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Daily Angel Message: Simple Touch
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Cat’s Angel Message for February 26, 2024
February’s Theme: Trusting in the “unseen” and believing in yourself takes you to the next step in your personal evolution. Our keywords are “I CAN”.
It’s a good day to touch base with loved ones. ~Cat
Today’s Message:
226: Today the angels are asking us to share the gift of compassion with others.
We sometimes get caught up in our own “stuff” and forget to check on those closest to us. Never assume that loved ones will always come to you if something is needed. We have been working on self-confidence and intuition this month. Both can help you if showing others that you care is difficult. This can be hard for some people and they come across as aloof or gruff because they want to “be there” but simply don’t know how to go about it. A good opener is a simple “How are you?”, “So things are going okay for you?” Intuition goes hand in hand with compassion and if it directs you to a specific person there may be a reason behind it. Our message today is ” Gather your loved ones close, let them know you love them and never forget the healing power of a simple touch or a hug.”
Today’s Spirit Helpers include:
Archangel Zadkiel teaches us that true compassion and healing lie in our ability to forgive ourselves and others. This is especially helpful when we endeavor to lead by example. It is through forgiveness that we gain insight into what assistance will be beneficial to self and others.
The Ascended Master Maitreya (Laughing Buddha) helps us to find peace and harmony through laughter, this gives us a clear perspective and keeps our energy flowing. He tells us that laughter is sacred and when the heart is alive with joy we are connected to the Infinite and filled with Nirvana-essence. Center your mind with the intent of enjoying yourself and you will find yourself centered in the moment. Enjoy what life has to offer and enjoy the process!
The Egyptian Goddess Nuit (Nut) represents the sky and the cosmos. She is a mother goddess, a life giver. She teaches us the importance of nurturing those in our care with patience and love. As a cosmic goddess she reminds us of our divine place in the Universe and while we may feel small and insignificant the truth is far different. She says” Rejoice in your own power. It is love and patience that allow you to shape the world and make you a creator in your own right. You do not need to have born a child to be a mother this essence live within all. Embrace it and send it to those around you.”
Today’s Sacred Stones include:
Pink Banded Agate: This stone is a member of the Botswana Agate family. It teaches us how to look at our lives and see the big picture, as it helps us to use our creative problem-solving skills through focus and attention to detail. it is a good stone for women who want to embrace a more feminine attitude by drawing their nurturing side forward. Pink Banded Agate also helps us to feel good about ourselves and is said to help ease stress and anxiety.
Rose Quartz. This soft pink crystal is the ultimate nurturer of compassion and loving energy. It soothes the heart, mind, and spirit. It helps us to bring out the best part of ourselves so that we can help and heal not only ourselves but others as well.
Stilbite which helps us to find creative solutions to problems and enhances our intuition so that we can more effectively offer assistance.
Bright blessings for a magickal day!
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