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Federation of Light: Truths, Trust, and Transformation

Federation of Light: Truths, Trust, and Transformation

Good morning, Light people! Can you start today? There are things people want me to ask you, yet, I instinctively know they are questions you do not think appropriate to answer. So, I’ll leave it to you, if I may?

Welcome, Blossom. Welcome, Each One. Welcome to this conversation that shall simply flow as we connect telepathically to bring forth words in a message that we Trust will assist.

We are aware of Souls wanting answers. However, as you know, we continue on our mission in ways of the desire to uplift and encourage your Being to find its Strength and the will to carry on.

That is odd for you to say … ‘The will to carry on’ … yet, very apt. For there are many giving up hope and enthusiasm wanes. They say it is your messages that indeed, make all the difference. So, we as ONE, thank you for that.

It is not a duty in which we follow. It is through Love that we choose to communicate. The task that is undertaken by those of you who volunteered, is enormous. Yet, through it all …



We have to, really.  Many are feeling this year is to bring great changes, as you have said.

This is so. That which is to rock your world in this new year shall open eyes and ears to millions. It cannot not. There is so much in store that will create Joy and Hope.

Yet, you have said much turmoil.

Indeed. Yet, the turmoil shall derive from TRUTH.

Many think they are aware of which we speak … and to a certain degree this is so. Yet, there shall be TRUTHS told, that as yet, are not in the awareness of the human form, that shall be offered in order to blend with the changes that are necessary to complete the plan.

Obviously, you cannot tell us such things,


One wonders what they could be. I have heard so many things now, that would initially send those asleep into absolute disbelief and confusion. Yet, for those of us awake, it would merely be an ‘ Oh, so that is True’. So many, many, lies. I think that is what is going to blow people’s minds the most.

To a degree and yet, in order for the GREAT change to occur, that which is to be revealed is more than the lies.

With respect, if you cannot tell us, there is little point in continuing down this pathway. I try to remind myself regarding the madness and atrocities, that I am in a Game, which helps me to somehow ‘let go’. For me … the Game is played by keeping up a High Vibe, as best one can, in order to move up to the next level … no matter what is trying to ‘beat me in the Game.’. To know the tricks of the trade … such as Gratitude, Giving and Receiving … Kindness … Laughter … Love for each other etc.

This is so, Blossom, and you play it well. These points are master keys. However, in days to come, the Game takes on Higher levels of understanding the ‘play’.

What do you mean?

As the Energies of the Planet increase in Light … and darkness fades away … or in many cases … is driven out … there are new rules … if we may put it that way … yet, the word ‘rules’ is not quite apt.

What is?

New suggestions. Yet again, you will not become aware of this until it is time to become aware. For new suggestions cannot come into play now, because it is not suitable for this to take place and would not be understood.

We desire for you to be excited about what is to come … and remain in the knowledge of that excitement.

Could I go back a bit?  You say the darkness fades away, or in many cases, driven out. How is that to take place? The darkness is, and has been a very powerful force here on Earth. How exactly is it to be done?

Blossom … to achieve this did not involve a few people wanting to do something about it. It involves the most intricate Plan, that has been top, top, top secret for many years.

The Highest authorities of THE LIGHT are involved and have been collaborating with not just High authorities upon your Planet, yet, other levels of High intelligence not of Earth, are also a major part of this Plan.


I guess this is how you are able to say, ‘The Light has won?’


From what I know … and I don’t profess to know as much as many … to drive out the forces from ‘underground’ shall we say … will, when in its final throws, create such upheaval. The energies as they leave, I presume, will do so under great duress and will cause all sorts of havoc until the bitter end. Is this what you mean by the turmoil?

Let us perhaps say, Blossom … that the turmoil to come is like a thick soup. Many, many ingredients blended together in one huge pot!

I think we are all looking forward to it happening. We just want to get on with it.

Yet, it is happening. It has not yet reached its crescendo. We ask that you continue on as you are doing. Creating Love, Laughter, Joy and Abundance. We ask that you continue to do this throughout. That shall turn out to be one of the most difficult tasks of all, when the time comes.

And yet, you have said in the past … there will be so much that will bring us Joy and upliftment even through the really tough times.

This is so. Yet, even so, the task often shall be to rise above that which is proven to be Truth, that shall bring you to your knees.

Such a mixture of thoughts here.

Dearest Blossom and all.





I know. It is just that what lies ahead is such a great unknown.

Yet, you shall navigate your way through it within each moment.

YOU KNOW that you CAN and WILL serve to the Highest of your ability, no matter how confused and sometimes distressed you may feel.

And yet, the changes are all for the good, right?

Oh, indeed. Such wonderful changes to come. Yet, we are preparing you for ‘The bits in between’.

I get you. Well, as I always say, we shall just have to wait and see

The wait is not long. In a sense, as we say … it is already underway.

Ok … I’m just going to ask. This second phase … the next lockdown … can it be avoided?


That was a definite ‘No’.

It is part of the Plan.

Yet, I am confused as to who is to initiate this lockdown. Surely, the good guys, if that is how we need to be kept safe when Truths do come out?

If we were to say … Both are involved …

Yep, that would confuse more.

Yet, this is why it is the most Highly intelligent Plan. It required ‘Off world’ intelligence to initiate it, and then involve those upon Earth to conduct it. Of course, you are aware that those involved at Higher levels on Earth were very aware of their role before they come. Much as all of you that read this. Your Soul’s feel your involvement.

The more you are connecting up with your Tribes … which is ONE TRIBE … the more your Soul FEELS and confirms it cannot, and does not want to walk away. The drive to bring about Freedom and Love into a place that has been sucked under into the very opposite … is so apparent within you now.

Your Soul’s Truth is emerging from the density that it has been swamped within.

The Light is so bright now, it is like a magnet … pulling the LOVE that you are out of the quagmire and connecting with the most POWERFUL Energies that in turn, connect codes together … that create a new code to trigger the next part of the Plan.


May we suggest that you allow TRUST to fill your Hearts?

You KNOW who you are. 

You KNOW the Plan is well underway and …


Isn’t that all you need to know?

So, TRUST in that KNOWING.


No matter what is presented … TRUST IN THAT KNOWING.

In that way … there is absolutely nothing to fear.

I need to go back just a little, once again, if I may. People write in expressing concern of traveling away from home in case Phase Two suddenly happens and lockdown occurs and they cannot get home. Should one carry on as normal? We cannot live our life in fear of this and not do that which our heart desires to do.

We understand this concern, Blossom. Phase Two shall be conducted differently from that of the lockdown in Phase One. For is it not so that many would not conform after the debacle from previous years?

This, of course, has been taken into consideration and all regard has been met in order to make sure the safety of all.

This takes precedence in Phase two …


Thanks, yet, doesn’t really answer the question. Yet, I guess, on the premise that we shall be exactly where we are meant to be at any given time … it doesn’t really matter. And … personally, I am still such a skeptic about another lockdown. We shall wait and see.

That is all one can do … And act accordingly Blossom.

Oh, I’m sure we will. In Gratitude. In Loving Service. I AM.


Blossom Goodchild is a professional ‘direct voice’ channeling medium working with spirit and cosmic energies. She has been channeling the Native American Indian Spirit Energy ‘White Cloud’ for twelve years now and shares his messages of Unconditional Love by means of personal readings and group meetings. Webpage: Blossom Goodchild
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