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Daily Angel Message: Finding Guidance
Written by Cat

Cat’s Angel Message for August 10, 2023
August Theme: Positive focus and creative solutions help to draw both prosperity and abundance this month. You are a powerful creator and all that you need is within your grasp!
Communication opens the doors to new experiences which assist us on our path. ~Cat
Today’s Message:
810: The more we work on opening and strengthening the channels of communication between ourselves and the Divine, the easier it is to make a connection.
It should feel comfortable and over time it will become second nature and provide an almost meditative experience. This communication flow helps us in many ways. It not only opens the way for new information it also brings us peace and feelings of safety. Today the angels are asking us to pay attention to the guidance we receive, it could come as thoughts, ideas, AHA! moments or even through visual clues. Allow this guidance to assist your decisions and actions. The key is to surrender what doesn’t work so that the right things will be able to reach you. Surrender will bring change and it is through change that we increase flow in our lives. It’s important, so get ready to embrace the blessings that are headed your way!
Today’s Spirit Helpers include:
Archangel Sandalphon hears all requests and makes sure that they get to the Angel or Ascended Master who is best able to handle them. Ask him to help you clearly understand the information that you receive (his favorite mode of communication is music!). Sandalphon also provides us with an emotional boost of courage. This is important as it helps us to make bold decisions that will help us on our path.
The Ascended Master Vywamus encourages us to continuously and consciously seek inspiration through the discovery and rediscovery of our own natural abilities and talents. He teaches us that healing can be found in change. If something is holding you back he can teach you how to let it go or let it be so you can continue moving forward.
The Gnostic goddess Sige teaches us the importance of being still of mind. Information and guidance come more easily when we surrender to the silence. She says ” Allow your mind to be still and let your inner wisdom guide you. The answers that you seek are before you if you have the courage to remove the veils and shed light in the shadows.
Today’s Sacred Stones include:
Pietersite (Tempest stone) helps us to work through beliefs and conditioning imposed upon us by others. It opens our intuitive connection and creates a link to a loving level of guidance. It also helps us see the truth and strengthen our will while increasing our focus of where we really want life to take us. It helps us to rid ourselves of negative energy and replaces it with calm.
Rutilated (Angel Hair) Quartz. This powerful crystal helps to cleanse and realign our chakras. This is also a great meditation stone that teaches us patience while promoting both calm and balance. Connection to the divine realms can also be found by using this stone.
Turquoise helps us with creative problem solving and promotes both balance and intuition. It is aligned with the Throat Chakra and teaches us to speak up for ourselves and to speak our truth, which can be a valuable asset when working with gratitude and our ability to create. Turquoise helps to purify our energy and clears away negative energy. it aids our problem-solving skills and protects us against self-sabotaging thoughts and actions.
Bright blessings for a magickal day!
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