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The Coming Ascension

The Coming Ascension

There are two types of ascension. One is the ascension of humanity to a higher level of physical consciousness, as in The Shift, which is ongoing today. The other is the traditional form of ascension, where the devotee develops their spiritual capability to the highest state possible while in a human body.

The human energy system is attuned via the chakras to the first-density through the seventh-density (or 'dimensional') layers of consciousness. Seventh density, where cosmic consciousness occurs, is accessed through the full activation of the crown chakra, which is located just above the head.

When the devotee is capable of raising the full aspect of the kundalini life energy within their spine to the crown chakra, and successfully bringing it back down the spine under conscious control, then they are almost ready for ascension. When their skill increases and they are able to fully manipulate the full power of kundalini at will, then they will become ready for the traditional form of ascension.

During that initiation, their physical bodies are transformed into a more subtle energy form - one which can be taken in or out of physical manifestation at will. This enables the person to relocate via conscious will to other places and also to the different density layers of consciousness above the physical world.

Initiates then have the choice of leaving the Earth to continue their learning in a wide variety of other locations in the cosmos, or staying here to serve humanity among the Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth. This organization consists of over 100,000 ascended men and women from all races of humanity which is based in the higher realms of consciousness above this earth plane.

Their function is to hold the light for humanity. Because humanity is focused in the third-density physical world and the fourth-density spirit world, the higher densities are devoid of most human presence. Being based in the realms of upper fourth density through sixth density, the Spiritual Hierarchy fills in the vacuum between the seventh-density consciousness of planet Earth and the third- and fourth-density focus of humanity.

By invoking and channeling spiritual light, they hold the light for humanity and fill what would otherwise be a vacuum in the density layers of human existence on Earth. This continual act of service to humanity brings about the energetic balance which makes human existence possible in the physical and the spirit worlds.

The Coming Ascension

The sixth-density realm of consciousness is home to the great masters of human history, such as Jesus and the Buddha. We have never been left alone in our search for the way back to God. Many world teachers have graced the physical realm with their presence and then ascended back to the higher realms to be of even greater service to humanity.

In the sixth-density archangelic realm, such masters are capable of splitting their consciousness into thousands of parts so that they can serve the many demands that are placed upon them. For example, imagine the enormous demand placed upon the Master Jesus by millions of people attending Easter Sunday church services all at one time. Whenever two or more are gathered in his name, he is present with them in spirit. Whenever someone prays to him for healing or spiritual support, he responds accordingly.

Now, imagine the huge field of consciousness that such a one must possess in order to be able to split his attention into thousands of parts at one time. The biggest miracle of all time must surely be how, two thousand years ago, such a huge presence managed to downscale enough to fit into one small physical body!

The lesson for us all is that human consciousness is variable in size. Your physical brain may be approximately the same size as everyone else's, but your mind - your nonphysical field of consciousness - is variable. Growth in consciousness is, literally, growth in the size of your mind because the mind is independent of the brain. The physical brain is little more than a receiver, processor and transmitter of thoughts. Your mind is the part that lives on for ever and grows with the experience that you gain in life after life. Your subconscious memories of past incarnations are held in your immortal mind, not your mortal brain.

Ascension is a gateway through which we will all eventually pass. The members of the Spiritual Hierarchy are the early pioneers in this field. Meanwhile, all of us face a more immediate form of ascension. We are about to transform from third-density physical existence into fourth-density physical existence.

To learn exactly how mass ascension will happen and what life will be like with your new capabilities in the ascended world, read Ascension to a Higher World by Owen Waters.

*Owen Waters is the author of the e-book, Higher Consciousness.Courtesy of Owen Waters. For more inspiration and the adventure of discovery, be sure to read Love, Light, Laughter: The New Spirituality by Owen Waters.
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