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The God Field
Written by Owen K. Waters Views: 1966

Cleanliness may be next to godliness, but curiosity gets you even closer. We were endowed with our Creator’s sense of curiosity and that is what bestows upon us the desire to understand the nature of reality.
In this article, you will see that a top-down, Creator-based philosophy can provide answers to the mysteries that elude materialistic science today. The key question one needs to ask to unravel the mysteries of the universe is to first say, “How did the Creator do that?”
By looking at Creation from the top down, this article will even provide the answer to two of the most vexing mysteries in the science of physics today: How is light transmitted and what is the nature of gravity?
Creation was achieved by separating Original Consciousness into two distinct aspects – Pure Thought and Pure Love, then setting them into complementary motion. It is the Pure Love aspect that is compressed into this physical realm as the field which forms the very fabric of space.
Until a century ago, the idea of an all-pervasive field was generally accepted by science. It was considered to be a light-carrying medium and was called the aether, right up until the time that it was abandoned because of a misunderstood experiment.
Consider this: Common sense says that light must be carried by some kind of medium. After all, sound waves are carried through the air and water waves are carried through bodies of water. There is always a medium that carries any type of energy wave. Light waves are vibrations in a medium of some kind, so what is waving? Currently, science is unable to answer that question in any way that satisfies common sense.
The Michelson-Morley experiment of 1887 was the turning point in scientific opinion about the aether. This experiment assumed that, if the Earth moves through a solar system filled with a static aether field, then the speed of the Earth’s orbital travel must affect the speed of light on Earth. If you shine a beam in the direction of orbital travel, it should have a different speed when compared with a beam shone sideways to the direction of travel, as one beam gains some benefit from the speed of the Earth while the other does not. As no difference was detected, it was assumed that no aether field exists.
The fatal flaw in the experiment is that it makes the assumption that the Earth moves through a static aether field in space, but what if a huge physical body like the Earth carries its own aether field with it? It’s not hard to imagine an aetheric aura around the body of Earth just like the aura that exists around your body. If you operate this experiment inside an aetheric field that travels with the Earth, then any motion through the aether will not be apparent because its field is traveling with you.
Today, having abandoned the aether concept, science postulates that space is filled with a vacuum. By definition, a vacuum is nothing, so it cannot be a medium for the propagation of something, so that idea does nothing to fill the gaping hole which has appeared in the science of physics.
The currently-fashionable theory of relativity claims that its mysterious equations do not require a medium for the propagation of light. Instead, it introduces the idea of spacetime as a fabric of space, whatever spacetime is supposed to be. From a common sense perspective, it makes about as much sense as saying, “I’ll be sure to pack a box of time to have with my lunch!”
Meanwhile, God’s big hint about the exact nature of the aether field has been jutting out in plain view for well over a century. In 1862, Maxwell discovered that light is electromagnetic in nature. We have since found that electrons and photons of light are remarkably interchangeable. So, if light waves are electric-like waves traveling through space, then from where does the magnetic part of an electromagnetic wave come? Obviously, it is the magnetic nature of the aether – the fabric of space – that provides the complementary magnetic waves that make up electromagnetic light waves.
A word of caution here: The word aether, or its modern spelling ether, causes a lot of confusion because it sounds very much like the term etheric energy, which is a different energy entirely. Etheric or vital life energy is used in healing work and we will be writing extensively on ways to gain enhanced wellness from this life-giving energy.
What can we do to distinguish between the ether as the fabric of space and etheric energy as the vital life energy used by healers? Bring God into the picture!
The best name for the all-pervasive field of Divine love energy that fills our universe is, of course, the God field!
Here is my definition of the physical expression of the God field, formerly known as the aether:
The God field is the fabric of space. It is a subtle, fluid, magnetic energy which fills all space. It is intensified within and around matter, where its attractive nature produces the force of gravity.
Courtesy of Owen Waters Source Here
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