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Speed Up Change Now: Sananda Reveals the Key!

Speed Up Change Now: Sananda Reveals the Key!

The change that is occurring today is not just a socio-political change in which one system is replaced by another system, but is a spiritual change in which people take a higher perspective and learn to see the bigger picture. Other needs arise and new questions are raised.

The idea of ​​change, as brought about by many revolutions in human history, falls short here! Today's change is not only taking place on this earth, but encompasses many levels and is first noticeable as a vibrational change within yourself. Your perception becomes finer and you move out of this sluggish energy field of deception. You rise! At the same time, the earth rises with you - from the inside out - everything is vibration, is pulsating energy, is liquid light of GOD. It is on this level that all actual change occurs and only through your spiritual work will the foundation be laid for a new beginning on a completely different level. That's what it's about: not replacing the system with another system, but leaving the system.

Revolt in Russia?

JJK: The “Wagner troops” allegedly turned around yesterday, June 24, 2023, just 200 kilometers from Moscow. In my opinion, the withdrawal brokered by Minsk came at the last moment! Because what the world needs least now is a political upheaval in Russia. For me, President Vladimir Putin and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov are still people who want to prevent damage to Russia and minimize the damage to Europe and the world. The West's constant provocations are answered 1 to 1 by Moscow, but Russia has never and never escalated. Russia is ready for peace talks, the West only talks about Russia having to be defeated on the battlefield and is supplying Ukraine with more and more weapons. The fact that the people of Russian origin in Ukraine have been disrespected, humiliated and killed by their own government since 2014 is deliberately overlooked in almost all research into the causes.

It is not difficult to see who the real aggressors are here and that Russia has been in the crosshairs of those who advocate the unipolar world order for decades. What I'm interested in now is how close were we to an escalation yesterday, what prevented it at the last moment and what does that tell us for the future?

Man or machine?

SANANDA: I am with you always and every day.

The pendulum swings in one direction and the other. It is a constant back and forth, because the battle that is being fought on Earth today is the last battle before there is light everywhere - and at the center of this conflict are two blocks, two energies, two concepts: the concept in in which people are the focus, and the concept in which people only play a subordinate role on this planet.

That's what it's all about at its core: the animated human being or the human being as an optimized machine.

The spiritual consciousness of Russia is opposed to this and many countries around the world are refusing the developments that are now being pushed and propagated. With these countries there will not be a single world on which “machine people” should exist.

What this means for the future is that realities will separate until, in the end, every person finds themselves in the reality that they have determined for themselves.

Your decision is the spiritual measure of all things and it is not the intentions of an elite that determine your earthly fate.

It will never come to the extreme!

What happened in Moscow yesterday? Two parties that felt betrayed and were betrayed - the Russian president as well as the commander of the insurgent troops. Eventually an agreement was reached.

What has been announced to you in many messages still applies: It will never come to the extreme! And the ultimate is the use of devastating weapons systems that would make the planet uninhabitable and wipe out humanity.

No matter how things get worse - and the worsening always has to do with scaring you - the earth will survive and it will rise with the people who are ready for it. Conflicts and fear scenarios continue to be fueled at all levels, but the bright end - the good outcome of this transformation process - is certain.

JJK: Fear propaganda – yes! We had the Corona deception for 3 years and now the climate catastrophe is being suggested to us every day. I notice how people are slowly going crazy. Everything is really crazy, out of center. This can also be noticed on the street. Whenever I travel by car, I experience situations that rarely existed before.

As if people had forgotten how to drive. Recently, on my way to the 127th light reading, a car came towards me head-on in my lane and at the last moment it turned back. The breakneck overtaking maneuvers – from the first lane or without indicating such with the turn signal – are almost the “new normal”. It is particularly important to be careful with trucks, as they usually drive as if they were alone on the road. These phenomena are increasing rapidly and I can really tell because I regularly travel on highways and in rural areas.

Then the conversations with people: OK, I try to avoid them, but sometimes it's unavoidable. I notice that to a significant extent people cannot think for themselves or clearly - they are simply no longer themselves. "Externally controlled" is the right word. Then there are the illnesses – almost everyone is sick in some way these days. Is this because of the corona mRNA therapy? Mentally, people are draining away and physically they are barely holding on.

What's going on there? In complete contrast to this, there is an elite that acts as if it doesn't affect them and consequently continues to keep its foot on the gas. Ever more absurd future scenarios are being drawn up and we are confronted with ever more grotesque measures.

Everything is over the top and exaggerated. What is really going on that makes fewer and fewer people able to endure and endure this?

SANANDA: This exaggeration of irrational fears is the sign that the pendulum must and will swing in the other direction. This phase has already begun, as more and more people are losing trust in the systems that previously kept the world running. Fears are only acceptable to a person to a certain extent; at a certain point, people can no longer tolerate them and do not want to endure them anymore, and a countermovement sets in - and we have reached this point today.

Is there something wrong here?

With every additional imposition that is incomprehensible to people, more and more people start to ask questions.

People endure injustice and inhumanity as long as they can understand the reasons for it and as long as they do not exceed a certain level. The injustice, the lies, the deception and the inhumanity have now reached levels that are unbearable for more and more people. Despite the manipulation to which people are exposed throughout their lives, more and more people begin to feel an inner feeling, an inner voice that speaks out - and they begin to ask themselves: Something is wrong here?

This political awakening is the first step towards greater awareness and spiritual awakening is the result. That is why today more and more people who are politically active are turning to spiritual topics. Political and spiritual development go hand in hand here.

Today we are at the point where the players of the old system have lost all measure. That is why people are losing all trust in the current institutions and in their representatives. Today's times invite people to take their affairs into their own hands.

At first this can lead to great chaos and for a while the picture will be dominated by social upheaval.

System and level

It takes a certain amount of time before something new is established. However, what was supposedly new was often just the old in a new disguise. This time everything is different. This time the planet is being raised to a higher level of consciousness with humanity ready for it and that is changing the conditions for your future.

Nobody will be able to help shape the new with old patterns.

The change that is occurring today is not just a socio-political change in which one system is replaced by another system, but is a spiritual change in which people take a higher perspective and learn to see the bigger picture.

Other needs arise and new questions are raised. The idea of ​​change, as brought about by many revolutions in human history, falls short here!

Today's change is not only taking place on this earth, but encompasses many levels and is first noticeable as a vibrational change within yourself. Your perception becomes finer and you move out of this sluggish energy field of deception. You rise! At the same time, the earth rises with you - from the inside out - everything is vibration, is pulsating energy, is liquid light of GOD.

It is on this level that all actual change occurs and only through your spiritual work will the foundation be laid for a new beginning on a completely different level. That's what it's about: not replacing the system with another system, but leaving the system.

Can we accelerate change?

JJK: Can we do something to speed things up?

SANANDA: Yes, to completely trust and unconditionally obey the divine voice within you!

Too often you ignore the signals and hints of your inner voice. This dilutes your decisions and has no correspondence to your soul plan, which keeps you in this matrix, in this system. Instead of rising, you keep falling.

You can only achieve the corresponding basic spiritual vibration if your decisions and actions bear the seal of your soul.

You accelerate collective change by becoming aware of the power that comes from your soul's choice. By living by it, you do everything you can to accelerate change.

JJK: I see it again and again, even in my immediate environment, how much people are distracted and allow themselves to be distracted.

How many participate in the old system with wrong activities and yet often think they are open to the new. Self-deception often prevails here, even among light warriors who are already quite awakened - because listening to the inner voice means perceiving it clearly and following it. Most of the time it fails because of clear perception - right?

Ascension means vibration

SANANDA: It fails where a person is not yet ready for the truth because fears of change still prevail. I also have good news on this issue: the people it affects are being introduced to this truth through events. Today, no one who truly claims ascension can ignore the soul voice in the long term! Ascension means vibration and the corresponding natural vibration can only be achieved in connection with the soul. Otherwise you are a leaf in the wind - mood swings are vibrational swings. That's why a constantly high natural vibration is so healing and you can achieve this through an intact connection to your inner voice - and above all through unconditional trust and following your inner voice. Many people can clearly hear their inner voice, but few follow it.

This is where you should direct your focus now if you want to accelerate Earth's ascension.

JJK: Does that mean living your true life, then you can get through this crazy time?

SANANDA: And to stop, to do nothing, to want nothing, to expect nothing, to desire nothing, to judge nothing - to just let go and be. This relaxes the mind and soul and keeps your nerves safe. Practice not paying attention to the events in this world anymore! For this, respect yourself - and maintain a living connection to your soul voice.

Dedicate yourself 80% to your inner work and all external needs will be regulated by your inner soul guidance.

Trusting in GOD or relying on yourself - there is no difference.

With infinite love

Translation by CrystalWind.ca
mage by CrystalWind.ca

On behalf of Being, Lichtwelt Verlag was founded on June 20, 2009. The path is clear and precisely defined: to bring light-filled books and writings to people, literature that is permeated by the vibration of love. It is the publisher's intention and at the same time the spiritual world's mandate to him to anchor the reality of light on earth and to sustainably establish the power of love through this justification. So that people can put aside all fears of a past but still lasting time. The introductory quote expresses what the publisher's program, mission and duty are. And what applies to the press also applies even more to the books and writings that we publish. People long for freedom, peace, joy and love and want clear information based on the foundation of truth. Our work should be a door to this longing, a support for this need and an appropriate response to this fact. Source

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