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Stigmata - Message of Jesus Sananda
Written by Jahn J Kassl

St Francis of Assisi, Theresia von Konnersreuth and Padre Pio have accepted human suffering and have not confirmed my suffering.
This unity of man was expressed in their stigmata. Not as confirmation of my death on the cross, but because of a misconception about my death on earth. The thoughts have tremendous strength. And there are great souls who absorb these forces and bundle all these energies like a channel. So that those who are attached to certain ideas find relief. It is a pure service of love for people.
Death on the cross
The erroneous assumption about my death on the cross has accumulated so much energy that it had to manifest itself.
St Francis of Assisi, Theresa of Konnersreuth and Padre Pio accepted the suffering of man and did not confirm my suffering. In their stigmata, this unity belief of the people was expressed.
Not as confirmation of my death on the cross, but because of a false idea about my death on earth.
Thoughts have tremendous power. And there are great souls who absorb these forces and bundle all these energies like a channel. So that those who are attached to certain ideas find relief.
It is a pure service of love for people.
Every stigmatized person has absorbed the energies of countless people through his closeness to God and by virtue of his love of heart and so the 'miracles' of the stigmata happened.
Again and again, great souls were sent to Earth to channel these forces to prevent persistence in suffering.
It may seem that these wounds reinforce suffering, but on an energetic level, the opposite is true. In order to mitigate the collective experience of suffering, these wounds have so far manifested themselves on individual people.
As soon as you have released all your suffering within you, this work of your light brothers and sisters is no longer needed.
Everything you don't have in you doesn't exist! Once humanity's collective energy pattern repels suffering, the planet's energy field changes.
The Earth will regain its peace, joy, beauty and love of all creatures. There is no need for suffering.
Only the power of imagination and belief in an image produces facts.
Please separate and release yourselves from suffering. So you change the facts.
Human beings, immersed and permeated by pure divine consciousness, have so far taken away from you what was reflected in your thoughts and religious ideas. So that relief could happen to you.
But now it is important to take responsibility for yourself.
Free yourself from your suffering. And step out of the world of collective compassion, the oppressive feeling of powerlessness.
Suffering is not meant for you, beloved child of man. Understand this truth and detach yourself from it.
"No one will/should suffer more than me".
This phrase is uttered by representatives of the Roman Catholic Church. But this is not true, my beloved brothers and sisters.
All suffering is absolute. And every human being is completely immersed in his suffering. The pain is always unbearable and the perception is reduced to the event that produced it.
There is no scale of 1-10. If you experience suffering, it is painful and you reach your limits. Of course, in my life on earth, I also felt the pain of separation from Heavenly Father.
Although I was constantly connected to Him, there were moments of pain and this suffering was my silent and eternal longing for my home. Beyond that, no harm befell me.
All the events of that time had a deep "logic" and corresponded to the divine plan. I knew that I was fulfilling my responsibilities and that the events, whatever drama they produced, were consistent with my life and Heavenly Father's will.
But it's true, I saw so much suffering. The poor and oppressed, the downtrodden without hope and full of anger, the burdened and the sick, but also the wealthy in their spiritual poverty, strive to maintain their earthly certainties at all costs.
It presented itself to me a picture full of suffering and pain.
So I came to alleviate this pain, to free people from their suffering. By speaking of love, joy and peace, and by bringing my light into people's hearts.
True suffering happens when you live in darkness and many at that time saw no light. But I had plenty of it, and I gave wherever I could and where it seemed appropriate.
I lived in the light. And so there was no suffering and no pain for me. Where there is light, there is love. And love is always free of feelings and energies of this kind.
Please free yourself from the idea that I had to suffer. Free yourselves from this guilt, even if it has been presented to you as reality for a long time.
I have come to alleviate your suffering, not to experience my own suffering.
To free you from suffering, not to cause me suffering. Suffering does not beget love, only more suffering, incomprehension and hatred.
My love is the sign that I repel suffering, it is alien to me and in my light it dissolves, is transformed and rises – as a divine spark into eternity.
Let go of this idea and you will be able to meet me more directly. This is how my true message will spread in your heart.
Suffering is not meant for you and all pain you create through your thoughts and actions.
Be vigilant in everything you do, in every thought, in the words you speak, and pay attention to your actions.
This is how you create your reality. You are the creator of your world. And through your loving work, infinite beauty and peace can grow. Heaven on earth.
Recognize this and transform your pain, your suffering, so that you can be a true brother, a true sister to your fellow human beings in a clear and full of light.
But how can you get out of this spiral? By not identifying with "your" suffering.
And how does that work, when everything hurts me and where I am full of pain everywhere, I hear you ask? By remembering who you are. By understanding what brought you here. By recognizing your tasks.
And there is no suffering in fulfilling your tasks, as everything is in harmony with your eternal self. You are aware of your ancestry.
But how do I recognize my responsibilities and my ancestry? Have you ever asked for it? Have you written YOUR letter to God? Have you filled your heart with longing and asked your questions? How unconditionally interested are you in your story? Are you ready to let go in order to experience, to recognize and to experience who you actually are?
I often spoke in pictures and there was often talk of "giving up".
"... Go there, sell everything and follow me..."
This refers to letting go. This brings you forward, towards yourself and away from suffering.
This is not meant literally, although this may also be the case. Here it means "sell everything", to be willing to give everything to get the knowledge of your being. Separating yourself from everyone in order to attain everything, your full attention is needed and every bond goes away from you.
So that you are free in the encounter with yourself. An encounter that is always an experience of God and brings you into the knowledge of your power and power.
All ties to this reality dissolve from within. Often there were people who took these words literally, sold everything and then were still plagued by suffering and pain.
Transformation takes place within you and transforms your heart. Fullness is necessary and destined for you, but you should not bind yourself to anything – this is the freedom of which I spoke and this means to sell everything – to attach yourself to nothing in order to be constantly present to it.
There is no need for stigmas anymore if you release your suffering. So you ask your questions and start listening to your inner voice.
If you find in your love, you walk in my footsteps. Because it is always love that takes everything from you, the suffering, the worry and the fear to give you EVERYTHING – the eternal access to your real being.
Release your suffering and you will no longer find it in the world. It will dissipate as the fog dissipates as soon as the sun breaks through. Your suffering is the suffering of your fellow human beings. Your joy is their joy.
The nails through my hand, they don't exist. No blood and no death on the cross.
Free yourself from this belief, even if it is difficult. Take the invocation in this book, go to your room and I am with you.
Ask your questions, I will answer you. Be patient and let it happen. Open your heart to me. And all wounds will close.
What remains is your divinity, your light and your love. Your being as it is. Your essence – God.
I am with you, every day.
Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
English edition by crystalflow translations
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