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Daily Angel Message: Natural Inspiration
Written by Cat

Cat’s Angel Message for March 2, 2023
March Theme: Manifesting our dreams and goals requires focus and clarity. By working on self-love we find the inner peace needed to navigate our path like a pro.
Peace and inspiration can be found by hanging out with Mother Nature! ~Cat
Today’s Message:
32: The month of March is a time of fertility and new growth.
By looking to nature for inspiration we find that we can enhance our own growth by embracing our creative side. Today the Universe is asking us to allow ourselves the freedom to access our creative mind and energy as this will open the doors to change and growth. We also find that it helps us to share more of ourselves with others which brings new blessings and opportunities into the light and into focus. Stay open to embracing these new ideas, creative solutions and even those valuable AH-HA moments. Remember creativity inspires everything that it touches and creates hope from darkness.
Today’s Spirit Helpers include:
Archangel Haniel showers us with stardust, illuminating our thoughts and memories so that we can remember what magickal beings we truly are, which assists us in the creation process. In turn this shows us how to receive with grace and gratitude. This process accelerates when we allow beauty and harmony to surround us. It’ helps us to enjoy ourselves which makes blessings easier to receive.
The Ascended Master Maitreya (Laughing Buddha) helps us to find peace and harmony through laughter, this gives us a clear perspective and keeps our energy flowing. He tells us that laughter is sacred and when the heart is alive with joy we are connected to the Infinite and filled with Nirvana-essence. Center your mind with the intent of enjoying yourself and you will find yourself centered in the moment. Enjoy what life has to offer and enjoy the process!
The Celtic goddess Nematona teaches us that healing can be found through nature as she helps us replenish our energy. She says, ” I am the spirit of the sacred grove. I invite you to worship in my temple and feel the heartbeat of nature. This communion can heal a weary and battered soul and replenish your spirit with hope and divine peace.”
Today’s Sacred Stones include:
Carnelian is used for motivation and increased creativity. It teaches us to trust in ourselves and helps us find creative solutions to current issues as it boosts self esteem and invites us to embrace our personal power while promoting positive life choices which enhance our ability to draw new forms of prosperity and abundance.
Iron Pyrite has a warm, positive energy. It teaches us to have confidence in our skills and abilities so that we are able to realize our true potential by stimulating new ideas and knowledge of our own self worth. Pyrite also helps to balance instinct with innate intuition and overall creativity.
Smoky Quartz helps to neutralize negative energy and teaches us how to work through the fear of failure which can show up during times of change and transformation. It also promotes clear insight and focus which helps us to leave behind the things that no longer serve us and make room for the blessings headed your way.
Bright blessings for a magickal day!
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