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Sananda: Unveiling Your Inner Transformative Power - Part 1

Sananda: Unveiling Your Inner Transformative Power - Part 1

Seize the power that you have through love and no longer exclude your life from this all-changing power. The energy of love brings forth all the changes that you are now seeing.

And you determine the degree, the impact of this process. You are the bearer of this information, which now enables you to change the world. By you everyone Hostility with deep appreciation, free from judgment, without anger and hatred, but only through your unconditional love. Thus, the energy changes where you are, where you influence life in this way. And that, beloved, has an impact! Inevitably and determined. Extend in love until it encompasses everything and everyone.

Matthew 22.34 ff

<DAY1> You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your thoughts. That is the most important and first commandment. The second is just as important: you should love your neighbor as yourself. The whole law, including the prophets, depends on these two commandments. “

This is inscribed in the hearts of all people. Love for God and for others. Anchored in the soul and ready to reveal itself now.

For a long time, this truth closed to you like a treasure that remains hidden until the time for its upliftment came.

One determines the other. Through love for your Heavenly Father, charity awakens and thereby love for every part of creation. Nobody is exempt from it, and everyone is touched by your decision – the emergence of love.

Today I renew this truth, today the power that holds creation together is kindled in your heart.

Greetings, beloved brothers and sisters.

The power of love is given to you today and experiences the limitless expansion. So far you have not been able to implement the unconditional consequence of love. Too much of a thought prevented you from doing so.

Today, however, I take your hand and lead you through the valley of tears until you see the rising morning sun, the kingdom of God. Through all deceptions and fears, we now dare to love unconditional to exhaust, to fully claim them and to attain enlightenment through them.

Take my hand, beloved person, feel guided, carried and accompanied by me through this time to add the experience of all-encompassing love to your life.

Extend your love, and it is I who protect your actions and thus promote your growth. Again I address my word to you, and again I tell you: love everything and everyone, but above all:

Love your enemies!

You are happy to back from that to this day. Because this was too much for many, too tedious for some, but simply unattainable for the majority.

So your charity experienced a limitation that you imposed on yourself. A limitation that maintained the old world order of loveless energies. Impossible to cross the borders, the limits that kept humanity separate.

The „ Feindesliebe “ was essentially excluded from all the commandments that are given, because that exceeded your strength and imagination.

You are hardly able to produce corresponding actions. Now I bring you your „ enemies “, the inner as well as the outer. Well, the time has come for you to strip your loveless behavior towards these parts of creation. Expect great things, because you will be led out to those encounters that will let you learn them; today you walk the path of unconditional devotion.

It is too little, beloved, if you only give your love to those who prove worthy of it. It is too little if you stop with your love from those who are hostile to you. It is too little if you link your love with conditions – too little for this time and not enough to awaken.

Going beyond this horizon is now truly the requirement of time. And you will be brought into situations that serve this stretching of your consciousness. Your inner as well as the outer enemies will rise and ask you to make a decision.

A new decision that takes you far beyond the previous limits. Only in this way will the horrors from your souls be healed, only in this way can peace prevail on the planet.

The lack of love has so far ruled out the peace of the people; world peace and the unity of the human race.

Your „ tolerance limit “ was reached too quickly, and often, although with good intentions, you have resigned from your inner decision to change realities through love. This is now over and belongs to a bygone era.

Unconditional love needs complete awakening and only then, is your nature fully complied with. Today it is important for all of humanity to take this step, and this transformation has long since begun. But you still shy away, your behavior is still hesitant, you are still undecided and not clear about this need.

The step into unconditional charity is the greatest step humanity has ever taken.

So there is talk of the „ power of love “, because that's how you change the planet. How many times have you been made aware that you can love yourself unconditionally and that you should do the same with every consciousness that enters your life. As soon as you put aside the fear of you and transform the fears of your enemies into love, you change reality.

A new energy expands in and around you, and the enemies become brothers and sisters, since no one can escape this power.

How small-minded you were that you did not insist, neither trusted nor lived after. Occasional attempts resulted in great things, but a natural action out of this force failed to materialize over long distances. Today, the conditions to which the earth and you are exposed require this repentance, and the light of God clearly shows this need.

Love your enemies as you love yourself and God!

A new, expanded paradigm, and this fulfillment is now being sought by everything that is becoming. This realignment of your everyday life gets the events going. A realignment of great efficiency, because most conflicts are based on a lack of love.

There is a lot ahead of you, and your tasks are infinitely important for the earth. So that you create a new reality. Once your life is new and unconditionally focused on love, your being is given a new coat of paint, and your days appear like images of heaven.

This requires courage and knowledge and a sincere desire to expand your ability to love. Please do not forget that I am there and go with you through this time.

You are never alone!

Experience the power that is revealed to you. The power that your love can lift everything and every state into the light. An extremely powerful state that is unfolding in this way, because an impotent end to hostility is not associated with it.

Your free choice is the key to this. So you have developed into a fully conscious being because you know about the forces of the universe. Because you draw from it and use it through your way of life.

Seize the power that you have through love and no longer exclude your life from this all-changing power. The energy of love brings forth all the changes that you are now seeing. And you determine the degree, the impact of this process.

You are the bearer of this information, which now enables you to change the world. By you everyone Hostility with deep appreciation, free from judgment, without anger and hatred, but only through your unconditional love. Thus, the energy changes where you are, where you influence life in this way.

And that, beloved, has an impact! Inevitably and determined. Extend in love until it encompasses everything and everyone.

The turning point

no longer gives up with a minor expression of love. As a river pushes to the ocean, inexorably and constantly, the turn of the times urges the fulfillment of its God-given reversal, of living together on Mother Earth.

The restraint of love, a lack of it or the fearful insistence on the usual life patterns is no longer accepted, because less than anything is no longer possible.

Everything: the unconditional devotion to love.

You can do so much that you are not aware of and hardly aware of. And only because you have so far failed to decipher the secret of love. It is only in its entirety that it shows its power, and because of the unconditional it begins to grant everything.

A great knowledge that will come to you and raise up and realign your life. Far from an imperfect feeling, an illusion, you are now saturated by fully exploiting your love for people.

You claim this power completely, if you love it completely. Everyone is a neighbor, every God, everyone an image of you. Every separation of the peoples dissolves as soon as personal hostilities are abandoned. Unity is only experienced in this way, and only through love for your enemies can you grow up to be the creators of a new earth.

So you claim your power. So you buy your nature back. So you are the ones you are. From eternity to eternity. Love can do everything, grants everything, does everything and IS everything.

So go in peace, and my loving hand guides you through this time of great change.

Translation by CrystalWind.ca
mage by CrystalWind.ca

On behalf of Being, Lichtwelt Verlag was founded on June 20, 2009. The path is clear and precisely defined: to bring light-filled books and writings to people, literature that is permeated by the vibration of love. It is the publisher's intention and at the same time the spiritual world's mandate to him to anchor the reality of light on earth and to sustainably establish the power of love through this justification. So that people can put aside all fears of a past but still lasting time. The introductory quote expresses what the publisher's program, mission and duty are. And what applies to the press also applies even more to the books and writings that we publish. People long for freedom, peace, joy and love and want clear information based on the foundation of truth. Our work should be a door to this longing, a support for this need and an appropriate response to this fact. Source

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