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How the Eclipse Transformed Your History with the Goddess of Creation!

How the Eclipse Transformed Your History with the Goddess of Creation!

We have been steadily moving into the higher vibration of the 5th dimension and more. 

More and more people now understand how this spiritual ascension is the key to all that is happening.  So what is that?  Our spiritual ascension is the integration of our soul and living through our soul essence.  People can interpret this in different ways, but as you connect with your soul and live with it, you expand your consciousness, past, present, and future. 

In the All That Is, the Goddess has us look at our lives and discern if there are one or several issues that keep coming up.  For some, it may seem as if there are many issues, however, under it all there is only one. While in the process of healing this, the Goddess helps us to look at our past lives to see if that is a part of what is happening.  My sense is that this lifetime is about healing all of our past lives as well as this one.  

Once we heal the past lives, the Goddess had us look at our shadow selves.  Many people have already done a lot of work with this, but no matter where you are in your life process, you can always tap into that aspect of you that hasn’t healed or perhaps is what keeps pulling you down.  in the meditation, you shine a huge light into whatever shadow selves you may have.

Lastly, the Goddess then assisted us with looking at or connecting with our future selves.  This was really amazing as this door opened.  Many saw ETs, some saw the light body, and others saw the human aspects of themselves that were present.  She then opened that line of communication to make things easier. 

The energy of the eclipses amplifies everything that happened in this meditation and you can work with it in a very deliberate manner. 

Nama sika; Venia benya, I AM the One, I AM the Whole

I greet you, the beloved family. I reach out from my heart to yours. I reach out to embrace you at this time, at this now moment, be it live when this is taking place or at some later date. No matter when you listen, it is this now moment.

There is so much that has been going on within your world, within your galaxy, within this universe. You have come to realize that everything is interrelated. Things that happen out in the universe have an impact on the earth, just as things that are happening within your earth have an impact on the universe. Whenever we do these meditations, this is an opportunity for you to not only center within yourself but create that space so that you may manifest that which is in your highest and best interest at all times.

We speak consistently about intuition. At this time, you are at, you could call it the ending, or you could call it the beginning between eons. Eons are considered 26,000 years, so you’re at the end of a very long process. This transition has been going on for many years, and this is why for so many it feels like it’s already completed. Whereas for others it is just beginning to be an opening for them. So, you are here balancing the energies in your everyday life.

You may be influenced by those that are already there. You may be influenced by those that are opening up, learning something new, and may or may not understand all that is happening. Within this space, you have the opportunity to heal yourself, manifest that which you seek to have, and create whatever may resonate with you for this life. We speak of spirituality because that is becoming more and more important to you in your everyday life.

This entire meditation is about opening, aligning with, and then strengthening your alignment with your soul, with your own spirituality, and with your own experiences. So, take a deep breath in, breathing down within you and centering, and then as you breathe out, let go of tension, let go of stress, and be in this now moment.

Create a ball of energy within your heart center.  You may do it with your imagination, but you are actually creating a ball of energy that is within and around your physical heart. As this is created, you then send a stream of it. It moves down through your solar plexus, your sacral center, your root center, and you send it down into the earth.

Allow it to expand as you connect with the earth. Feel how grounding and present this helps you to become. As you create that anchor, you then allow for that stream of energy to come back up. It anchors within your heart center, and then it goes up through your throat, your third eye, your crystalline body, your head center, and it moves upward.

You align with your higher self. As you look around, this frequently is filled with energy and light. It’s filled with what you are seeking for yourself. If it’s very cluttered, Whew~~ clear it out. Just send a wave of energy through this space, and that which is most important for you will come back without the distractions.

You then have that stream of your consciousness move further up. It follows that thread of energy that links you to your soul until you find yourself merging with your divinity. For most of you, as your consciousness comes into contact with your divine essence, everything expands even bigger.

Some may have a perception of seeing your soul as if it’s a ball of light, or perhaps an image, or perhaps multiple images. Take a moment to listen and see if perhaps you hear any tones, perhaps frequency, perhaps bells. Your soul will communicate with you through these various sounds.

I, the Goddess, walk in and amongst all of you that are here. As I merge my energies with you as your soul, it moves our focus and our awareness into the All That Is. Feel how you can expand even further within the All That Is.

This is a place created by all of you, created by I, the Goddess, and the many other spiritual beings that work with you within this space. It has a cellular memory where you have an ability to tap into whatever’s here. You also have, each of you, created a space that is your own.

You can look back at other lifetimes. You can look at potentials. This place is made by all of you, for all of you.

At the time of this journey, you are coming upon a series of eclipses. Some are partial. There is one in particular that is a complete eclipse.  You have eclipses that take place every single year. But in particular, between your equinox and then these eclipses that are coming in a series, it is going to create a massive transformation for everyone that lives upon the earth.

For those that may be unaware, it may just jostle them into thinking about their lives, about their truth, about who they are, what is going on. For others, it may bring about a greater peace and balance, because now that higher vibration and frequency that you have been seeking will be present on the earth.

Let us prepare for this time. You are currently right here with your soul essence. As each one of you came into this lifetime, you brought with you certain experiences that would nudge your soul in its growth.  Some of those experiences would be through trauma, some through relationships, some through blissful, exciting experiences. For many of you, there is also a direct link between not only this lifetime, but others that you consider past lifetimes or even future lifetimes. In the All That Is, it is all present and available for you.

So, gather your focus within, and as you do so, ask, what was my number one karmic agreement for this lifetime? And as you consider whatever that may be, if perhaps not just one thing came to you, then look at it in another way. Is there anything that has come up for you in multiple different ways? Perhaps you experienced it with one person. Perhaps you had something similar with your work. Perhaps something else came up with ……, you can fill in that blank.

During this time, as whatever it is that comes to your consciousness, okay, okay, what I see happening, for many of you, it’s not just one thing, it might be two or maybe three things that are recurring experiences in this lifetime. So, whether it is just one or multiple, ask to understand what lessons are most important for you to learn and understand in this lifetime.

Okay, a few of you had this long list, perhaps 10 or 15. There are ways in which some of those are repeated, but come in a different view. So, pare it all down until you have the top, perhaps two, perhaps three.

As I look at you, I see some of you are feeling overwhelmed, so, let’s just clear out. Let’s just clear out the energy around you, so that it becomes something that you can handle more easily.

With these primary experiences, have a sense of opening up a doorway and ask, are any of these linked to past experiences, past life experiences? Meaning, is it a pattern that your soul has been through time and time again? As you open up that door, I noticed the majority of you have a yes. As you open up that door to this lifetime, that is allowing you to understand that you have certain experiences that culminate from multiple lifetimes. And now is the time to heal it for this lifetime and every other.

So, consider what comes up as most important or that number one, be it experience or an emotion, howsoever it comes across to you. Take this moment as if you sit as if you are taking it into your hands and you look at yourself in these multiple lifetimes where you have struggled. In this now moment, while you are here in the All That Is, with all of this glorious light from your divinity, can you find acceptance? Can you heal whatever it is that is coming up for you? Okay.

As I said that, I heard multitudes of people saying, Oh, yes, it’s healed. No. You cannot do a rubber stamp on it. You must connect deep within your consciousness, connect deep within your soul. Understand why this has been a multiple lifetime experience for you. There we go.

Now for many, it was like a light came on. Receive this understanding and let it roll through you as your divinity. Let it roll through you as your consciousness. Let it go into your energy body so that you may receive the love, the compassion, the healing. And in certain cases, just that information for what it is.

There has been a form of judgment in everybody. Judgment is a piece of this puzzle. You judge yourself, you are harsh with yourself, and you do not accept certain attributes. So that judgment is one that I’m asking everyone across the board to bring up judgment within them. And the ways in which you harshly judge yourself and others, bring it up, bring it up, bring it up, bring it up, bring it up, and phew~ let that go.

Whoo, that was big. So as that judgment was released, as you considered the way you healed and learned from that top aspect, let a roll of energy just come through you within the All That Is and once again, ask to know, is there anything from this lifetime or any other that is here and remains with you to be healed or resolved? I noticed for many of you, those long lists now came down to two.

I noticed for others of you with healing your primary, the others disappeared. As you look at this lifetime, at any recurring experiences, take this moment to breathe in deeply. Clear them out.  Let it go down through the timeline of your life, of your soul, and into any other timeline that needs to resolve this so that you may move forward.

I can feel many of you just adjusting your energies. For many people, there are many sparkles or there is a great deal of light that is now coming in that represents the higher frequencies. Allow yourself to just be present in whatever that may be so that it may not only move through you but merge with you.

I ask you now, as if we have a clean slate and as if you are just looking back at this lifetime, is there anything that they call in the shadows? Is there anything that keeps hidden from you or remains hidden from you? As if you are shining a light into every shadow within and around in your ego, your consciousness, your soul, or any aspect of you. It’s as if I see in many of you these, I don’t really know how to describe it, but like just balls of energy that have been stuck. For some it represents specific experiences, in others it’s not specific. But no matter what it may be, let all of that shadow energy come up and be present with you in the All That Is. Allow that white light of your own soul essence to illuminate everything within and around you.

Take a deep breath in and breathe out.

As these shadow energies are made known and you infuse them with your divinity, a lot will just dissipate because they were associated with what you have already healed and cleared.

I invite you though, to take a moment and ask if these shadow energies have something to share with you. Is this perhaps a way for you to understand what you didn’t understand before? As you consider shadow energies, so often people consider them something negative, something that is hindering you. However, they can also represent something that has been challenging to you but you didn’t know what it was. So I would say with this light flowing in and around you on every level, illuminate all that is here.

As you can tell, when the light merges with the dark or that which is hidden, it brings everything out into the knowing. For some, you may still have things that are hidden away, so you may choose to do this multiple different times. As you are ready to do so, then once again clear out the energies and look at your life now. Do you see how you keep growing and growing?

I now invite you to go within your soul and look towards future lives, meaning these lifetimes may be going on right now, but in the time-space reality in which you live, they would be some years in the distant future. Perhaps they’re out within the universe.

I notice for many of you, as you look at this, it’s a blank space. So, I will infuse a light and an intention that it may move through each one of you, move through your consciousness, so that now as you look towards what is considered future lifetimes, ask, first of all, to see if what you have healed in this lifetime remains healed and resolved. You can also ask this future lifetime or multiple lifetimes if they have messages for you in this now moment that can help you.

For some of you, you just want some information. You are setting up an opportunity to communicate with your future self so as to assist you in this now moment. Phew! There was a massive wave of energy that just went through everyone.  In this way, you realize that you have access to the many, many aspects of you that in doing so, you are here to assist your human self in its personal growth.

Take a deep breath in and breathe out.

You may choose to stay in this energy for a period of time.  You may also access it at any point that you so choose. You may also put forth an intention that any time you are here within this space, you can move to the next level so that you are no longer repeating past experiences. You are always growing. You are always moving forward within your life.

So gather around as a group. That which is your personal experience remains intact and available for you. However, as a group, take a moment to discern how everyone, through their soul consciousness, have expanded with this much greater light. You see coming up within this group the hologram of the earth. Each one of you infuse past, present, future, the clearing of your shadow self, whatever you consider it, but infuse that transition into the hologram and observe how it becomes filled with light.

There may be certain colors, but it pulsates, it emanates a beautiful light. There is an aspect of that that goes out into the universe. It works through those places that anchor this energy for humanity.

The remainder goes back down into the earth plane. As it moves through the collective consciousness, it is once again clearing out anything that no longer serves this higher light frequency. That hologram goes down within the center of the earth and it anchors.  It anchors in the crystals, it anchors in the magnets, and then it comes up through all the many layers. Each one of you are anchoring through that place in which you anchored on Gaia. It is also coming up through the collective consciousness and is made available to anybody else that is ready to move through this transition.

You have the remainder of your consciousness. It flows back from the All That Is into the soul plane, into your higher self, and down within you, anchoring here within your heart. You let that expansion come back within you. You release the earth plane and it all comes back together within your heart center and it moves up and down through all your energy bodies.

You are anchoring and integrating the clearing out of your past lives, the alignment with your future lives, the healing of this lifetime.

Take a deep breath in and breathe out.

As we enter this time of huge transformation, through the energy of the universe and the eclipse, through the normal alignment of the universe, through the equinox, through the transitions in consciousness, all of it is coming together, clearing out the past eon, embracing the new one coming in. When people look back at this 20, 30 years in the future, they’ll say there’s probably a 20-year or more overlay. And then you go further out, they may say a 100-year overlay. 

So be patient with yourself. Be loving and nurturing to yourself. As you do this type of energy work, such as we did this evening, if you learn things that may be upsetting, then embrace it with love and compassion. Understand that each one of you are most likely even more than what you realize.

Allow transitions to take place. Allow healing and the clearing out of the past to take place. Embrace all of you.

Beloved, know that I am ever with you and within you.


You Can Heal Your Life - Goddess of Creation


Shelly Dressel channeling the Goddess of Creation. All rights are reserved. You are welcome to share this channel, but we ask you not take any portion of it out of the body of the channel and to retain this copyright message. For further information please check out our website: www.goddesslight.net
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