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A New Sacred Energy Pattern
Written by Mashubi

Dearest Holy Beloveds,
At this time, a new and sacred energy pattern has begun to manifest within all of the life on the holy Earth.
This new energy pattern is now dramatically accelerating the purification process of the Holy Earth.
The holy Earth as a being has waited a very long time to enter this new phase, and there are so many Beloveds, currently incarnated who have arrived to help and to bring forth the fullest possible expression of her sacred being into physical manifestation.
We who speak to you now at this time are available and present with the energetic field of the Holy Earth, providing assistance in a number of forms, including these transmissions, which will continue in a new form, which is still in process.
The one who is receiving this particular stream of messages is needed, however, there is an imbalance still between those resources that would allow these messages to be shared more widely.
For this reason, there is a period of waiting until a greater manifestation of physical support can embody to allow the work to move forward.
This manifestation of support is meant to come through many and will allow the light that is being transmitted and also brought forth to the Earth from the Realms of Light to be able to manifest more fully.
And so dearest holy ones, we send all love and blessings and encourage you to trust the guidance of your heart.
We encourage you also to give yourselves completely to the inner truth of love, which is greatly needed on the Earth, as the oppositional forces have strengthened.
There are many avenues where it is possible to get lost and to lose the connection with love, and so we say to you that this love that lives within you is much stronger than any negative or oppositional force.
Self-knowledge is the tool that allows you to navigate.
If you are carrying unconscious or subconscious attachments to other energies, it is not possible to be a clear vehicle for the love of your soul.
We encourage you at this time, dearest holy ones, to be deeply honest with yourselves and with those parts of the self that may not yet be fully aligned with love.
Becoming aware and conscious, and praying for transformation will allow these energies to purify and cleanse themselves from your field and also from your physically embodied life.
This is deeply important at this time dearest holy beloveds. There are a number of supports of light now becoming available through our Beloved One incarnated on the Holy Earth, and we encourage you to make use of what is being given at this time.
All that is needed, lives within you and is waiting to come forth. Follow the thread of love dearest holy ones and listen deeply. We are with you. With all love and blessings. Amen.
Mashubi Shekiniah: World Blessings is dedicated to the unity of souls and to the creation of a sacred earth, infused by the Realms of Light. Our purpose is to offer spiritual principles and guidance for living a sacred life.
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