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Sananda's Insight: The Right And The Wrong We
Written by Jahn J Kassl

Getting yourself out of the system is a simple matter. What it requires is vigilance, love of truth and the courage to examine a situation in detail, to investigate things and words, to find and take your own point of view.
Your NO, spoken internally, disconnects you from the system. This also applies if you still have to operate in this system. Change begins in your consciousness; every manifestation comes from your consciousness. Your consciousness is the most powerful tool. As soon as your actions bear the signature of your consciousness, you rush towards your liberation. Only if you recognize your I in WE then agree and say YES!
How can you disconnect from the system?
Loved people,
trust in your strength! Remember who you are! Don't let yourself be put in charge any longer! Live self-confident and self-determined. This is the way. The forces of darkness only still have power because too many people are not yet aware of their own power. Although more and more people are waking up and seeing things in the light of the truth, the decisive step towards sovereignty is still missing for many people. If change is to occur, the step of completely decoupling yourself internally from the system is necessary!
How does it work to disconnect yourself internally?
By making your own decisions and always listening to your intuition, to your own feelings.
Who do you trust more? Institutions, scientists, gurus, leaders at different levels or yourself?
Disconnecting from the system happens in a single moment, when you simply say NO to what is offered to you.
JJK: “Every people has the leaders they deserve,” is what people like to say? Is that so?
Which WE?
SANANDA: For anyone who recognizes themselves in it, that's how it is. Anyone who says that I have nothing to do with any of this, that I did not elect any of them or trust them, is fundamentally different for them.
If you don't want to be absorbed by this suggestive WE that makes all people equal, you look, differentiate, relate yourself to it and make decisions on a healthy basis.
Today elections are being distorted, politicians who were not elected by anyone are in charge - and you think you deserve that?
No, beloved human being, you can safely shed this conditioning, because the first step to waking up is to emancipate yourself from this collective appropriation!
Take your stand
What do you want? You decide! How do you want to live? You have it in your hand! Are you part of the WE in which only lemmings feel comfortable and recognize themselves? Or are you part of the new WE, which focuses on the development of the individual human being? When people talk about freedom: what freedom is meant?
When there is talk of peace: how is it achieved? When unity is invoked and what we have in common is brought to the fore: Do you see yourself in it? Do you recognize yourself in the WE that is offered to you?
The point is: you have to take your own position on all questions and on the manipulative phenomena of this time. Ask yourself: Do I belong here? Do they mean what I mean by that? Am I getting involved in this WE?
Recognize your power
Getting yourself out of the system is a simple matter. What it requires is vigilance, love of truth and the courage to examine a situation in detail, to investigate things and words, to find and take your own point of view.
Your NO, spoken internally, disconnects you from the system. This also applies if you still have to operate in this system.
Change begins in your consciousness; every manifestation comes from your consciousness. Your consciousness is the most powerful tool. As soon as your actions bear the signature of your consciousness, you rush towards your liberation.
Only if you recognize your I in WE then agree and say YES!
This is the practice at this time. Because before a New Earth can be created, people must break away from the old conditioning and be able to distinguish between the right and wrong WE.
I am with you in infinite love
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