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The Ascended Masters: Explosion Of Human Consciousness Is Imminent!
Written by Jahn J Kassl

A veritable explosion of human consciousness is imminent – and what is still completely unthinkable today will happen: the awakening of human beings in an unimaginable dimension.
Ascending to GOD
Dear ones,
you are in God's hands and everything is done according to His will. Your task is to open yourselves to the will of God, to go with it, to recognize it and to express it in your actions. Every human being has come to this world with unique assignments and unique abilities, born to bring his stamp, his footprint, his signature to the earth and leave it on earth. No one is stranded here by chance, no one is exposed to the arbitrariness of foreign powers, and no one is born without meaning.
Please keep this truth in mind: People have ascended to earth out of GOD and they rise back to GOD after their work is done.
This process can take eons, can take an unimaginable amount of time and can be a real test of patience. But this process is what unites all people under the sun of God. That is why it is significant that today you live your lives with your talents and tools, that you spread the talents and apply your tools. Every person is unique and thus each person contributes uniquely to the growth and development of an entire organism.
No matter how insignificant and small you may experience yourself, you have an intrinsic divine value, an intrinsic divine destiny, and an intrinsic task that has been given to you by GOD.
The time when more and more people will be led to this realization has come today. More and more people are being opened to this truth.
Awakening in unimaginable dimensions
The divine light does this, and it causes more and more people to open up to the light.
A veritable explosion of human consciousness is imminent – and what is still completely unthinkable today will happen: the awakening of human beings in an unimaginable dimension.
The only ambition of the dark Ones today is to prevent as many people as possible from this awakening. Therefore, everything is done to shield people from the divine energy, from the light that comes to Earth from the CENTRAL SUN.
The pollutants that rain down from the sky, the intention of darkening the sky, or electromagnetically affecting the atmosphere, have this one purpose: to cut people off from the divine light, from the vibration of light. This project will fail on all lines, because here the heavenly forces of light, which act beyond the visible, have a free hand to intervene and eliminate those who want to bring it about.
A battle is raging, not only on Earth, but also in the realms beyond the visible. So it happens that heaven and earth, people and beings of light unite in order to restore the earth to its original form.
This process is still ongoing, and at the same time Mother Earth is peeling herself out of her old corset. It begins to throw off everything sick, all burdens and everything harmful.
The next period
The next period will be marked by upheavals, tectonic shifts, volcanic activity, weather phenomena such as heat or cold, drought or water masses, in previously unexpected places. Everything is radically changing, the earth is being rebuilt.
These external changes and these phenomena serve to awaken people internally and they serve to prevent the dark dystopian plans from being implemented. The window of opportunity for this is closing in this world. A low vibrating Earth is created on a different timeline! After all, the many people who fully engage in the deadly experiment with artificial intelligences by abandoning the human need their space of experience until they finally realize their tragic error. A long road of recollection, a struggle over many lives and generations lies ahead of these people.
But you, who today have chosen the ascension and return to the light as fully conscious people and destined for yourselves, but you will arrive safely in the light.
(At this very moment, a bird flies into the kitchen. First he makes himself comfortable under the dining table, then he sits down on the curtain strip of the kitchen window. When I try to get closer to him, he remains confident and not afraid at all. Only within reach does he decide to fly back into the countryside towards the garden door... Meaning: We're swinging up!)
Ihr seid die der neuen Menschheit und ihr seid die erprobten Krieger und Lichtträger, die heute ihr Meisterstück vollbringen und ihre Meisterinkarnation vollenden.
So sorgt euch nicht, sondern seid voller Mut! Denn der Himmel ist euer auf Erden und GOTT steht euch bei in jeder Stunde.
Geliebter Mensch,
du bist der Segen für die Menschheit und das Licht für Mutter Erde.
For all eternity.
Translation by
Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
English edition by crystalflow translations
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