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The Return of Our Knowing

The Return of Our Knowing

Has anyone been feeling like they are dragging? The fatigue this past week has been intense.

A friend called and said she was having problems doing her job because her brain wasn’t working and she had no energy. She was making mistakes and all she wanted to do was lie on the couch. We are experiencing some major reworking of our makeup and that requires rest, so rest when you can.

We may notice our brain shorting out and briefly not remembering things. We may feel a need to spend time alone being quiet. We’ve been very thirsty also. We all experience this energy in various ways. Some may feel pressure in their head or in their ears. Some may feel woozy. Things are definitely getting more intense.

In the midst of all this intensity, we’re also seeing the ramifications. This past week I went to 3 stores one day to get groceries and cat food. My receipts were all $59 and a few cents. My first thought was, 3D is broken, because I’m getting the same receipt no matter what I buy. But then I looked up the meaning of 59, and it said this number symbolizes success and abundance. It can mean you are about to experience a period of prosperity and good fortune. Your hard work and dedication will be fully rewarded. I’m taking that as a message for all of us, since my role now is to bring thru messages for those of us working to create the New Earth and this incredible new way of being.

Also, after a few days of seemingly not much going on, Friday night I had a powerful dream. It showed me that something I was doing the last few years—using sacred geometry—was exactly right, even though I had no idea I was doing it. Yet I was guided. That’s why we follow our guidance. This dream was personal to me, yet I was shown new information and was trying to make notes in the dream, but I kept getting interrupted as there was so much taking place. I woke up feeling like a big shift had taken place. We’ve been busy in our dreams, and now we’ll have more knowing related to them.

The doors between us and what lies beyond have opened. We have access. And this information is simply becoming a part of who we are.

This dream showed that our knowing is returning. We are going to be tuned in in a very big way. The doors between us and what lies beyond have opened. We have access. And this information is simply becoming a part of who we are. The holy scribe of our higher self is rewriting the blueprint of our being, and we are now no longer who we were. This is evolution at its finest. And I love that evolution begins with love spelled backwards. We are returning to where we came from. Love is literally calling us back.

We have all worked long and hard on this, and to encounter the times where we are back in the fatigue is not fun. So what I’m hearing is, we are in the transition. This is a pivotal time. We have reached the point where the only direction is into the new, for everyone.

And some are ready. The cashier at the grocery store asked me what I do, and I gave her a short description because there was someone else in line. Her eyes and her soul seemed to drink in my words like an elixir. She was completely ready to hear. And this is what we will find now, readiness. Many are ready, and we will have opportunities to share. What we are sharing is beyond words: it’s the energy of love and connection and unity. We’re sharing our new selves and who we’ve become. We’re broadcasting from our new home. Those who are ready will hear us, and the seeds of the new time will be planted.


Hi, I’m Terry Andrews. Welcome to my blog, where I share experiences about this very big process of transformation we are going thru as we create a new world for ourselves. It’s a process that can create a lot of change for us as we find out more about who we really are. And during this process, we’re often looking for insight and answers. Maybe you are too. I began sharing my experiences because I think we all feel better knowing others are going thru this too. Source Here

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