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Birth Totem - Deer

Birth Totem - Deer

Birth dates: May 21 - June 20

Birth Totem is: Deer

Clan of: Butterfly (Air Chief)

Wind is: East

Directional Totem: Eagle

Conscious intent is: Bringing Humanity Together

Motive of Higher Self is: Develop and Integrate the Mind

Plant/Flower: Yarrow

Mineral: Agate

Keywords: Intelligent. Skilled Communicator. Knowledgeable.
The Conveyor of Ideas. Friend to All. Restless

Birth Totem Deer is one whose outer personality is one of apparent contradictions as she is gentle in appearance, yet strong, fleet of mind, yet slow in putting her thoughts into action.

Her conscious desire is to be an integral part of the threading together of Humanity, to weave a blanket of Oneness from all races, spiritual beliefs and cultural backgrounds, and yet she may have difficulty in integrating her Mind to her Emotional Center.


So long as Deer flees from the “demons” of her own making, she will not achieve her dream of becoming a thread in the Quilt of Acceptance, for she is not accepting of her own Inner Self.

Think of Sister Deer as she moves quietly through the forest, ever alert for the subtlest of movements, the slightest of sounds that will warn her of impending danger, and yet her own flightiness often leads her straight into the sights of the Hunter.


When one who has Deer as their Birth Totem can learn to calm her restless nature, learns to quiet her frantically beating heart, she may begin the process of formulating her thoughts, untangling them from the massive ball of jangled threads into a garment of Higher Knowledge that can then be passed along to Others.

By first addressing her own acceptance of herself, then embracing and bringing together friends, associates and new acquaintances who are friends not yet known, into a common ground of shared goals,  she will ultimately learn mastery over her restless mind, and thus truly begin the process of integrating her Mind with her Emotional Center.

Source Here


Woodland dreams of intuition come with the graceful deer.
I greet you, brothers of the forest.
Your gift of magic will brighten my life.
Transformation will come to me.
Like you, I stand listening to the drum beat of life,
Poised to follow my guiding spirits.


Gentleness and Innocence

Deer teaches us to use the power of gentleness
to touch the hearts and minds of
wounded beings who are in our lives.

Don't push towards change in others,
rather gently nudge them in right direction
with the love that comes from a Deer totem.

When a Deer totem shows up in your life,
a new innocence and freshness in about to be awakened.
There is going to be a gentle lure of new adventures.
There will  be an opportunity to express the gentle love
that will open new doors for you.


To read more on the Native Moon (Cornplanting Moon) for Deer click here

Source Here

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