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Daily Angel Message: Taking The Next Step
Written by Cat

Cat’s Angel Message for February 1, 2023
February’s Theme: Trusting in the “unseen” and believing in yourself takes you to the next step in your personal evolution. Our keywords are “I CAN”.
Believe in yourself and take the next step in your personal evolution. ~Cat
Today’s Message:
21: The new month is an invitation to take faith and self-confidence to the next level.
The work we do and the progress we make will involve stepping up and believing in yourself and in your own power. Start by embracing the “I CAN” and “I AM” consciousness to jump-start the new cycle. Stay focused on what you want to create for yourself and be open to exploring new avenues for growth and transformation. Your challenge lies in the letting go of outdated beliefs to make room for the new things headed our way.
Remember that tomorrow is Imbolc/ Candlemas which symbolizes new beginnings and growth which makes this a great time to start planting more new Thought Seeds. Sow your inner garden now, and tend to the seeds you planted last month as well. Be clear about what you want to accomplish. No need to be too grandiose in your plans as sometimes starting small is better as it provides us with more and better options. If you need direction ask the Universe and the angels for additional guidance.
Today’s Spirit Helpers include:
Archangel Raphael teaches us that it is through our spiritual journey that we can heal our selves and our lives and regain our self confidence and faith. This opens our spiritual eyes so that we may see what we have and how blessed we truly are as it teaches us how to make room for new things through the clearing out process. He helps to clear the way so that we can achieve balance by removing the blocks associated with giving and receiving by promoting flexibility in thinking and attitude.
The Ascended Master, Saint Padre Pio, keeps us on the path of spiritual and personal growth. As we continue to grow so do our abilities like intuition, compassion, and seeing through the eyes of love. His energy is strong and optimistic which helps to boost our faith and confidence.
The Greek Goddess Hecate teaches us about the importance of change. She helps us to release the past and the old things that keep us from moving on and how to accept change and transition. She tells us: ” I am the guardian of the crossroads. Remember that to move ahead you must face your fears and release the past. Change and circumstance are inviting you to choose a path. It is your choice so make the one that is best for you.”
Today’s Sacred Stones include:
Moss Agate. This gentle stone promotes new beginnings and can help release the blocks that are keeping us from moving forward. It attracts new forms of abundance and teaches us how to channel our energy in new, creative ways. Often referred to as the gardener’s stone Moss Agate helps us connect to nature, the earth, and our own inner garden as well. Carry it with you or wear it during times of new growth.
Iron Pyrite has a warm, positive energy. It teaches us to have confidence in our skills and abilities so that we are able to realize our true potential by stimulating new ideas and knowledge of our own self worth. Pyrite also helps to balance instinct with innate intuition and overall creativity.
Orbicular or Ocean Jasper helps to increase our sense of responsibility and promotes patience. It provides the strength we need to calmly deal with life’s challenges and soothes the emotional stress that can happen when we become impatient for results.
Bright blessings for a magickal day!
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