be centered and connected to the energies.

For those, I invite them to this exercise :

  • to drink a glass of the purest water possible,
  • to position yourself sitting or standing in the place where you are. Do not look for a more favorable place than another in this new energy plan.
  • Ask inside yourself to receive the Energy of the celestial planes, the Energy of the planes of Light.
  • Feel the extent to which your body is linked to this planet, to this Earth, through roots, through any technique that seems appropriate to you.,
  • especially feel yourself on Earth while asking for energy from Heaven,
  • and for a few minutes wait for nothing, just focus on being Present for Heaven, for Divine Energy, and Present for Earth.

I repeat, don't expect anything specifically,

  • let it be, let it be what passes through you. This will allow you to receive both energies but also instructions, instructions which will subsequently appear in your vibration, in the events around you, in the coincidences as you call them, in a very visible way, because this world is only the projection of God through you.

In this way, if you leave a little more room for the Great Director of your story, for this higher Consciousness, for this Divine in you, this will not fail to create a projection equivalent to what you need to see and receive, and even understand on occasion.

In this moment when you are entering an era where little by little over several years everyone will find their place, there will be this need for fraternity and mutual aid indeed, in each of your talents, because the political system is in motion and will continue to be in motion, the financial system will also continue to be in motion. What, today, represents this energy of fluidification is reaching a little at the end of its run, will require the establishment of other systems which, if necessary, will try to start with fear, even if it will find its way anyway towards something more united, more connecting, subsequently.

Each of you has an important place in this world, I would like you to understand that. What I mean by this is that we are often asked : « What can I do? What can I do to make my life mandate come true, so that I can help this wonderful world to come true? ? »

So here, I want to ask for your divine Presence. I want to ask already that you accept to receive this Light and this Love. Oh ! I am not asking everyone to feel elected and missioned, to simply accept the energy of Love that falls on you at this moment, that you refuse due to lack of time because you have to do something or something else, just enough time to settle down, to rest.

I ask you to accept being at times simply what you are and nothing else, to position your mind in a spirit of mutual aid, and if necessary, probably even, that the first step that will push you to this mission, to this function that you have on Earth, is to learn to forgive those who have offended you, to take a new look even if you find that it is useless sometimes.

Even if for some of you find it useless, forgive, take another look. Let them be who they are. Be who are you simply. Be kind to each other.

Also accept that you are forgiven. That is, give another chance, yes, all the same give yourself another chance too and let others give you one.

Do not think that there is a trap here, just a movement of renewal. And then, no matter where you are, no matter what you do in your life, my friends, there is no place where God cannot appear. There is no place where the Source cannot rest since it is already everywhere.

SO, whatever your profession, a kind look, a smile, a good word, a prayer or an intention placed where you are, in what you do, is already placing the Light. It's already putting down a candle. It is already a marvel in this world and it is already representing God. It already represents Love.

This pivotal year is also a time when you will have to learn to unlearn. It is also a year which will require in you the possibility of changing your mind, the possibility of letting yourself be attracted by what attracts you through the heart, not something that appeals to you intellectually, not something that appeals to you selfishly, something broader presumably. Don't let the ego's plan take over the divine plan.

Of course, your ego, your character is there to position a plan that you have constructed yourself. Generally, he takes you to the plane where he, this character, has the most power, and not this Plane where you are balanced between Heaven and Earth. On this subject, perhaps I am actually being somewhat judgmental in asking you to choose one plan rather than another, for the simple reason that there is no plan that is not divine, but I find that you could also speed up this time.

You could also accelerate this change by accepting the Presence of your Ancestors, the Presence of your friends and brothers in the Beyond, the Presence of those who are already here. Sometimes it will be your parents, your friends. Sometimes it will be Ascension Masters, angels, Guides.

Some will ask you not to believe it. Some will tell you : « It's nonsense, it doesn't help ! » Does it help you by saying this? ?

Oh ! I am not asking you to trust everything you hear or see even in the Invisible, as there are people here on certain occasions who manipulate energy. They are able to pretend to be us. I'm just asking you to have an opening, an openness to the help we can offer you..

This help is in an invitation to reflection, in an invitation to openness, always invitations never duty, invitations: invitations to change, invitations to reflection, invitations to take breaks.

Your world is going wrong because it is going fast, too fast. You are in a world where speed does not allow you to set your intentions, to set your energies, to set your desires correctly.

See, to use earthly terms, your body, your brain needs to align with an energy, with a plan, before you can go optimally. So, everything is done so that you align on one plane then another plane, one energy then another energy. So your body almost becomes your enemy, seems to slow you down and cannot keep up because you have not taken the time to place the energy, not taken the time to feel yourself in this energy..

You want to be IN this energy where you want to go, but don't want to BE this energy where you want to go. It's really about feeling you, feeling your power, feeling your strength.

To feel it is not to doubt it morning, noon and evening, simply to know that this body can contain strength, can contain full health, pure joy, pure happiness. And from time to time, you will have to decide that this does not necessarily happen as you planned, that this strength, that this Love will not necessarily come from the person you have set out in your intentions, possibly from someone else, perhaps from simpler things, potentially from a daily life which if you displease is ultimately very pleasant.

This is settling into the present moment without trying to want to be anything other than what is Already. And when you are well in what is already, there, position the being you want to become. However, this cannot be done from an unstable plane, only from a stable plane.

In other words and I repeat, be well, where you are here and now, and when you feel this alignment, This ʺI am in the right place, at the right time and in the right circumstancesʺ cross you, at that moment you will be able to infuse into yourself the energy of the new being that you want to be and become.

In these circumstances, you will feel this new being, you will feel this new energy not in a dispersed manner on the contrary, consistently within you. Your body will be infused with the possibility of exercising another movement, of seeing and understanding other things and you will go on that path..

It's not so much about wanting to have as it is about wanting to be. Your desire is to be free, pure, joyful, in good health, so let the Divine expression pass through you and lead a path towards this.

It is also a year where there will be great technological discoveries even on your world. Technology will take an important place. It will free certain beings from complicated work, seeming to modify society, to be a great upheaval. However, in the end, all this will be done to bring, in the long term, a little more Peace to a humanity spending too much time on very futile things. So don't be afraid. Don't be afraid of this new technology, these new technologies that are coming, they will free you a little.

For a time we will have to align ourselves with it, yes. For a while this will cause some chaos, but it won't last very long. This will last a year or two before solutions are found and allow everyone to find their place, a fairer place..

I repeat, it is the end of fear because you will gather to your Unity, because you have the possibility of gathering to the Communion of Saints, to the Unity of Spirits.

Here our role is to give you some clues about these possible paths for you, but above all, above all, the need, I repeat, to make this pause within yourself and ‘enter maybe, Finallyin what is called prayer.

Prayer is not a plea. Don't ask us to act for you. We can act on the Earth plane. We can shape the circumstances around you, we cannot change who you are. We can take a new look at what's happening to you, yes, However, the one who will change is YOU, through your own will, through your own need, through your personal responsibilities.

Our help is there, to show you the best plan that you have been able to define for yourself, to show you the best environment that you have positioned to learn to Love, and to understand, if you experience permanent obstacles, that ultimately you are not yet enough on a Christian path, that's to say on the path to simplicity.

In this case some will say : « but you are talking nonsense Jean. I have nothing left. I don't own anything anymore. I have no more friends - my wife left me - I no longer have a job - I am on the street, what other simplicity do I need now ? »

I hear these words. I hear these complaints. What I'm telling you is to start trusting again. What I'm telling you is ‘accept the help you may receive, of cease perhaps, obviously compared to the previous time, to fear the other. I told you that now it was time to go through forgiveness, and accept that the same people can have different attitudes towards you.

So dear friends, if you believe you have nothing, what you have is more precious than anything else. You have Life within you. You have the strength of God to carry your steps every day. You have the infinite Presence of angels, to do everything to show you that you are everything with nothing, because, believe me, many think they are nothing when they have everything.

Dear beings, in this powerful meditation which invites you to renewal, it is about learning to dispossess yourself. It's about learning to share. It is about learning to trust again in a humanity which, it is true until now, has been led by archons or negative energies, but I will insist on this point today, ʺuntil thenʺ. Because the time has come, the times have come, in a few months, in a few weeks, and in a few years for certain deadlines, the time of Humanity has returned, the time of the return of God or the gods has returned.

prayer, it is that of asking to be accompanied, it is that of asking to see what you have not seen. What's more, it is also a time when you are associated with the one you are praying to.

When you pray to Mary, feel her as your own mother. If you pray to me, feel me like your own brother. Do not separate us from who you are, don't put us on a pedestal. Just understand that we are your brothers, your sisters, your parents, place us in a bigger family. In this way, you will receive our energy more easily, because if you think we are too far away, it is because you judge yourself not worthy and it will be your choice.

Do not be in this thought of unworthiness. You don't have to feel unworthy of anything. Our greatest happiness is certainly to help and work for the brothers who have the most difficulties, for the sisters who have the most discomfort..

You know, you know it like me, helping someone who doesn't need anything is not help, it's almost manipulation. Conversely, when you help someone who is in real need: 1°) you feel useful, and 2°) you know perfectly well that you are not anywhere other than where you are. must be.

This is what ʺWhat have you done for others?ʺ means? It is feeling this place where you are useful, useful because you put your energy where you are too. Let me explain.

Some of you think you are in jobs or places where you can't do anything for humanity, but that's not true. You can bless every person you see. You can bless every place you are, bring your Light, bring the Light of God simply by asking :

« Lord, rest here and now,

place Your Presence, place Your Energy, place Your Love, here. »

Your intercession is powerful.

« Put Your Love in this book.

Place Your Love in this meal.

Place Your Love in this object that I make.

Place Your Love in this buffer that I place. »

Is there a place where Love cannot rest? So stop thinking you are useless, because I repeat it, you must first be comfortable where you are to allow the Unity of the Spirit to position you elsewhere.

As long as you think you're better off somewhere else, you're escaping what is now, and who can position yourself now as the human god that you are. Position this in your life.

Regaining trust will be difficult for some. Reconnecting with those you got angry with can be difficult. This is not necessarily useful. I'm not asking you to become friends with manipulators again, it's about leaving them where they are, simply taking a kind look once again..

What I'm really telling you is to look at people again in a new, new way, not to look at people in an autocratic way. « he is like that — she is like that ». What if ʺsheʺ was something else, and if ʺheʺ was someone else ?

Each of you carries a great Light within him or her. Accept to see this Light. Agree to see yours. Accept to receive the divine Spirit.

There was a time when each of the apostles and me too was given this blessing of the Holy Spirit, this Presence of the Holy Spirit, this alignment with divine Unity. Each of you is in this energy plane. Even if, I repeat, 10 or 20% of you will be a little more involved than others in spiritual energy, for everyone else, you will feel that there is something else and you will see that there is something else there is something else.

Here is this renewal. This is this baptism that I propose to you.

Repeat your first name. You can say :

I am — say your first name —

and continue saying :

I am the child of God.

This will be your baptism into the Light.

I am John. I am the Light of God.

And you, who are you? Who do you accept to be? Do you really still think you're so useless? ?

On this path, each of you will be a warrior of Light, a warrior of Light. It is not a fight in a war other than that, not of beating the shadow but of let the Light pass, of defend this Light if necessary.

It is in Peace and Love that I want to leave you in this introductory speech to this pivotal year.

We will come back to certain details in other discussions with you. It was a pleasure for me to introduce myself to you, and to allow myself, if you call me to your side, to also embark on this path of renewal, Love and Peace with you..

Be blessed in the great Light that composes each and every one of you.

Translation by CrystalWind.ca

Public channeling of May 7, 2024 by Sylvain Didelot, transcribed by Marie-Claire.

Very pragmatic training as a quality specialist and computer scientist, Sylvain Didelot has been interested since his childhood in the world of the paranormal and spirituality. Initiated in multiple healing arts, he discovered canalization in 2005. Since then, accompanied by many beings of light, he has also been a lecturer, writer and spiritual accompanist. Its work is to guide and make each one accept his own divinity, thus revealing to all new possibilities of interpretations and manifestations of the world around us.

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The Ash Tree - February 18 - March 17

The Ash Tree - February 18 - March 17

Celtic Symbol : The Trident Or Sea - Horse Zodiac Degrees : 28º00` Aquarius... Read more

Aquarius Mythology

Aquarius Mythology

The Aquarius Myth The Tale of Aquarius: A Story of Beauty, Power, and Immorta... Read more

Finding Your Personal Year Number

Finding Your Personal Year Number

Here is a formula for finding your Personal Year Number: Read more

Smudging, Sacred Bowl Blessings

Smudging, Sacred Bowl Blessings

The practice of burning herbs, resin, or incense has been used by many cultu... Read more

Candle Color Meanings

Candle Color Meanings

Candles, when combined with prayer and faith, can produce miracles. Read more

Sun in Aquarius

Sun in Aquarius

An Overview of Sun Sign Characteristics for Aquarius Read more

Birth Totem - Otter

Birth Totem - Otter

Birth Totem Otter Birth dates: January 20 - February 18 Birth Totem: Otter... Read more

Rest & Cleansing Moon

Rest & Cleansing Moon

Otter – Quaking Aspen – Silver January 20 to February 18 The Rest and Clea... Read more



AQUARIUS Jan 20 - Feb 18 Spirit: To spread philosophical thought Read more



Lithomancy is the psychic art known by terms such as "reading stones, divina... Read more

Amethyst: A Stone for the Age of Aquarius

Amethyst: A Stone for the Age of Aquarius

Amethyst has long been thought of as a "stone of spirituality and contentmen... Read more

Cartomancy - Fortune Telling Using Playing C…

Cartomancy - Fortune Telling Using Playing Cards

Cartomancy is the act of divining using cards. Divining means to find out by... Read more



The Stone of Mastering Change Amethyst is primarily a stone of the mind; i... Read more

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