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Birth Totem - Owl
Written by AndEl Views: 15972

Birth Totem Owl
Birth dates: November 23 - December 21
Birth Totem: Owl
Clan of: Thunderbird / Hawk (Fire Chief)
Wind is: West
Directional Totem is: Grizzly Bear
Conscious intent is: Understanding
Motive of Higher Self is: Harnessing of Concentration
Plant/Flower: Mistletoe
Mineral: Obsidian
Keywords: Optimistic. Far-Seeing. Insightful. Direct. Self-Indulgent
Birth Totem Owl is an individual whose outer personality is focused upon Understanding all of Life’s myriad mysteries.
In Nature, the Owl is known for her ability to quietly observe her prey as she sits perched atop a nearby tree limb, waiting for the opportune moment in which to strike. When the moment comes, Owl will fly silently, taking the intended prey by complete surprise.

Like their Birth Totem, individuals born under Owl will fly into new situations and encounters with their eyes wide open and their ears attuned to the slight nuances and mannerisms that will reveal much to them about their new environment or companions. This knowledge may be utilized to gain better understanding and appreciation for Others, or (if the Owl person is operating from contrary Personality), the information obtained may be used to strike down those who they may perceive as a threat.
Perhaps the greatest natural ability of Birth Totem Owl individual is his/her ability to see the good in nearly any situation they encounter. One who is operating from a well integrated Owl center, may inspire Others to rise above their own indifference and succumb to the contagious enthusiasm of the Owl, thereby participating in a group effort to effect positive change in the world around them.
One of the greatest challenges to this particular Birth Totem is that these individuals have a difficult time in settling their own restless inclinations to be forever on the move, if not literally, then metaphorically speaking. So intent are they upon seeing all they can see, and experiencing everything that can possibly be squeezed into one lifetime, that they often miss the deeper sense of satisfaction that can come with setting up nest and nurturing a deeper understanding of a few select topics, rather than skimming the surface of many varied subjects and hence, gleaning little useful knowledge.
When Birth Totem Owl individual can come to the Ultimate understanding of their own restless nature and quell the impulse to fly in fear of what they may find within themselves, then the Higher Self may be met and embraced through their newfound skill of focused concentration.

Magic, Omens, Wisdom
The owl is the symbol of
the feminine, the moon and the night.
The owl is the bird of magic and darkness, of prophecy and wisdom.
The owl is associated with Athena.
An owl totem gives you the power to extract secrets.
Meditate on the owl and things will be revealed.
Listen to its voice inside of you.
You will hear not what is being said by others, but what is hidden.
You can detect subtleties of voice that others cannot.
People cannot deceive a person who has an owl totem.
Owl people can see into the darkness of others souls.
Most owl people are clairvoyant because of this ability.
It can be very scary at times.
Learn to trust your instincts about people.
Let your owl totem guide you.

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