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First Setting: What Have You Been Called to Witness?
Written by Caroline Myss

We are all put into settings in life in which we are called to “witness” actions, injustices, social concerns, or other human needs that require a courageous response. So often the response we utter is, “Someone should do something.” But if it is you standing there in the position of the Witness, what is your role? Why are you standing there and not someone else? Why is it that people are comfortable naming situations like finding parking spaces “synchronistic” and yet not others, such as coming across a homeless person while having a wallet filled with five and ten dollar bills? Is that not equally a coincidence or a synchronistic happening?
- What have you been called to Witness?
- When in the role of Witness have you turned away thinking, “Someone should do something,” but not you.
- When in the role of Witness have you acted upon that position?
- The Witness role – indeed, the Witness archetype – is among the most powerful archetypes in the cosmos. We require the role of the “Witness” in order to heal. We need our injuries and wounds to be witnessed by others. We need others to witness that we have been violated. Without the Witness, we cannot truly, fully heal. We need the Witness to enact justice. Without the Witness, crimes go unpunished. The Witness is vital. If the Witness betrays the essence of that archetype by not communicating with integrity and honesty what he or she has witnessed, then cycles of suffering are set into motion. People who are innocent go to jail or the guilty go unpunished. Injuries never heal because they never completely come out in the open. To claim to serve in the position of Witness and then to act deceitfully sets wheels of karma into motion that have endless consequences. To say that you did not “witness” something when, in fact, you did, is yet another violation of the position of Witness.
- To be “conscious” means many things and one is that the role of the Witness is understood to be sacred, given the consequences that depend upon the integrity of what is said by those who are called to “witness” the many circumstances in life that need healing.
Join me next week for the second setting: When Have You Been Called to Speak “Truth?”
With love,
© 2018 - Caroline Myss is a five-time New York Times bestselling author and internationally renowned speaker in the fields of human consciousness, and mysticism.
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